
美 [ðəmˈselvz]英 [ðəm'selvz]
  • pron.他们自己;它们自己;她们自己
  • 网络他们亲自;他们自已;代名词他们自己



1.他们自己;她们自己;它们自己used when people or animals performing an action are also affected by it

2.(用以强调 they 或复数主语)他们(或她们、它们)亲自,他们(或她们、它们)本身used to emphasizethey or a plural subject

3.(指性别不详的人时,用以代替 himself 或 herself)used instead ofhimself orherself to refer to a person whose sex is not mentioned or not known


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 117 crazy a. 疯狂的 118 themselves pron. 他(她,它)们自己 120 on the one hand (在)一方面 ...


中考英语1600个词... ... them pron. 他 / 她 / 它们(宾格) themselves pron. 他 / 她 / 它们自己 they pron. 他(她)们;它们; …


Wikipedia瞎JB学英... ... administration:n. 管理;行政;实施;行政机构 themselves:pron. 他们自己;他们亲自 least:n. 最 …


新目标英语7-9年级全部词汇详解(S-Z) ... 1351.them pron. 他们;她们 1352.themselves pron. 他们自已 1353.then adv 那时…


自己的英文怎么拼_百度知道 ... 他们自己 themselves 她们自己 themselves 我自己 myself ...


基本2000单字 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... paper 名词纸, 报纸, 论文 themselves 代名词他们自己 off 介系词与…离开, 戒 ...

Goldman said general messages warning of the dangers of alcohol do not appear to be effective with college students, at least by themselves. 戈尔德曼教授说,如果对这些学生只给予一般性的警告根本不起任何作用,至少靠他们自己是不会见效的。
It got to be such a problem that he actually prevented his troops from receiving gifts which in turn insulted the people themselves. 这样就有了这样一个问题:他实际只是禁止部队接受馈赠,换来的是对原住民的冒犯。
When I had lain awake a little while, those extraordinary voices with which silence teems, began to make themselves audible. 我睁着双眼无眠地躺了一会儿,在寂静之中又出现了奇怪的响声,一切东西都在低语。
Whereas festivals get the big bands on the stage, smaller venues are important for new bands trying to make a name for themselves. 节日里大牌乐队登台演出,但小型场地对想出名的新乐队来说是很重要的。
Yet, while most were able to make themselves understood, they made the sort of mistakes that cause misunderstandings. 然而,尽管大多数人能够让人明白他们想说什么,但他们犯下了一些会引起人们误解的错误。
Children must know how to behave themselves they must know how to answer how much they must tingk. 孩子们必须知道如何在行为举止上显示本身,他们必须知道如何做出回答,他们应该说若干话。
He reminds one of the British, who argued that Indian independence must be postponed until the natives were capable of governing themselves. 他让我想起了一个英国人的话:印度的独立一定要推迟到他们有能力管理自己之后。
The Congress and others have to ask themselves whether it is possible to maintain an agreement without either sanctions or incentives. 国务诸公及其他人士务请自问:没有奖励,也无惩罚,一项协议如何能得以维持。
You do not have to get certified to convey what you know to someone else or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves. 你不必获得资质认可就可以把你的知识传授给他人,或在他们自学过程中给予帮助。
In juggling multiple goals and increasing the likelihood of meeting them, it is often useful to first focus on the goals themselves. 在多重目标以及在增强实现多重目标可能性的游戏中,先着眼于目标本身往往是有效的。
"China almost certainly won't tamper with its existing reserves, as they would be shooting themselves in the foot, " he said. 他说:“中国几乎肯定不会改变其现有储备,因那将会搬起石头砸自己的脚。”
I've learnt that as much as you want to be there for you friends, there are just some things that they have to do for themselves. 我懂得了,尽管你希望尽可能多地帮助朋友,可是他们总要自己去处理一些事情。
The biggest mistake people are easy to make, is to think working for others, not themselves. 人们易犯的最大的错误,就是认为自己是为别人而不是为自己工作。
In ungulates, the young are born in an advanced stage of development and can fend for themselves in a few days. 有蹄目动物的幼仔出生时处于发育的高级阶段,能够在几天内照料自己。
3 Asking for a favor against him, that he would summon him to Jerusalem, they themselves setting an ambush to do away with him on the way. 徒二五3不断恳求非斯都,向他求情对付保罗,将他提到耶路撒冷来,他们要在路上埋伏杀害他。
VISITORS, taxi drivers and residents are bracing themselves for a bit of confusion in the port-city of Durban, now also known as eThekwini. 游客、出租车司机与当地居民都在准备如何应对在南非港市出现的一些混乱现象,这座城市现在已经被改名为特克维尼(eThekwini)。
To be able to accomplish for themselves all that they are capable of. 为了能够让他们都能实现自我,所有他们能力可及的。
And Judah gathered themselves together, to ask help of the LORD: even out of all the cities of Judah they came to seek the LORD. 于是犹大人聚会,求耶和华帮助。犹大各城都有人出来寻求耶和华。
Funds are trying to distinguish themselves by focusing on countries (Japan and China) or instruments (emerging-market currencies). 基金正在尝试通过转向一些国家(日本和中国)或者产品(新兴市场货币)来打开市场。
It looks at how people can deal with complex information and sort it out for themselves. 它的目的是看人们是如何处理复杂的信息,并根据自己的需要把信息分类。
Police themselves used Twitter to reassure and calm the public, as it pointed out that there was no trouble and they were not at risk. 警察自己也是用推特来安慰公众,并指出事实上并没有发生神马麻烦,他们也没有面临神马危险。
They know that she did not put themselves in a correct position. 他们都知道她没有摆正自己的位置。
On that day, Turkey will take away the right of virtually every one of its citizens to call themselves a millionaire. 到那一天,土耳其将取消其公民自称为百万富翁的权利。
The children have had to resign themselves to the fact that their father has gone. 孩子们不得不接受父亲已去世这一事实。
From then on, my feeling is no longer MengMengDongDong, all day oneself imprisoned in set themselves up "cage" . 从那时起,我的感觉不再懵懂,自己囚禁在自己设置的牢笼中。
Business is suspended for a time. Young fellows lay aside their school work and give themselves up to merriment and joy. 生意暂停一段时间,年轻人把学业暂时搁置一旁,尽情享受快乐。
How then, if at all, can the outside world cajole China in a direction that seems to make such sense for the Chinese themselves? 那么,如果可以的话,外部世界如何才能劝说中国向一个似乎对中国人很明智的方向走呢?
Tracy McGrady could not bear to watch the Finals. This, he said, had nothing to do with the Finals themselves. At least not in his case. 麦迪已经不能忍受(只是)看总决赛了。他说,他们和总决赛无关。至少不在他(想象)的情况中。
On Halloween the children rig themselves up in funny clothes. 万圣节前夕孩子们穿上各种滑稽的服装。
While a management firm's business development people may welcome researchers, the managers themselves do not always see the benefits. 虽然基金管理公司的业务发展人员可能会对调查人员表示欢迎,但基金经理自身却并不总是能看到好处。