
美 [θru]英 [θru:]
  • v.throw(扔、投掷)的过去式
  • 网络抛;丢

过去分词:thrown 第三人称单数:throws 现在分词:throwing 单数:throw

throw ball,throw party,throw hat,throw towel,throw shadow


小学生要掌握的英语动词过去式!_百度知道 ... tell told 告诉 throw threw ,抛 win won 赢得 ...


以w结尾的英语英文单词 ... thaw 解冻,溶化 threw 的过去式;抛;投掷 throw 投掷;摔倒 ...


新概念第一册课文(131~143)_Flying_新浪博客 ... prosecute 依法处置 ( threw; thrown) 扔,抛 Don't be so sure! 别那么肯定…

所以与其把话说得很漂亮,不如把话说得很彻底。就是以王建民受伤史,以及这样的年纪,不能只是「(threw)」球而己,需 …


以w结尾的英语英文单词 ... thaw 解冻,溶化 threw 的过去式;抛;投掷 throw 投掷;摔倒 ...

If I threw these keys away then those doors will be closed forever. And that shouldn't be up to me to decide, should it? 要是我把它们扔掉那些门就会永远锁着。这点不应该由我作主,对不对?
He threw himself upon his back and wallow at my feet. 他四脚朝天地倒下去,在我脚边打滚。
He also threw Charal into the dungeon for her failure, and took the magical ring that was the source of her transformation abilities. 查拉尔因行事不力,也被投进地牢,还被夺走魔法戒指,失去了变身能力。
ODDLY for such a champion of family values, Mitt Romney once threw stones at his wife. 像米特•罗姆尼这么一位家庭观念至上的人,居然向妻子扔过石头,真是不可思议。
She threw off her cloak, cast it aside, and sat down, staring at her white and trembling hands clasped in her lap. 纳西莎脱掉斗篷扔到一边,坐了下来,眼睛盯着自己那双交叉在膝盖上的苍白颤抖的手。
to my astonishment , he threw out the book and screamed at me with a furious look on his face. 令我惊讶的是他把那本书丢出去,并满脸怒色的对我尖叫。
The boss threw us a curve ball when he announced that each employee would have to bring his own food to the company picnic. 老板宣布每个职工自己带食物参加公司野餐时,我们都感到惊讶。
In a little while he rose to the surface of the water with the ball in his mouth, and threw it on the grass. 过了一会,他嘴里衔着球浮出水面,把球丢在草地上。
With that she turned to girl into a block of wood and threw it into the fire. 说罢将姑娘变成了一段木头,扔进了火堆。
The Emperor leapt to his feet, and taking a lance from a stand of arms, he threw it at me. 皇帝一跃而起,自武器架子上取了一支长矛朝我掷来。
Or rather, he threw two. Both were aimed at the head of George W. Bush, as he gave a press conference in Baghdad this weekend. 准确地说,他扔了两只鞋,全都瞄准乔治·W·布什的脑袋,那是本周末在巴格达的记者招待会上。
When Carol found out her boyfriend had been cheating on her, she just hit the ceiling and threw all his stuff out of the window. 当Carol发现男朋友一直对她不忠时,她气疯了,把他的东西都扔了出去。
As it got up speed it widened and threw out everything which came into its path, like a gyrating tornado. 它起身速度扩大,并抛出了一个回转的龙卷风一样,走进它的路径的一切。
Franois and Perrault were in their tent, but when he went in, they shouted angrily and threw things at him. 可是,巴克进去时,他们就会愤怒地大叫,还把东西向它这边儿扔过来。
After driving a short while, she rolled down the car window and threw it out into a field. 在开了一小段路程后,她摇下车窗,把他丈夫的命根仍在了野地。
I asked her to put her clothes away tidily but she just threw them in the corner any old how. 我叫她把衣服整齐地放好,可是她只是胡乱地把它们扔在角落里。
The next day we carted the chest miles away and threw it out. 第二天,我们用马车把衣柜拉到好几英里之外扔了。
I boxed up all the silly stuff, writing and acting and goofing about, and threw it in an attic somewhere. I shut the door. I moved on. 我把所有那些愚蠢的东西——写作和演戏——塞到箱子里,并把它们扔在阁楼里的某个角落。随后我关上房门,继续我的生活。
Then he threw it on the table, got up, walked towards the door and began to examine the dirty pictures on the wall. 接着,他又把书扔在桌上,站起来,走到门口,开始认真查看墙上的脏画。
Sina Guang found a stone near the vat, and he lifted the stone very high and threw it towards the vat. 司马光在缸旁看见一块石头,他高高地举起那块石头朝水缸砸了过去!
Suddenly, McCarty threw his head back, bellowed out a wordless roar and hit his own chest with balled fists. 可突然间,麦卡迪头往后一甩,大喊一声,握紧拳头,捶打自己的胸口。
Emmons threw himself into the arms of his wife Katerina, who just won a gold and a silver from the Beijing Olympics. 埃蒙斯把自己埋入了爱妻卡特琳娜的怀中,而卡特琳娜刚从北京奥运会上赢得了一金一银。
Isaacs adds that Palin threw in a bit of French with a quick quip of "Merci beaucoup" while leaving one of the centers. 萨克斯还说,佩林法国扔在一个位与中心的快速妙语“谢谢博库”的同时使之一。
When Bertha was alone in her room she threw herself down on her bed and burst into tears. 当伯莎独自呆在房间里时,她扑倒在床上,突然大哭起来。
One of his best games in Atleti colours but threw it all away when he got himself sent off late in the game for a rash tackle on Uche. 这是他马竞的最好比赛之一,但是很遗憾,在比赛的最后,他因对乌切犯规而被罚出场。
A woman widely reported to be an American threw off her coat, swam the 65 feet to the drowning woman and expertly hauled her to shore. 一名美国人脱掉外套,游了65英尺,到达溺水女子身边,并把她拖到岸上。
Without another word I pulled her off the bed and threw her on to the floor. And then I fell upon her like a tiger! 没多说话,我把她拖下床推倒在地,然后像头老虎一样扑了上去!
Even in this very beginning of a tendency to feel despondent he threw back his head, expanded his chest, and walked as briskly as ever. 就在刚觉得失望的时候,他把头一仰,挺出胸膛,象平常一般精神抖擞地走着。
It was whispered , by those who peered after her , that the scarlet letter threw a lurid gleam along the dark passage way of the interior. 那些目光随着她身影窥视的人耳语着说,她胸前的红字在牢内黑漆漆的通路上投下一道血红的闪光。
But I was sick and tried of being a tenant at the mercy of landlords. So I threw my hands up and said: the hell with it. 可我对做一个受房东们任意摆布的房客烦死了。于是我举起双手说道:让它见鬼去吧!