
美 [ˈtaɪdi]英 ['taɪdi]
  • v.整理;使整洁;使整齐;使有条理
  • adj.整洁的;整齐的;井然有序的;井井有条的
  • n.盛零碎物品的容器

比较级:tidier 最高级:tidiest 过去式:tidied 第三人称单数:tidies 现在分词:tidying

tidy room
tidy sum


1.整洁的;整齐的;井然有序的;井井有条的arranged neatly and with everything in order

2.爱整洁的;爱整齐的keeping things neat and in order

3.[obn](informal)高额的;可观的atidy amount of money is fairly large


...晚上我来得最早,一来就打扫(sweeped)屋子、整理(tidied)坐席,正是出于这个原因。等你们都到齐的时候,这间房子并不显 …

Could he have had his face tidied up a bit in advance of his bid to reclaim the presidency next year? 他还会在下一次总统竞选之前将自己的面容变的更加紧致吗?
She hastened to wipe the soap bubbles off her hands with her apron, tidied up her hair, and greeted him with a beaming smile. 秀嫂赶忙用围裙擦了擦手上的肥皂泡,把散落在额头上的碎发弄巴实,满面笑容上前迎客。
Wonder how they are finding things upstairs . I hope she had it a little more tidied up there . 不知道楼上证据找得怎么样了。我希望她把那里收拾得更整洁一些。
You keep telling the children that their room is in a mess. Isn't it time you began to practise what you preach and tidied up the garage? 你老是对孩子们说他们的屋子太乱了,难道你不也该按自己的话去做,将车库搞得整洁一些?
Late at night, when everyone is finally asleep, the dishwasher is humming along and I've tidied up everything, I turn into a couch potato. 深夜,大家终于都睡着了,只剩下洗碗机嗡嗡地响着,我把一切都收拾完毕,变成了一个“沙发土豆”。
It was difficult to tell that anyone had stayed here. Plates, cups, knives and forks had been carefully tidied away. 难以判断有人在这里呆过,盘,碗,刀,叉都放得整整齐齐。
After moving into a new residence, there was a sudden blackout and darkness in the house before the hostess tidied up. 乔迁新居,女主人还没收拾完毕,突然停电了,室内一片漆黑。
Yesterday, I shared the main part of the kitchen that I tidied and organized and brought back to normalcy. 昨天我分享了厨房的主要部分,并且将其打扫干净,使其恢复原样。
Rich brocade the below took out a pottery jar from the bed, this time that still tidied up last time discovered in the mattress bottom. 锦绣从床底下掏出了个陶罐子来,这还是上次收拾的时候在床底发现的。
But once all the peripheral issues had been tidied up and the negotiators were left to share out raw power, the talks stalled yet again. 但是,一旦所有这些外围的事情都处理好之后,代表们就面临着权力分配的问题了,这时,谈判再次停滞。
A mouse, the courage not small, hiding in a hole loudly rang: "a cat, have what fantastic? See me out of hole, how tidied up you! " 一只小老鼠,胆子可不小,躲在洞里大声嚷:“一只小猫,有啥了不起?看我出洞去,怎么收拾你!”
But their balance sheets have been tidied up and their local government owners hope western expertise will help to drive profitability. 但它们的资产负债表现在已清理干净,作为其所有人的地方政府希望,西方的专业知识能够帮助它们提升盈利能力。
It is basically the same as the code below, just tidied up to eliminate redundancy. 它基本上与下面的代码相同,只不过稍作了整理以避免冗余。
We worked in the garden for two hours and the sum total of all our efforts was only one flower bed weeded and tidied. 我们在花园里工作了两个小时,结果我们的全部劳动成果仅仅是在一个花坛里除了草并进行了整理。
Pierre fed the rest of the body into the press and tidied up. 皮尔斯把剩下的部分尸体塞进榨酒机并收拾干净。
'I've tidied up the bathroom and made up the bed. ' 我已经打扫好了浴室,床上也做了整理。
She always tidied up her own bedding, to stop the others from prying and perhaps spoiling the small box of cosmetics hidden there. 她总是把自己的铺盖收拾得很整齐的,为的是不要别人去翻看或者弄坏了她藏在里面的一盒化妆品。
I moved the chairs back from the fire and tidied the living room. The muddy prints of small sandals were still wet upon my hearth. 我把椅子从火边移开,打扫了起居室,地面上那小小的泥泞的脚印还没有干;
DC was here for 10 days. During his stay, he cooked, and he tidied the flat. He even scratched my back and applied hand lotion for me. DC在这里逗留了10天。期间,他替我烧饭,清洁房子,他甚至替我搔背和涂护手霜。
We'd better get the place tidied up; the top brass are coming tomorrow. 我们最好把这个地方收拾一下,上级明天要来。
Bethune launched a nurses' training school, tidied up the local base hospital. 白求恩举办了一个护士训练班,整顿了当地的后方医院。
Both announcements bore a whiff of panic: they were made during steep falls in bank shares and the fine print was tidied up afterwards. 这两项新令带来一阵恐慌:他们是在银行股急剧下跌期间制定的,并且附属的例外条件被一并购销。
Few minutes, her son stood up and walked away, and the woman also tidied up her tools and planned to go home. 过了一会,她儿子站起来走了,那位大姐也收拾了一下庄稼打算要回去。
But the citizens of Brighton do not want things too much tidied up or modernised. 但是布莱顿的市民好像并不想让事情太整洁或者现代化。
Smile to make middling tidied up a bowl of chopsticks, the everyones entire return to house to do preparation. 笑闹中收拾了碗筷,各人都回了屋子去做准备。
When he tidied up his grandfather 's old house , he found many former things . 他在整理祖父的老宅时,发现了许多过去的东西。
Because of our work-together and reasonable dividing of work, it only took us less than an hour to make our house tidied-up and clean. 经过我们全家人的团结努力,分工合理。不到一个小时就把整个家整理的井井有条、清洁。
He had found it, so he told me, when he tidied up some drawers at home. 他已经发现了它,所以在他在家整理一些抽屉的时候他就告诉了我。
He has tidied up the city somewhat and cut the number of rough sleepers. 他稍微整洁了一下城市并减少了无家可归者的数量。
In the decades after his death, three successive versions appeared that were variously sanitized, abridged and tidied up. 在他死后数十年,连续三个版本似乎受到不同程度和谐,删节和整理。