
美 [ˈtaɪdi]英 ['taɪdi]
  • v.整理;使整洁;使整齐;使有条理
  • adj.整洁的;整齐的;井然有序的;井井有条的
  • n.盛零碎物品的容器
  • 网络收拾

比较级:tidier 最高级:tidiest 过去式:tidied 第三人称单数:tidies 现在分词:tidying

tidy room
tidy sum


1.整洁的;整齐的;井然有序的;井井有条的arranged neatly and with everything in order

2.爱整洁的;爱整齐的keeping things neat and in order

3.[obn](informal)高额的;可观的atidy amount of money is fairly large


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1744 protect v 保护 1745 tidy adj 整洁的;整齐的 1746 dustbin n 垃圾箱 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1744 protect v 保护 1745 tidy adj 整洁的;整齐的 1746 dustbin n 垃圾箱 ...


初中英语单词表:外研社初二英语(下册) ... a stamp/coin collection 邮票╱硬币收藏品 tidy 整理, 收拾 doll 玩偶,洋娃娃 ...


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... tide n. 潮汐;潮流 51. tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的 52. trace vt. 追踪,找到 ...


初中英语单词表:外研社初二英语(下册) ... a stamp/coin collection 邮票╱硬币收藏品 tidy 整理, 收拾 doll 玩偶,洋娃娃 ...


一至六年级的所有英语单词(要分年级)_百度知道 ... thing 事情106. tidy 整理,收拾 107. today 今天108. ...

"We are so busy trying to tidy up all this wreckage, " he said. 堀河说:“我们现在忙于清理这些破损残骸。”
And then clean up and tidy the room, sundries too much of what I have to ask my sister to help. 然后把房间收拾整齐,杂物太多我不得不请求我妹妹帮忙。最后是要把地面打扫干净,把垃圾扔掉。
A: You know, our apartment building would be so beautiful if the people who lived here would help to keep it tidy. 你知道的,如果住在这里人愿意帮忙保持整洁的话,我们的公寓楼会漂亮很多。
There were pieces of me all over the tidy, tan tiles. He kept talking, telling me why he was his fault and out mine. 他一直在说话,解释着为什么要离开,说什么只是最好的,我可以做得更好,都是他的错,与我无关。
An affection, would rather take out to tidy up than cover up deeply, throw to still stay, give it a parlance, hand over to treat for own 1. 一段感情,与其深埋,不如拿出来清理,丢还是留,给它一个说法,给自己一个交待。
Connie hesitated, she ought to go. But she looked round the clean, tidy, rather dreary little sitting-room with something like dismay. 她应该走了,但是她用着一种颓丧的样子,向这所整洁的,有点忧郁的小屋子四下打量着。
Nico Rosberg has revealed he will be happy to stay with Williams in 2010 as long as the Grove team remains able to produce a tidy package. 罗斯伯格透露,他将很乐意留在威廉姆斯在2010年,只要格罗夫队仍然能够产生一个整齐封装。
The only way to keep the garage clean and tidy is to clean it out thoroughly once a year. 保持车库整洁的唯一办法就是每年彻底打扫一次。
"It is so naughty of him not to wipe his feet, " Wendy said, sighing. She was a tidy child. “他真淘气,玩完了也不扫地。”温迪说,叹了一口气。她是个爱整洁的孩子。
The key point is that it would not be the real Shenzhen and a sports event does not warrant such a "tidy" city. 最重要的是这样的深圳不是最真是的深圳,而一场运动会也不是非要如此“整洁”的城市不可吧?
It was a bit of a shock to be declared redundant, but since I had a tidy sum of money saved I was. 被宣布解雇颇令人震惊,但是由于我存了相当大的一笔钱,我并不为立即另找工作而忧心忡忡。
She was wearing dirty, old clothes and no stockings, her hair was not tidy, she had dust on her face, and she looked dirty and tired. 她穿着一身又脏又旧的衣服,没穿长统袜,披头散发,满脸灰尘,显得又脏又累。
Eg. You can tell her to tidy her room until you are blue in the face, but she won't listen to you. 尽管你无数遍地要她把自己的房间收拾干净,他就是听不进去。
However hard you try, it's difficult to make this kind of bootstrapping code neat, tidy, and easy to read. 无论多么努力地尝试,使此类引导代码优雅、干净、易读也是非常困难的。
There is the parsonage: a tidy-looking house, and I understand the clergyman and his wife are very decent people. 那儿是牧师住宅,房子显得很整洁,据我所知,牧师和他的妻子都是正派人。
I grew up in Tucson in a small, tidy home without an air conditioner or a TV. 我生长于图森,我的家小而整洁,没有空调也没有电视机。
People admit to being bookworms in the same way they admit to being "just too tidy really" , or "a bit of a workaholic" . 人们总是乐于承认自己是“书虫”,那种态度就如说,“我真是太整洁了”或者“我有点工作狂”。
School, she would like to conclude a good tidy up around the house, he knew, his father always did not like dirty. 开学前,她想最后把家好好整理一下,他知道,父亲一向不喜欢脏乱的。
At the thought of these, I messed up my tidy hair, and stuck my tongue at it. 我想到这些,立马把原本好好的头发搞得一团糟,又乱吐舌头。
But Mrs Conlon knew how tidy she was, her house impeccable, and with a picture of the Queen on the wall. 但是康伦知道Annie是一个受干净的人,她的房子一尘不染,墙上挂着一幅女王像。
There's nothing tidy about sticking your arm deep into a cow's backside, getting up to your elbows in warm and gooey bovine innards. 把你的手臂插进牛的屁股里直到肘部,让你的手臂沉浸在温暖粘稠的牛内脏中。这确实是件挺恶心的事儿。
In an uncharacteristic urge for neatness, I decided to tidy the collection into a single iTunes library. 出于一种对整洁的不同寻常的渴望,我决定把这些藏曲清理到一个单独的iTunes曲库中。
As always, one feels it won't be long before Porto sell him for a multi-million euro transfer fee and a tidy profit. 依照经验,这离波尔图卖掉他来换取千万欧元转会费赚取丰厚利润的日子不远了。
His construction supervisor was just leaving in his pickup truck as I walked up to his simple, small and tidy home. Mike met me at the door. 他的建筑监理人刚坐着他的卡车离开,我就进了他那窄小而简朴整洁的家,迈克站在门口迎接我。
Office staff please tidy up the office, be ready to meet them & answer questions. 办公室工作人员请收拾办公室,准备迎接他们回答问题。
Actually running a household sort of takes the novelty out of pretending to make dinner, do the ironing, and tidy the kitchen. 实际上,过家家就是拿出一堆小玩具假装做饭、烫衣服,还有打扫厨房。
You never tidy your room, you're lazy, you never clean your shoes and I have to tell you to take a bath. 你永远不收拾自己的房间,你真懒惰,又永远不清洁鞋子,还要我叫你去洗澡。
The world is not as tidy a place as it appeared to be before the second world war, but not all modernist housing was a failure either. 世界已经不再像二战前呈现一副井井有序的模样,不过现代主义住宅也不都是失败之作。
All this in a nice, tidy package that's affordable to the masses and pays out a five-figure income! 所有这一切都在一个不错的,整洁的软件包的负担得起的群众并支付了5位数的收入!
When a region has such a diversity of problems, it is good to tidy-up in this way, get some problems behind you for good. 当一个区域有如此繁多的问题时,最好能以这种方式来处理,将某些问题永远甩掉。