
美 [θæŋk]英 [θæŋk]
  • v.谢谢;(为某事)道谢
  • n.感谢
  • 网络致谢;谢意;感激

第三人称单数:thanks 现在分词:thanking 过去式:thanked

sincerely thank



1.谢谢,感谢(某人);(为某事)道谢to tell sb that you are grateful for sth


have sb to thank (for sth)

责怪;由…负责;多亏;归功于used when you are saying who is responsible for sth

Ill thank you for sth/to do sth

(用以表示恼火,不让人做某事)请你…used to tell sb that you are annoyed and do not want them to do sth

thank God/goodness/heaven(s) (for sth)

谢天谢地used to say that you are pleased about sth

thank your lucky stars

真走运;吉星高照to feel very grateful and lucky about sth

sb wont thank you for sth

某人会因…而生气used to say that sb will not be pleased or will be annoyed about sth


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... excuse v. 原谅;宽恕 thank v. 感谢 OK interj. 好;不错 ...


北师大版七年级英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... ten 十 thank 感谢,道谢 thirteen 十三 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... than conj. 比 thank vt. 感谢,致谢,道谢 n. (复)感谢,谢意 thankful a. 感谢的,感激的 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... than conj. 比 thank vt. 感谢,致谢,道谢 n. (复)感谢,谢意 thankful a. 感谢的,感激的 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... than conj. (比较级)比 thank vt. 谢谢,感谢 n.感谢 the art. (定冠词)这,那 ...


六级短语总结100句|英语六级词汇 ... 99. appreciate + 事或物 感激 100. thank + 人 感激 51. on the agenda 在议事日程上 ...

Your reality: That thank-you email was a show of good manners, not a subtle hint for him to ask you out again. 真实的你:你写这封邮件只是出于礼貌,并非给他一个暗示“我想再次约你”。
As I conclude, let me say thank you for putting so much smart science in the service of humanity. 作为结束语,请允许我向你们表示感谢,感谢你们为人类服务奉献出的聪明才智。
remember you changed my life in so many way I just look back to how I used to be and how you dealt with me just want to thank you for. 请记得你在如此大的程度上改变了我的生活我只要回过头去看从前的我和你与我相处的方式就只想谢谢你
sorry! I do not know foreign languages, and can only be translated using translation software; inappropriate, please forgive me! Thank you! 抱歉!我不懂外语,只能借助翻译软件来进行翻译;不当之处,敬请原谅!谢谢!
Some words can be difficult to turn a simple place, thank you, and relatively long, well I would add points. 有的难翻的词可以用简单的代替,谢谢了,比较长,好的我会再加分的。
Thank you. How much I owe you? 谢谢你,我要付你多少呢?
And with that, I think I should give up the stage, so, thank you so much. 在此,我想我应该下去了,非常感谢大家(听我的演讲)。
Thank you for your concern, thank you for your help, mom, i appreciate all that you have done for me. 感谢您的关怀,感谢您的帮助,感谢您为我所做的一切。
Thank you for understanding how much he needs me. 谢谢你能理解他是多么的需要我。
I may not always be a model student, but I do thank you for all that you have do ne. 我也许不是个模范生,但我真的感谢您所做的一切。
She smiled to me as a way of saying "thank you" and I smiled back to her. 我也对她笑了笑,告诉她这没关系,别客气。
You did not make passing exams and getting good grades, the only reason for learning. Thank you for showing us that study can be fun. 您没有通过考试获得好成绩成为学习的唯一理由。感谢您使我们明白学习也能够变得乐趣无穷。
"That's nothing. I fell, " she said. The words in her mouth formed like "thank you" and "hello" . “没什么。我摔了一下,”她说。语气平常得就像说“谢谢”和“你好”。
"My feeling is, no matter how you treated me, you raised me to this point, so I should thank you, " he says. “我的感觉是,不管你怎样地对待我,既然你抚养我到这个份上,这样我就该谢谢你,”他说道。
Thank you, but How much please? 谢谢,需要多少钱?
Thank you. How much will this cost? 谢谢你。这个要多少钱?
Thank you, Jim, ' said he, quite loudly, 'that was all I wanted to know, ' as if he had asked me a question. “谢谢你,吉姆,”他说,声音很大,“我想知道的就这些。”好像他问了我个问题似的。
With a follow-up letter, you want to thank the person for spending time with you and reiterate your interest in the position. 在信件中,你需要去感谢对方花时间在你身上,并且重申你对该职位很有兴趣。
Thank you for your request for a trial delivery of ceramic resistors but regret to say that we cannot agree to your proposal. 感谢您的陶瓷电阻交付审判的请求你,但遗憾地说,我们不能同意你的建议。
Thank you for your interest in Committ System Pte Ltd products and services. We would like to hear any comments or requests you may have. 感谢您对康密的产品和服务有兴趣,我们很乐意的想知道您的意见和需要。
We thank you for your inquiry of copper sheet, for which we quote you as below, and hope to be favoured with your order . 感谢贵公司对铜板之询盘,现报价如下,敬请惠顾订货为盼。
He did not even thank the boy. Instead, he told him to run along, now, or he might be late for school. 他都不谢一声这个男孩,反而叫他快跑,还说不然上学就要迟到了。
He asked me to transfer regards to you all, thank you for your care and support over the years and wish you all a happy stay here. 他让我向大家问好,感谢大家这些年来对他的关心和支持,祝大家工作生活一切顺利。
Well it's part rock, part dance, part nervous breakdown, if you could spread the word for the upcoming album then thank you! ! ! 嗯,它(的风格)有些摇滚,有些舞曲,有些nervousbreakdown,非常感谢如果你们能为即将到来的新专辑把这些话传播出去!!!
I wish to thank each and every one of you who have come here today to take a stand against violence and for peace. 我要感谢今天来参加集会的每一个人,你们已经表明了反对暴力、支持和平的立场。
You have put a lot of effort into helping out a work colleague. What is the best thing you could say after they thank you for your help? 你费了很大劲帮一位同事忙。他们说谢谢你的帮助后你能说什么最好的话?
I thank each of you for the many blessings that poured through my fellow map carvers due to my sharing of my experience of bardo. 我感谢你们每个人由于我对中阴身的分享,而通过我的地图绘制者同胞所源源流淌的诸多祝福。
she shows it to her mother and says, here is a card for you , mum, her mother is very happy. thank you, Dally, she says. 她给她母亲看了明信片并说到,“这是给您的卡片,妈妈。”她母亲非常开心并说:“谢谢你,戴利,你长大了。”
Thank you for your email, and I'll be happy to confirm that your order was canceled once more. 谢谢你的回邮!我很抱歉地说,又一次取消你的订单!
We share so much together and you always pull me through Thank you for standing behind me In all that I do. 我们一起分享了那么多,你一直帮助我渡过难关。谢谢你一直支持我,不管我做什么。