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If you're going to work from home, be it a day here or there, or full-time, you'll want to plan it out. 如果你要在家里工作,无论在家兼职或全职,你都要计划一下。
It's a little secret, but sometimes women want to get off just as much as men do without having to plan an all-day primping session. 这是个小秘密,但是有时候女人和男人一样,不想要花很长的时间来精心准备,而是直接开始。。
Go grocery shopping once a week. You'll save money and time if you make the effort to plan for a week and to shop for it all at once. 一周去一次杂货店。在去购物前如果你能列出计划,在购物时一次买清将为你节省时间和钱。
She's already stepped down from her post at the company but isn't kicking her feet up -- after all, there is a party of the century to plan. 凯特早已离开PartyPieces原先的职位,但目前并非无事一身轻——毕竟,还有一个世纪派对要规划。
Should be able to plan and execute projects on time, manage budgets, build partnerships and think out of the box. 必须能够按时策划项目、管理预算、建立合作关系和灵活思维。
It would do no good for him to plan his wingspan and colors or to wish to remain in the snug safety of the tiny world he has known. 对他来说去计划他的翅展和色彩,或者去希望呆在他已经知道的微小世界的舒适安全里,将没有好处。
do you think a child should be allowed to plan his own future without the interference of his parents? 你认为一个孩子应该被允许不受父母的干涉计划自己的未来吗?
You may have to plan activities which you know interests them so they don't just see you as their parent, but as a cool parent. 那么,你就要安排计划一些他们有兴趣的活动,这样他们就不会只把你当做传统意义的、一般的父母,而是觉得自己的父母很酷。
Wiley Post began to plan another flight around the world. This time he would go alone. 威利.波斯特开始计划另一次环球飞行,这次他要单独飞行。
Things appeared to be going to plan when Friaca gave the home side the lead, but Uruguay's response was to rock Brazil to its very core. 当弗里亚萨帮助巴西队取得领先时,一切都似乎朝着计划的方向发展,但乌拉圭人的反击刺痛了所有巴西人的心。
Six months before my birthday, I asked him to plan a party for me. He said he thought it was a great idea and would take care of it. 在我生日半年之前,我就跟他说为我策划一个生日聚会。他说想到了个好主意并且会记着的。
If everything had gone to plan Estelle would be about to embark on a flight from her Beijing home to England for her honeymoon. 如果一切按照按计划进行,28岁的品牌经理Estelle原本即将从北京飞往英国度蜜月。
If appropriate, ask your guests to plan and prepare a meal or two or at least help out in the kitchen. 如果合适的话,让你的客人和你一起讨论吃什么,一起准备一两餐或者至少叫他来厨房帮忙。
If you'd like to plan a visit to the Hallelujah Mountains for your next vacation, your best bet is to see "Avatar" for the seventh time. 如果你有兴趣在下个假期游览哈利路亚山你最好的选择恐怕就是把阿凡达多看几次了。
She used to work for her parents' party supplies company, but quit this winter to plan her wedding. 之前的她一直在父母的派对用品公司工作,不过她在冬季的时候离开去策划自己的婚礼。
One of the key duties as a bridesmaid is to help to plan the bridal shower and bachelorette party with other bridesmaids. bridemaid一个职责时的关键是要帮助规划的婚纱淋浴和未婚党与其他伴娘。
Looking back, I realize it would have been better to plan ahead for the family demands and ask ahead for a week of vacation to meet them. 回过头来看,我意识到,当时应该提前为家事做好计划,提前请一周的假来处理家事。
Part of the appeal of bottled water, after all, was that you didn't have to plan ahead by filling a canteen. 瓶装水的一部分吸引力就是,你不需要把费劲地去填满器具柜。
Whether you are a seasoned hospitality professional or just beginning to plan your career, we invite you to discover Marriott. 无论你是经验丰富的专业人才还是刚刚开始规划梦想,我们诚邀您来体验万豪!
There has been a downturn in the market, there's no doubt, but we still have to plan. 毫无疑问,市场一直不太景气,但我们还是要有规划。
The earliest I would see it would be very late in the year. We have to plan for a slow, steady recovery. 我认为,美国经济的复苏最早也要在今年很晚的时候才会出现。我们要为缓慢而平稳的复苏做好准备。
Today, sunny, mom and dad, and I set to plan, early to get out of bed, take a camera, water, fruit and what not, ready to west three outing. 今天,阳光明媚,我和妈妈、爸爸,按照预定的计划,早早地起了床,拿好了相机、水、水果等东西,准备去西三踏青。
The system, which can be used to plan optimum flight schedules up to six years in advance, is unique in the industry. 本系统最多可预先规划未来六年的最佳航班时间表,为航运业的一项创举。
But this stance will not always get you to plan B for less significant, but nevertheless inevitable, reversals of fortune. 但是,对于那么有重要意义,然而却不可避免的命运转变,用这种姿态不一定总能让你得到备选计划。
He took the notebook we were using to plan our wedding, lit it on fire, and said, "I think we need to start over. " 他拿起我们策划婚礼的本子点火烧掉了,说:咱们还是从头再考虑一遍吧。
The time it takes to plan and build a nuclear power station tends to be longer than most politicians are in power. 设计和建造一家核电厂花去的时间要比大部分政治家掌权的时间要多。
Didier Drogba was also given a run-out, with his appearance off the bench suggesting his recovery from injury is going to plan. 德罗巴看来仍然还需要休息,从他昨天替补出场的表现来看,他尚未从伤势中完全恢复过来。
It is up to you to live your dreams. For now I'm going to continue to plan my round the world trip and continue to follow my dream. 追寻你的梦想完全取决于你自己。对我来说,我会继续计划并追寻我的环游世界之梦。
I've never been able to plan my life. I just lurch from indecision to indecision. 我从来都没能够计划安排我的生活。我是从一次犹豫不决跌撞到下一次犹豫不决。
Therefore the final piece of advice is to plan ahead, because you can take a business with you. 因此,最后一条建议是提前规划,因为你可能会连企业一起“带走”。