
美 [toʊst]英 [təʊst]
  • n.干杯;祝酒;敬酒;烤面包片
  • v.为…举杯敬酒;为…干杯;烤(尤指面包);把…烤得焦黄
  • 网络吐司;土司;祝酒词

复数:toasts 现在分词:toasting 过去式:toasted

drink toast


n. v.

1.[u]烤面包片;吐司slices of bread that have been made brown and crisp by heating them on both sides in a toaster or under a grill

2.[c]~ (to sb/sth)干杯;祝酒;敬酒the act of a group of people wishing sb happiness, success, etc. by drinking a glass of sth, especially alcohol, at the same time

3.[sing]the ~ of…(在某领域)广受赞誉的人,有口皆碑的人a person who is praised by a lot of people in a particular place because of sth that they have done well


be toast

会死;要完蛋to be likely to die or be destroyed


吐司toast) 原料别名:法式面包 原料分类:速食食品 食用提示:每餐约80克包。 吐司面包是西式面包的一...[详细]紫甘蓝 …


土字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 土石方〖 earthwork;cubicmetreofearthandstone〗 土司toast〗 土俗〖 localcustom〗 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... impression n 印象;感想 toast n 干杯;烤面包(片);吐司面包 napkin n 餐巾;餐巾纸 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... impression n 印象;感想 toast n 干杯;烤面包(片);吐司面包 napkin n 餐巾;餐巾纸 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... compliment 称赞;恭维 toast 敬酒;祝酒 unfamiliar 不熟悉的;陌生 ...


洛奇的料理技能_百度知道 ... Taitinn Carp Stew 炖鲤鱼 Toast 烤面包片 Roasted Potato 烤马铃薯 ...


2014年马年新年祝酒词 ... 划时代的祝酒词: An Epoch-making Toast 祝酒词toast) 祝酒词: toast|Toasting ...


九年级英语单词表 ... compliment 称赞;恭维 toast 敬酒;祝酒 unfamiliar 不熟悉的;陌生 ...

On school and work days, breakfast in most Americans homes is often a hurried meal of juice, coffee and toast or cereal. 在平时的工作或学习中,大多数美国人的早餐会选择烤面包或谷类食品加配咖啡或果汁。
I'd ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present here. Here's to you! To your health! 请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯!请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯!
I knew then that we would have no turkey or ham for Christmas, and I felt sad. But I knew for certain that we would have French toast. 我知道在我们的圣诞节餐桌上肯定不会有火鸡或火腿,我感到难过。但我知道我们肯定会有法式土司。
Thank you and please join me in a toast to the next 30 years of our relationship. 谢谢大家,请同我共同举杯,为我们两国下一个30年的友好关系,干杯!
While Dracula is fried like an egg and toasted like a bit of toast. 而德古拉就像一只鸡蛋那样被煎,像吐司一样被烤。
Putin is a dictator pulling these strings. Medvedev get's his instructions from Putin and would be toast if he did not follow them. 普京是独裁者控制这些事情的发展,梅德韦杰夫从普京那得到了指示,如果不照办他会被烤了。
B: Good morning. I'd like a pot of coffee, some toast, and a half grapefruit brought up to my room, please. 早上好,我要一壶咖啡,一些吐司和半个葡萄柚,请送到我的房间来。
TOAST offered a means of settlement, allow big field to the value is compressed or break up to go for many physics. TOAST提供了解决方法,允许大的字段值被压缩或分裂为多个物理行。
Maybe it was the Champagne from an earlier toast, but I suddenly felt as if this woman were family, perhaps a long-lost aunt. 也许,这是先前举杯祝愿所带来的香槟大礼,但我突然感觉得,这位妇女似乎该是我家中的某人,或许是一位失去联系的姨娘。
In the morning, I toast two pieces of Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread and spread it with just a bit of homemade butter. 每周的开始我经常煮6个鸡蛋(放牧的)并放在冰箱里。早上,我烤两片伊齐基尔发芽谷面包并且涂上一点自制的黄油。
Enjoy the stars at night, drunk and not deep, propose a toast to the stars, enjoy the virtual time of day, laugh, bitter lover when to ask? 赏星之夜,醉而不深,举杯邀星辰,安享虚年华,对天笑,苦问良人何时归?
Although Brando and Cox were often the toast of New York and Hollywood, the two always returned to the company of each other. 虽然彼此之间身份悬殊,但白兰度和考克斯仍然经常在纽约相约去酒吧小酌,而且也总是返回到彼此的公司居住。
If it were up to Oh Eng Lock, the typical Chinese breakfast would be toast, not congee. 果让OhEngLock来决定的话,中国人的特色早餐就会是烤面包片,而不是粥。
Soros drank an espresso and, a few minutes later, a final champagne toast with the last of his guests. 索罗斯喝了一杯浓咖啡,几分钟后,和最后一批客人干了杯香槟。
At her dinner table, men hang on her every word, and women echo her pearly laugh as she raises a wine glass in a toast. 餐桌旁,男人们抢着应和她说的每一句话;女人们则在她举起葡萄酒杯祝酒时,随她一起放声欢笑。
When the firefighters got there, burned toast was discovered to be responsible to have set the alarm off. The smoke was cleared with a fan. 消防员抵达布莱尔家时,发现只是烤焦了面包,用扇子就把烟驱散了。
Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's Prime Minister, as he used the remnants of a broken podium to toast President Bush at a White House dinner. 在白宫晚宴上,意大利总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼手捧弄破的讲台台面这样向布什总统祝酒。西非译。
As I lifted my glass to join in a celebratory toast, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see the smiling face of my old buddy, Flaps. 正当我举杯和大家祝酒庆祝的时候,我感到肩膀被人拍了一下,转过头我看到老伙计“招风耳”洋溢着笑容的脸。
I'd like to ask you to join me in a toast to the common enterprise, Cheers! 我请各位(和我)共同举杯,为我们共同的事业,干杯!
There was a triumphant homecoming dinner. The artist rose from the table to drink a toast to his beloved brother for his years of sacrifice. 艺术家从桌旁站了起来,为他值得敬佩的兄弟干了一杯,感谢他这几年所做的牺牲。
Cook your eggs in a bit of olive oil, and serve with whole-wheat toast and fresh fruit. Now that's a great breakfast! 而最健康的方式是,用一点橄榄油将鸡蛋煎好,搭配全麦土司和新鲜水果食用。
The toast clock is an interesting piece of decor for your kitchen or if you happen to be a chef or better still, a big fan of the toast! 烤面包时钟是你厨房的有趣装饰,如果你是个厨师,又或是烤面包的超级粉丝,那就再好不过啦!
Toast . . . is busy with an old friend, working on another title in development, while still contributing plenty of ships and weapons to us. 吐司…正忙着与一位老朋友,努力在发展中再次夺冠,同时还有助于丰富的船只和武器给我们。
I would like you to join me in a toast to the health of Your Excellency and to the health of all our Chinese friends present here. 请各位与我一起举杯,祝愿阁下身体健康,祝愿出席今晚招待会的所有中国朋友身体健康!
I'm gonna switch to a little bit of jam and take the butter off of my toast. " Have a really specific plan. " 我会换成一点儿果酱并去掉吐司上的奶油。制定一个真正具体的计划。
Soon, no doubt, there will be a toaster which butters the toast, cuts it in quarters, and puts it on a plate. 过不久,肯定会有更新的烤面包机,可以把吐司涂上黄油,切成四分之一块,然后放到盘子上。
All ready to toast, will is more for my dead father purposely set table, report to him I have followed the ambition of his possessions. 众人准备祝酒时,必正更特意替亡父设席,向他报告本人已有了承袭家业的志气。
Ron, who was now helping himself to Harry's toast, was still gazing dreamily at the door. 罗恩一边吃着哈利的面包,一边仍然神思恍惚地盯着房门。
Cause you know that thing, when you see someone cute and he smiles, and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast. 你知道那种感觉,当你看见帅哥对你笑的时候,你的心就像将热黄油浇在面包上一样。
Outlook also has a little notification box that comes up in the lower right whenever a new e-mail comes in. We call it the toast. Outlook同样有一个小的提醒框,只要有邮件进来,它就会在右下角弹出。