
美 [tɪp]英 [tɪp]
  • n.小费;尖端;消息;主要用于英式英语
  • v.倒;使翻倒;给…小费;使倾斜
  • 网络给小费;付小费;镶边

复数:tips 现在分词:tipping 过去式:tipped

southern tip,eastern tip


n. v.

末端end of sth

1.尖端;尖儿;端the thin pointed end of sth

2.(装在顶端的)小部件a small part that fits on or over the end of sth


3.指点;实用的提示a small piece of advice about sth practical

4.(informal)(尤指有关赛马的)内幕消息,指点a secret or expert piece of advice about what the result of a competition, etc. is likely to be, especially about which horse is likely to win a race

5.(informal)举报;密报;线报secret information that sb gives, for example to the police, to warn them about an illegal activity that is going to happen

额外的钱extra money

6.小费;小账a small amount of extra money that you give to sb, for example sb who serves you in a restaurant

脏乱处untidy place

8.(informal)脏乱的地方an untidy place


on the tip of your tongue

话在嘴边上(却一时想不起来)if a word or name ison the tip of your tongue , you are sure that you know it but you cannot remember it

the tip of the iceberg

(问题的)冰山一角only a small part of a much larger problem


小费tipping):在菲律宾给小费是习惯,一般20菲币。在机场有行李生为你搬运行李,在景点有免费的马车或表演,和小动 …


在美国给小费tipping)已经成为没有法律规定但被普遍认可和接受的习俗,接受服务而不给小费相当于违背法律道德。“入乡 …


英语阅读常考1000词 - 豆丁网 ... salad 沙拉 tipping 付小费 waiter/waitress 男/女服务员 ...


有限度的倾斜(Tipping)来得到改善。分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!


服装英语 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... THREE POINTS POCKET 三尖袋 TIPPING 镶边,唧边 TO BE ADVISE 待复 ...


服装英语 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... THREE POINTS POCKET 三尖袋 TIPPING 镶边,唧边 TO BE ADVISE 待复 ...


石油英语词汇(T3)--石油百科 ... tipper 自卸卡车 tipping 翻转 tipple 翻车机 ...


旅游词汇--上海翻译公司-021-58377363 ... Timescales for Implementation 规划实施时间尺度 Tipping 倾翻 Tour 旅行 ...

As you see things getting closer and closer to that tipping point, you're going to see a frenzy of activity take place. 当我们看待事情越来越接近临界点的时候,我们有可能会看到一些很狂乱的事情发生。
And I think Linux is definitely very close to reaching that magic tipping point where it will be easy to use for all levels of users. 而且Linux的设计使之非常接近一个临界点,过了这个临界点,Linux就可以被各种层次的用户方便的使用。
Such a flanged girder is referred to as unsymmetrical and must have tipping brackets fitted at name frame spaces. 法兰的梁提到,不对称,必须有引爆支架装在伟大框架空间。
While such explanations may be crude, the hard truth seems to be that tipping does not work. 尽管这些解释也许不很成熟,而事实看起来就是,支付小费并不能起到什么作用。
Waiters and restaurateurs are forever tipping off the press so that when Cheung tries to leave a restaurant, a phalanx is waiting for her. 饭馆的侍应生和老板总会向媒体告密,所以每当张曼玉离开饭馆时,总有一群人在等候着她。
Visitors are always amazed, the site manager says, to discover how much more there is to landfilling than tipping waste in a hole. 填埋地点的经理人说,参观者通常很诧异地发现填埋的垃圾比倾卸在洞中的垃圾要多很多。
For example, in a climate approaching a tipping point, the weather tends to look more similar day to day leading up to the big change. 比如说,在接近转折点的气候中,天气在发生重大变化之前往往一天天显得越来越相似。
It seems to me that you have done enough on your own, one way or the other. I see a tipping point. 在我看来,你们已经独自做了足够多,以这样或那样的方式。我看到了一个转折点。
It was as if I had reached a tipping point of some sort, and suddenly letting go of things became so much easier. 就好像突然遇到了一个转折点,我一下子让事情变得如此简单。
Taipei Like Japan and China, Taiwan is not a tipping society-even though much of the currency seems to come in coin form. 台北就像日本和中国大陆一样,台湾不是一个给小费的社会--尽管大量货币是以硬币的形式出现。
But if the system is approaching a tipping point, it tends to take longer to recover its balance. 但是,如果系统正在接近转折点,它往往需要更长的时间恢复平衡。
With these in hand, the thieves need only set up a bogus money transfer without tipping off the bank. 掌握了这些信息,这些盗贼可以不用惊动银行,只需要建立一个虚假的转移支付交易即可。
There is something compelling, in a ghoulish sort of way, about the notion that earth's climate may be headed toward a tipping point. 有一种你不得不信,甚至还有点恐怖的观点,那就是地球气候可能正走向一个崩溃的边缘。
To avoid getting confused about the British tipping system, you need to check your bill to see if a tip is included or not. 为了避免被英国小费制迷惑,你需要检查你的账单,看看有没有包含小费。
On Lin's last night in New York, Steven entertained him to a meal in a restaurant. After the dinner, they discussed the topic of tipping . 在纽约停留的最后一晚,小林受到斯蒂文的招待。吃过饭,他们的话题转到“小费”上面……
The major tipping point in the Yankees' favor was their immediate need for Clemens, said the right-hander's agent, Randy Hendricks. 克莱门斯的经纪人亨德瑞斯表示,洋基能够独得垂青,主要是因为他们立刻就需要克莱门斯。
I don't think we've reached the tipping point yet, I think we'll continue as an industry to innovate, challenge one another to go further. 我不认为我们已到达峰顶,我想我们将持续是个创新的产业,挑战彼此以使这些方面的努力进一步迅速发展。
But the U. S. financial system has reached such a dangerous tipping point that little choice remains. 然而,美国金融系统危机已发展到了一个危险的倾覆点,留给人们的选择并不多。
One video showed a female hurling herself at Knut's throat, in an apparent attempt to bite him, before tipping him into the water. 然而,监控录像显示,其中一只“熊小姐”曾撞击克努特的喉咙,试图咬它,还把它推落水中。
One of the common warning signs of an impending tipping point is when a system takes longer to recover to equilibrium after it is disturbed. 转折点迫近的一个常见预警信号是,系统受到干扰后,需要较长时间恢复到平衡状态。
'It's a Plan D, ' he said. 'It's essentially an insurance policy for the situation where we hit a tipping point in climate change quickly. ' 他说:“这是一个D计划(后备方案),它实质上是在气候变化太快时所采用的一种解决方案。”
"If people like us don't stand up for our rights, our country will not change, " she said. "The tipping point has come in India. " “如果像我们一样的人们不为自己的权利挺身而出的话,我们的国家就不会有任何改变,”她说,“印度的转折点已经到来。”
One of the biggest obstacles keeping people from "just doing it" is not recognizing when they're about to hit their tipping point. 阻止人们“想做就做”的最大障碍之一并不是在撞上他们的人生转折点时知道自己在哪儿。
Policymakers have come to understand this tipping point and try to act long before it is reached. 决策者已认识到了这一临界点,并试图在触及该临界点之前尽早采取行动。
This was clearly a tipping point for generation, but it does not represent the end state or final estimation of value to be realized. 这是生成技术的一个转折点,然而却还不能代表最终的价值所在。
On the basic type, we expand to produce a machine or hydraulic form tipping trailer, raised efficiency. 在基本型的基础上,我公司又拓展生产出各型机械或液压自卸拖车,提高了作业效率。
But, the jury's still out on whether we've reached a tipping point to a self-sustaining recovery. 然而,我们(这里指美国人)能否依靠自己来维持经济的复苏却还是个未知数。
When Lehman collapsed, so did confidence and bank liquidity, and this was the tipping point of the global collapse. 当雷曼倒闭,银行的流动性和信心也同时停滞了,这也是全球崩溃的临界点。
Tipping points occur when a small change in one factor, a "driver, " can cause a disproportionately large response in an overall system. 如果一个因素很小的改变(一个“驱动力”)会导致整体系统产生不成比例的巨大改变,这一点就称为临界点。
Dr. Wesley said he would find a way to meet that requirement, perhaps by tipping a cup into his feeding tube. 韦斯利医生说,到时候,他会想办法满足要求,比如把装在杯子里的药物倒进喂食管里。