there for you

  • 网络为你守候;我会在那陪你

there for youthere for you

there for you


Bryan Rice是丹麦流行歌手,这首《为你守候》(There for You)是他2010年专辑里二单,很不错。 2. Airplanes, Pt.


Stacie Orrico ... ... I'll promise I'll be there for you 我保证我会在那陪你 There for you 我会在那陪你 ...

My heart is with you all in this time and is always there for you anyway. 此刻我的心与你们所有人一起,也会永远在一起。
Because if your life cause you to put it in to this holding pattern this vibrational aston, then it is forever there for you. 如果你们的人生已经是被宇宙所包涵的其中的一部份,那么富足将永远在那里为你们所有。
'Yes, 'said Holmes. 'And we have to decide if it is sensible for you to go to Baskerville Hall. There seems to be danger there for you. ' “是的,”福尔摩斯说道。“我们还不得不决定一下让您去巴斯克维尔庄园是否明智。那儿对您来说仿佛有危险。”
You may not find his friend when you set off, but keep walking, he might be there for you halfway. 出发的时候这个朋友可能还没找到,不用怕,继续走,它也许就在半路等待你们。
He will always be there for you - no matter how much trouble you might get in. 无论你遇到了什么样的麻烦,他会一直和你站在一起。
A simple friend hopes you are always there for him . A real friend hopes to be always there for you. 一个普通的朋友期望你永远在他之类的真正的朋友期望永远在你的身边。
Motivation is not a constant thing that is always there for you. It comes and goes, and comes and goes again, like the tide. 动机并不恒久存在,它来了又走,走了又来,像潮水般。
You are starting out on a Sounds weird , scary, daunting, but incredibly wonderful journey indeed, and I will be there for you when I can. 你将要开始一个无法预测的,可怕的,令人畏缩的,但却非常美好的旅程,我将会尽我可能的在你身边。
I will always be there for you and I will spend the rest of my life loving you and making you as happy as you make me. 我会用一生一世去爱你,向你对我一样使你幸福快乐。
He' s got a nice little house, and I'll keep a little bedroom there for you to use whenever you want. 他有一所很不错的小房子,我会在那儿给你留一个小卧室,以备你随时歇脚之用。
After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I ll always be there for you! " 看到这令人伤心的一幕,他想起了曾经对儿子所作的承诺:“不论发生什么事,我都会在你身边。”
Then he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I'll always be there for you! " And tears began to fill his eyes. 然后,他想起了曾对儿子所做的承诺:“不论发生什么事,我都会在你的身边。”至此,父亲热泪满眶。
I've learnt that as much as you want to be there for you friends, there are just some things that they have to do for themselves. 我懂得了,尽管你希望尽可能多地帮助朋友,可是他们总要自己去处理一些事情。
Nobody listens to you in the office or at home? A little potted friend will be there for you, always nodding to you with encouragement. 在办公室或家中无人听你倾诉吗?有位盆栽小友会在此陪伴你,它总是频频点头,给你鼓励。
Simply open your heart and ask, and I shall be there for you. 只需要你打开心灵并请求,我将为你而在。
You almost assumed that they would always be there for you and never thought of how your life would be without them. 你几乎认为,他们总会在那里;从没有想过,没有他们你的生活会怎样。
If the answer to any of these questions is no, keep looking. There are better diet plans out there for you. 如果有任何一个问题的回答是“否”,就再找找看,对于你来说一定还有更好的节食计划。
You may have to endure the sight of him at parents' evenings, but there will be lots of other people there for you to duck behind. 你可能不得不忍受在家长会上见到他,不过那里会有很多人,你可以躲在他们身后。
Once you are in a state of abundant, your self-esteem rises because you know there is a lot out there for you. 一旦你处于富足的心态,你的自尊心就会上升,因为你清楚你拥有很多。
The rock absorbs the sun's energy and is there for you to use. 石头吸收了太阳光的能量,就能供你使用。
A simple friend expects you to always be there for him. A real friend expects to always be there for you ! 一位普通朋友期望你总是能够支持他,一位真正的朋友则期望总是能够支持你!
The stars come out for you. Every beautiful thing you see, every wondrous thing you experience, is all there, for you. 你所看到的一切美丽事物,所体验到的一切美妙经验,都是为了你而存在的。
It's a feeling of power, isn't it? All that information, all that content, right there for you whenever you want it? 它是一种感觉的能力,不是吗?所有的信息,所有的内容,都时刻为你准备着,无论你何时想要。
When you get when you see pictures of my dad, Dad in your . . . remember, Dad has always been there for you. 当你拿爸爸的照片看时,爸爸也在偷偷的看你……要记得,爸爸一直都陪着你。
There was something in the air that night, the stars were bright, Fernando. They were shining there for you and me, for liberty, Fernando. 那个晚上的天空有一些变化。星星是如此的金光闪闪,费尔南多。它们在为你为我而发光,为自由闪烁着,费尔南多。
It must be Xiao Wang over there, for you see, he is always wearing the blue jeans. 那边的人一定是小王,因为你看,他总是穿一条牛仔裤。
I promise to be there for you and will be very quiet. 我保证会为你那里会很安静。
True, it can be flattering to be needed, and of course, the Bloodsucker may be there for you when other friends are too busy for you. 被别人需要会让你觉得很受用,这是真的,当然,当其他朋友因为太忙而不能陪你时,寄生者可能会站在你身边。
However, remember your coping tools, in an instant help is there for you as you request it. 然而,记住你的应对工具,就在你需求的时候立刻就会有帮助。
Screensavers - A screensaver is not there for you to sit and watch on. Just use the plain black one by default and check this item. 屏幕保护程序,这个玩意不是让你坐下来玩他的,因此,使用默认的黑屏,然后删掉他。