t shirt

  • n.短袖圆领汗衫;圆领运动衫
  • 网络T恤;T恤衫;衬衫


t shirtt shirt

t shirt


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4.特别提醒:无论何时进入晚宴餐厅,男士、女士均不宜穿着“拖鞋”,也不宜穿着“无领恤衫”(T Shirt)或“牛仔装”(Blue Jeans)进 …


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Even if Goko, as a Muslim, does not celebrate Christmas, I wanted to get him a gift and found a t-shirt that I thought he would like. 虽然戈尔科是穆斯林,不过圣诞节,我仍想送他一份礼物。我看到一件我想他会喜欢的体恤衫。
The front-runners started to disappear and then my eyes were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T-shirt. 领先者开始消失我的眼睛然后被画了给蓝色丝绸连续短裤和一件宽松白色T恤杉的妇女。
One of her most popular designs is a T-shirt emblazoned with a phrase: "Rather cry in a BMW than laugh in a Santana. " 她最受欢迎的设计之一是一件T恤,上面印着一句话“宁愿坐在宝马里哭,也不愿坐在桑塔纳里笑。”
As one vintage feminist T shirt used to say, IF YOU THINK EQUALITY IS THE GOAL . . . 作为T恤上一个关于女权主义的经典语句曾经说过的那样,如果您认为男女平等是最终目标。
Oh, just some food, clothes and a time machine. Fiona wore a nice new sweater and sunglasses with a yellow T-Shirt and jeans. “弄了些吃的,衣服和一部时光穿梭机”霏欧纳穿着一件漂亮的新毛衣,黄色体恤、牛仔裤,还带着一副太阳镜。
She was last seen wearing a black T- shirt , a green short skirt and a pair of black slippers . 她失踪前身穿黑色衬衣、绿色短裙及黑色拖鞋。
I'm a real jeans and T-shirt girl, and I couldn't find the exact shirts I liked, so I decided to do something of my own. 我是个不折不扣地喜欢穿牛仔裤和T恤衫的女孩,可我一直找不到自己特别喜欢的那种衬衫,于是我就想自己动手做点什么。
Camera pans across the desert. At the edge of a cliff we hear and see GIBSON PRAISE being led by a tall man in a gray T-shirt. 镜头移向沙漠。我们听到并且看到吉普森普雷兹被一个高个的穿着灰色T恤的男人领着。
and a pullover with the classic neckline plays as well over a shirt and tie as it does over a white T-shirt. 水手领,嗯,一个水手领,一件有这种经典领口的套衫和衬衫领结挺搭的,就像它和白色T恤挺搭的一样。
The model yelped as a man wearing a T-shirt with a Spanish profanity written on the back rushed over to help. 这名模特儿发出尖叫,后方一名身穿背面写有西班牙亵渎字句T恤的男子,赶紧趋前帮忙。
Folks in the office liked the evolved artwork so much that they decided to make a T-shirt out of it. 办公室的同仁们是这样喜欢这件进化得来的艺术品,他们决定以此图案做T恤衫。
How much is the yellow T-shirt? 那件黄色的T恤衫多少钱?
I need it black and white and in the same concept of the attached image. It must be a smooth image ready to print on a T- shirt. 我需要它的黑色和白色,并在所附的图片相同的概念。它必须是一个平滑的图像可以打印在T恤。
Evolution, to quote a T-shirt sent me by an anonymous well-wisher, is the greatest show on earth, the only game in town. 引用一位匿名祝福者送给我的T恤上的话,进化,是地球上最伟大的表演,是唯一的选择。
If you want to add a bit of attitude to your wardrobe this summer, a slogan T-shirt may be just what you are looking for. 如果你想在今年夏天为自己的衣柜增添一抹个性的话,那么标语T恤或许正是你想要的。
At that age, if I did not have the identical Biba T-shirt and loon trousers everyone else had I was not prepared to leave the house. 在那个年龄,我若是出门,就必定要和周围人一样穿上Biba体恤衫和懒汉裤。
When I decided to follow my T-shirt around the world, what I wanted most of all was to tell a great story. 当我决定要跟踪我的圆领衫周游世界时,我的主要想法是讲述一个精彩的故事。
wearing just a T-shirt and a pair of shorts even on freezing cold November days. 甚至在冰冷的十一月我们一件T恤和一条短裤。
With the right beard and clothes he could pass as an Arab; jeans and a t-shirt made him look more Western. 只要胡须和衣服合适,他可以冒充阿拉伯人;一身T恤和牛仔,他看着又像是一个西方人。
into the shed before he took off his jacket, which can wear short-sleeved T shirt. 进大棚之前可以脱掉外套,里面可以穿短袖T恤。
If he had grabbed a moment earlier, he might have caught her by the arm or the wrist or maybe just the back of her T-shirt. 如果他早几分钟动手的话,他可能会抓着她的胳膊或者腰或者也许是她那T恤衫的后背。
After the bath, he goes with me to my room, and I dress in a pair of jeans and a pink T-shirt. 洗完澡以后,他就带我去我的房间,我穿的牛仔裤和一件粉红色的t恤。
His T-shirt was now clinging to his thin frame like a second skin, and his hair was plastered to his face. 他的T恤已经湿透了,紧贴着身体像又裹了一层皮,头发也贴着脸颊。
Uniqlo is marketing a new line of products that claim to help wearers burn more calories from just suiting up in the T-shirt and underpants. 它正在推销一个新的产品系列,据说,简单地套上这个系列的T恤或内裤,就可以消耗掉更多热量。
His shoulders were huge, his head square, and the muscles beneath his MIT T-shirt rippled like a plastic trash can left out in a heat wave. 他肩宽背大,脑袋方方。麻绳理工T恤里面的肌肉一檩子一檩子象被炉子烫抽巴了的塑料桶。
Most of the time, guys seem to be in T-shirt and jeans, or maybe in preppy sweaters and vests. 通常男人看上去都穿着T恤和牛仔裤,或者可能校园毛线衫和背心。
He was wearing a T-shirt that was too big for his skinny body, and his hair, grayish white, was pulled up into a bun on top of his head. 身材瘦小的他穿着一件太大的T恤,灰白色的头发在头顶上盘了一个发髻。
Bottom line: If you're the kind of guy who's willing to drop $60 on a T-shirt designed by one of P. Diddy's previous stylists. 底线:如果你是那样的男人,愿意花60美元在一件由吹牛老爹的之前的设计师之一设计的T恤上。
Bo met me at the front door in jeans and a white T-shirt over his ample girth. 博在前门与我见面。他穿着一条牛仔裤,一件白色的T恤衫遮住了他那肥胖的腰身。
His hair is dishevelled and he wears a Kennedy-Nixon T-shirt with the word "LOVE" printed on it in pink, a hood and tracksuit bottoms. 他的头发乱蓬蓬的,身上穿着一件印有肯尼迪和尼克松图案和一个艳粉色的“爱”字的T恤,一件帽衫,下穿一条宽松裤。