
美 [ðəm]英 [ðəm]
  • pron.他们;它们;她们;指性别不详的人时
  • adj.非标准用法
  • 网络他们的宾格;恐怖系统

them day


1.他们;她们;它们used when referring to people, animals or things as the object of a verb or preposition, or after the verbbe

2.(指性别不详的人时,用以代替 him 或 her)used instead ofhim orher to refer to a person whose sex is not mentioned or not known


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人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... please 请 them 它(他,她)们 hmm 嗯(语气词) ...


剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表_英语网 ... their det 他们的;她们的;它们的; them pron 他们;她们;它们 there adv 那里; ...


线上聊天的英文简写 ... 6,xfer=transfer= 传输 7,em=them= 他们的宾格 8,thx=thanks= 谢谢 ...


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The gatekeepers at each gate did not need to leave their posts, because their fellow Levites made the preparations for them. 守门的看守各门,不用离开他们的职事,因为他们的弟兄利未人给他们预备祭物。
The flickering light coalesced. There, in the sky before them, was a round moon circled by an ephemeral ring. 云层上忽隐忽现的光斑开始汇合在一起。那里,在他们面前的天空中,出现了一轮圆月,带着围绕着它的稍瞬即逝的光环。
Some prescription drugs that were judged to perform "better than placebo" in clinical trials don't work unless you know you're taking them. 如果你不知道自己正在服药,那么就连一些被判定为临床试验效果“比安慰剂还要好”的处方药也不会起作用。
He took them and went into his study. 他拿起两封书函,走进那书斋。
He said he had always campaigned by going around talking to people and meeting them. 他说他之前就在到处宣传,跟人们交流见面。
We stood outside trying to see if the acoustics worked. And you could see the guys doing this but you couldn't hear them. 我们在外面测试了它的音响系统你可以看到里面的人的活动,但完全听不到他们。
But I spared them for the sake of my name, lest it should be profaned before the nations, from which I brought them out, in their sight. 然而我为了我的名,没有这样作,免得我的名在异民前受亵渎,因为我曾在异民眼前将他们引领出来。
Today, I received two letters, one from my mom, other from my dad, about how much they missed me with me not being around them. 今天我收到两封信,我爹一封我娘一封,写的都是我不在他们身边他们有多么想念我。
De Liang is censured by his school when a female student uploads a picture of the both of them, and expresses her love for him on her blog. 德良因为女学生在博客中表示爱慕之意,还将两人的照片放上网,引起家长不满和校长责怪。
"I cannot explain this, " one of them said aloud. The others were just as baffled. “我无法解释这,”他们中的一个大声说道。其他的人也一样感到困惑。
As I know more of mankind I expect less of them, and am ready now to call a man a good man upon easier terms than I was formerly. 随着我对人类了解越多,我的期望就越低,而且我现在准备好后,说人家是好人,更容易上比我以前。
"For me, for you, it is all priceless, " he said, "but for them it is useless if they can't sell it in the market. " “对你,对我,这些都是无价之宝。”他说,“但是对他们来说,如果不能在市场上卖掉,就一文不值。”
She did that for three days, with the ministers calling on her, and the doctors, trying to persuade her to let them dispose of the body. 一连三天她都是这样,不论是教会牧师访问她也好,还是医生想劝她让他们把尸体处理掉也好。
Just how much we miss them on our television screens every Thursday night. 每周四晚我们是有多么的想念他们,希望他们出现在电视屏幕上。
He rose from his feet and looked at them. And lo! He saw a king and a queen before him. 他站起身来看着他们。天啊!他看到的是一位国王和一位皇后站在他面前。
So, shamefully, he said to her, "I'm really sorry. It seems that I've eaten all your peanuts - I didn't mean to finish them all. " 他很尴尬地对那个寡妇说,‘真的很抱歉,我把你的花生全吃了。
He said he would climb down and help them. 他说他要爬下去帮他们一把。
Having a bit of booze around may dull their senses a bit, but it keeps them working those long hours. 喝一滴烈性酒可能会让他们的感觉麻木,但是能让他们进行那么长时间的工作。
Well, I tend to be a really visual person, so when I write songs, I always envision them as if they were in movies. 哦,我尝试成为一名真正的视觉工作者,所以当我写这些歌的时候,我总是假设它们是在一部电影中。
And as children, they had been instructed by the best professors and pedagogues who had taught them everything there was to be taught. 他们在童年时曾由最出色的教授和教育家为他们上课,使他们学到了所有应该学到的知识。
For the moment, worryingly, too many of them seem to be headed for stagnation. 就目前令人担忧的是,他们中大多数都似乎朝着经济萧条发展。
Border control personnel were mystified when the woman told them she could not comply because she did not have fingerprints. 而令边境管制人员感到迷惑的是,这位女士告诉他们,她没法遵守这项规定,因为她没有指纹。
If there is no evaluation, no screen between the observer and the observed, is there then a separation, a division between them? 如果在观察者和被观察的之间没有评价,没有屏障,那么在它们之间还有分离、分裂吗?
If it's hard for me to walk up them steps now, it's 'cause I walked up them every night to lay next to a man who loved me. 如果我现在爬不上楼梯,那是因为我每天都爬好去躺在爱我的男人身边。
Like, the whole idea of agile programming is not to do things before you need them, but to page-fault them in as needed. 比如,敏揵编程的整个理念就是:凡事预则废,不预则立。
She offers hugs willingly to those who want to receive them and remains positive and cheerful, always trying to see the good in people. 她愿意拥抱那些希望她给予拥抱的人,并且依然保持积极和乐观的态度,总想看到人性善的一面。
If you catch eight of those in port and can destroy them all with a few weapons, that could be a pretty attractive option. 如果其中8艘停泊在港,用几枚武器就可以把它们都摧毁,那将是一个非常有诱惑力的选择。
The objective was to bring ancient musty texts out of inaccessible libraries and reproduce them in modern volumes for all to see and study. 它的目的就是把古老发霉的文献带出不可接近的图书馆,然后复制出现代的版本,供大家阅读和学习。
None of them longed so much for her turn to come as the youngest, she who had the longest time to wait, and who was so quiet and thoughtful. 她们谁也没有像最年幼的那个妹妹渴望得厉害,而她恰恰要等得最久,同时她又是那么沉默和有思虑。
Classifying them as " true " or " false " misses the point and shows a lack of respect for the child. 把它们算“对”或“错”来划分是不着要领的,也是对孩子缺乏尊重的表现。