
美 [taɪˈtænik]英 [taɪ'tænɪk]
  • adj.巨大的;强大的;极端重要的;四价钛的
  • 网络泰坦尼克号;铁达尼号;泰塔尼克号

titanic struggle


1.巨大的;极重要的;强大的;极艰巨的very large, important, strong or difficult


好莱坞十大经典爱情电影 ... (《幽灵》)《 Ghost》 10、《泰坦尼克号Titanic 3、《乱世佳人》 Gone With The Wind ...


...tanic)沉没百周年,世界各地纪念活动不断,就属铁达尼号(Titanic)注册船只所在地"英国利物浦"纪念活动Sea Odyssey,2012 …


洛奇魔法释放卷轴接头 -    叶的日志 - 网易博客 ... 迅速的(弓使用) Swift 巨大的 Titanic 分配的 Devision ...


初中英语作文--英语作文 ... 我的表弟( My Little Cousin) 泰塔尼克号( Titanic) 关于旅游计划的( travelling plans) ...


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At a memorial service in England, Dean met a group of American Titanic enthusiasts who invited her to a meeting in the U. S. 在英格兰举行的一次追悼会上,迪安遇到了一批美国的泰坦尼克号爱好者,他们邀请她参加在美国举行的一次会议。
Overtaken by a huge iceberg, the luxurious ship, Titanic, sank to the bottom of the sea once and for all on its maiden voyage. 突然遭到冰山的撞击,泰坦尼克号游轮在第一次航行中就永远地沉入了海底。
"It is the only one of its kind around the globe. It is the largest piece ever brought up from the Titanic itself, " said Dale. “这是其全球唯一的一个,它是有史以来最大的一块泰坦尼克本身带来的,说:”戴尔。
The last remaining survivor of the Titanic disaster is selling her "mementoes" "" to pay for her nursing home fees. 铁达尼号船难的唯一幸存者正出售「纪念物品」以支付护养院的费用。
If the captain of the Titanic had not gone down with the ship, would he have blamed the iceberg for the disaster? 如果铁达尼号的船长没有随船沉没,他会责备造成这场灾难的冰山吗?
He said, "Well you've decided to head off on the Titanic towards economic and democratic disaster and we are now in a life boat. " 你们已经决定阻止泰坦尼克号朝经济、民主灾难方向行驶,我们现在是在救生艇上。
In the beginning of 'Titanic, ' when Kate Winslet's Rose approaches the ship, you can see a mole on the left side of her face. 在泰坦尼克号的开头,当凯特.温丝莱特饰演的Rose走向船的时候,你会在她的左脸颊看到一颗痔。
The auction in Wiltshire will also feature compensation letters sent to her mother by the Titanic Relief Fund. 拍卖会在威尔特郡也将赔偿信件由她的母亲泰坦尼克救济基金。
Though experts still quibble about the exact nature of how the ship broke up, a consensus does seem to be forming around how Titanic sank. 虽然专家们仍然在推测船体一分为二的确切原因,一种共识似乎可以解释泰坦尼克号的沉没。
However, the crew arrogantly trying to break the transatlantic sailing speed records, the Titanic hit an iceberg. 然而,由于船员们狂妄地试图打破横跨大西洋航行速度的记录,泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山。
After another stop on the Irish coast Titanic went out to see on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic bound for New York. 在爱尔兰海岸又一次逗留后,泰坦尼克展开了横跨大西洋前往纽约的处女航。
"If Titanic had stood still, she would have survived at least until the rescue ship came and no one need have died, " Patten said. “假如泰坦尼克号停止航行,悬停不动,她也许能够存活下来,不致沉没,至少要等到救援船只来,那就不会有人溺水而亡。”Patten说。
And the city managed to turn this titanic flop into a brilliant museum and one of Scandinavia's great sightseeing attractions. 这座城市设法将这个巨大的失败之物变成了宏伟的博物馆和斯堪的纳维亚半岛的一处观光名胜。
Titanic on a confusion in critical moment, the human nature of good and evil, the noble and despicable more accountable. 泰坦尼克号上一片混乱,在危急之中,人类本性中的善良与丑恶、高贵与卑劣更加分明。
The lucky ones among the Titanic passengers were "doubled or tripled up in staterooms, " he wrote. 他还写道,泰坦尼克号乘客里的这些幸存者是“特等舱的两倍或者三倍”。
But the running interest in Fannie Mae's stock might seem surprising, considering that this company was the Titanic of the mortgage market. 但是考虑到这家公司曾经是房贷市场上的巨无霸,人们对于房利美这支股票的兴趣仍旧令人惊讶。
He appeared to compare the German chancellor to a first class passenger on the Titanic. 他似乎将德国总理比作泰坦尼克(Titanic)上的头等舱乘客。
Mr Cameron seems to have a magic touch; "Titanic" , the most recent blockbuster on this list, is another of his films. JamesCameron似乎具有魔法特长;在这份清单上最近的一部卖座电影《铁达尼号》(Titanic)即是他的另一部巨作。
The man who built the Titanic reportedly said in an interview, when he was asked how strong his ship was, that not even God can sink it. 建造泰坦尼克号的工程师在一次采访中被问到这艘巨轮有多么坚固时说即使是上帝也不能将她弄沉。
In the movie, Jack is a 3rd class passenger on the Titanic who sneaks his way up to first class with the hopes of never getting caught. 在本片中,Jack是泰坦尼克号上三等舱的乘客,为了避免感冒,他偷偷溜进了头等舱。
"The Titanic is really one of those bookmarks in time, " he said during a press viewing of the item before the auction. 迪特里希在拍卖前的媒体招待会上说:“‘泰坦尼克号’的确是时代的一大标志性事件。”
Titanic's battered stern, captured here in profile, bears witness to the extreme trauma inflicted upon it as it corkscrewed to the bottom. 泰坦尼克号饱经沧桑的船尾被困在这里,可以见证当底部受创后它所经历的极大痛苦。
The only legitimate way to survive the Titanic was to have initially gone with the ship. 随船一起下沉后被救起,这是唯一合法的逃生方式。
As they enter the exhibit at the Luxor Hotel, each visitor receives a boarding pass with the name of an actual passenger aboard the Titanic. 当他们进入在卢克索酒店展览,每位游客收到带有一个登上泰坦尼克实际旅客姓名的登机牌。
One of the novel new theories says Titanic could have been the victim of a mirage that is similar to what people see in the desert. 最新的一种理论认为,泰坦尼克号事故有可能是海市蜃楼导致的,就像人们在沙漠里看到的那样。
This has already been a momentous week in the titanic clash between the champions of transparency and the protectors of privacy. 这是个重要时刻的一周,透明度的拥护者和隐私权的保护者产生巨大冲突。
No elevator at all. What I see is only room after room. Would Titanic accommodate more passengers than ours? 哪儿有啊。只看到数不清的房间。对了,泰坦尼克号上的乘客比我们船的乘客多吗?
The term is usually used by critics derisively, and often in combination with another disaster, the sinking of the Titanic. 这个术语通常为批评人士用于嘲笑此计划,而且往往与另一场灾难——泰坦尼克号沉没事件——相提并论。
People sort of think I went away between " Titanic" and " Avatar" and was buffing my nails someplace , sitting at the beach . 很多人都认为我在《泰坦尼克》和《阿凡达》两部电影之间退居幕后,坐在沙滩上面修指甲罢了。
We all know the biggest ship is Titanic but it sank, so the best ship is still friendship. I love my friends just as to like my own eyes. 众所周知,最大的船是泰坦尼克号,但它还是沉没了,所以最好的船依旧是友谊.我爱我的朋友正如我自己的双眼。