to be forgotten

  • 网络被遗忘

to be forgottento be forgotten

to be forgotten


Hunter & Williams LLP的资深政策顾问Marty Abrams说,被遗忘(to be forgotten)的权利与不被观看(not to be seen)的权利,状 …

Habits of exercise for ten minutes are likely to be forgotten, while two hours of exercise a day might be too hard to take all at once. 10分钟左右的锻炼习惯很容易就被忘记;而一次就做到每天锻炼2个小时则太难了。
Not to be forgotten too, he said, was the fact that many of these countries, China in particular, had huge foreign exchange reserves. 他说,不能忘记的是,事实上其中许多国家,尤其是中国,拥有大量的外汇储备。
The opportunity came a week later, on that never-to-be- forgotten Friday. Of course it was a Friday. 一个星期后,机会果然来了。那是在一个永远不能忘记的星期五,当然是一个星期五。
Despite the fact that around one billion people worldwide suffer from chronic hunger, the problem often seems to be forgotten. 尽管全球约十亿人长期遭受饥饿,但这个问题似乎常常被遗忘。
I again felt that in an organization, if you do not have your shining point, it is way easy for you to be forgotten and despised by others. 我再一次深深感受到,在一个机构里,如果你没有一点闪光点,真的很容易湮没在人群中,被大家遗忘或者看不起。
Feeling seems to be forgotten soon, or almost did not feel, how should I do, I want to say: I want you, but I really would like to you? 感觉似乎快淡忘了,或者说已经快没有感觉了,我该怎么做,我想说:我好想你,,可是,我真的想你吗?
Rotary International seems to be forgotten almost on a regular basis when the polio eradication initiative is mentioned in the media. 每当媒体提到根除小儿痲痹行动时,国际扶轮似乎经常被遗忘。
Over a period of no practice what has been learned tends to be forgotten; and the adaptive consequences may not seem obvious. 如果在一段时间里面没有时间,那么所学到的东西往往就会遗忘;其适应性结果可能就不太明显。
I always seem to be forgotten by others in a corner and nobody cares about me. 似乎我总是被别人放在遗忘的角落里,从来没有人在意我。
Even if a meal to drink when they are not to be forgotten at a near plug, I can only say you bored? Nothing else to say. 就算吃饭喝酒的时候他们也忘不了在旁边插上一句,我只能说你们无聊吗?别的没有什么可说的。
To me it was the reassuring sound of nature , trying not to be forgotten . 对我而言,这是大自然赐予的令人难忘的静心曲。
A little over a month on from Hillsborough, Liverpool met Everton in a never-to-be-forgotten FA Cup final. 希尔斯堡一个月之后,利物浦在足总杯决赛中遭遇埃弗顿,这是一场永远不会被忘记的比赛。
Debts written on the wind tend to be . . . forgotten, shall we say? 风中签署的债务容易被……遗忘,我们可以这样说么?
This financial crisis was no minor blip, to be forgotten as quickly as possible. 此次金融危机决非一段微不足道、乃至可以很快忘掉的小插曲。
A few days ago, the Wenzhou snow, the largest ever heard of a snow, but also my memory to be forgotten in the "snow goose feather. " 前几天,温州雪,雪听说过一个最大的,也是我的记忆中被遗忘的“鹅毛大雪。”
"Gone with the Wind" is a never-to-be-forgotten novel. 《飘》是一部读了令人难以忘记的小说。
and the effects of hundreds of towering buildings crowded together along the narrow island is one never to be forgotten. 成百的高耸如云的建筑拥挤地排列在狭窄的岛上的景象永远都无法让人忘记。
Not to be forgotten are persistent and massive deficits and surpluses in the global balance of payments and associated capital flows. 我们还不能忘记,全球收支平衡持续存在的巨额赤字和盈余、以及相关的资本流动。
I'm just a normal person, common to be forgotten. 我只是个普通的人,普通到被世人遗忘
In making a legal commitment, the EU would perhaps enter the lower figure, perhaps leaving the higher one to be forgotten. 在做出具有法律效力的承诺的时候,欧盟很可能只提那个小的数字,忽略那个大的数字。
I finally understand that all this is not to be forgotten! 我终于明白,这一切是不能忘记的!
This is a tour never to be forgotten as you will have walked on air over the Grand Canyon. 这就是一次让你永远无法忘记就象你自己已经走在大峡谷云端之上的旅行。
I believe no life deserves to be forgotten and that is what I believe is the value of my writing. 我以为任何生命都不应该被忘记,这就是我认为自己写作的价值所在。
To be forgotten. The French say that to part is to die a little. 法国人说,离别,就是一部分的死亡。
The few downs of this season have coincided with two performances to be forgotten. 这个赛季的两次低谷都和不好的表现应该被忘记。
And as I've found over the years, manual processes are error prone and tend to be forgotten when the going gets rough. 正如我多年所观察到的,手工过程很容易出错,如果工作紧张,就会忘记自己正在做什么。
Small, but crucial details of an actual event are likely to be forgotten because they are overwhelmed by the strength of the mental model. 而当前事件细微但至关重要的细节可能因淹没在强大的默认模式中而被遗忘。
(likely)What are fashionable this year are likely to be forgotten by people next year. 今年流行的东西明年就可能会被人遗忘。
Yang Dongchun was a educator to be forgotten who had made significant contributions in education domain in modern China. 杨东莼是中国近现代史上一位曾在教育范畴做出过重大贡献但却被人遗忘的革命教育家。
The prophetic cephalopod's brief but extraordinary life is unlikely to be forgotten. 这个具有预言能力的头足动物,其短暂而不平凡的一生,是不会那么容易被忘记的。