the story

  • 网络故事;这故事;蓝莓故事

the storythe story

the story


饶舌天下(3CD)-音乐-亚马逊中国 ... 06 Love And Respect 爱与尊敬 08 The Story 故事 09 Miami Blue 忧伤迈阿密 ...


季小薇_百度百科 ... 10. Darlin' It Ain't Easy 宝贝,这不容易 11. The Story 这故事 12. Let Me In 让我进入你的世界 ...


爵色红伶... ... 15 When You Say Nothing At All 当你什么也不说 01 The Story 蓝莓故事 02 Dream A Little Dream 小小的梦 ...


45℃天空下_百度百科 ... 06 花 Flower 07 海星的故事 The Story 12 我知道 I know ...


《哈利波特与凤凰社》13款全新幕后花絮! -... ... Sirius Black( 小天狼星) The Story剧情) Harry( 哈利) ...


舒缓的节奏 -... ... 01.Mysterious Marine 神秘的海洋 4:35 02.The story 大地的故事 8:05 03.The sun shone 旭日初升 4:31 ...


drainguard_2nd - 产品介绍 Products ... 产品介绍 Products 活渠门故事 The Story 设计过程 Design process ...


故事摘要THE STORY)  摘要里两页是英文的,一页中文的,感觉中文的故事摘要写得很好,高度概括了主题。

While 'a chapter has ended' for al Qaeda with Mr. bin Laden's death, he said, the story is far from over. 他说,尽管随着本•拉登被击毙,基地组织的这一章划上了句号,但故事还远远没有结束。
I don't think it changes the story that this is still likely to be a relatively subdued recovery by historical standards. 我认为(数据)并不能改变这样一个情况:即以历史标准衡量,本轮复苏仍可能相对温和。
Full name of the "artist's studio, a real moral of the story summed up in seven years of my artistic life situation. " 全名《画家的工作室,一个现实的寓意,概括了我七年来艺术生活情况》。
She had not thought of that, but remembered the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. 她还没想过这个,但她记起了《圣经》里亚当和夏娃的故事。
"That made it all the more important that he get out in front of the story, " says Ms Salzman. “这种情况之下,他站在人前正视这事情就变得更重要了,”Salzman说道。
Like the win universal praise the story of the fisherman: a fisherman at sea fishing, fishing for a few received rod ready to go home. 就像那个脍炙人口的渔夫的故事:一位渔夫在海边钓鱼,钓了几条就收了杆准备回家。
When he popped the question to me he said that I was the only one he would love but now, the story is quite different . 他向我求婚时说一辈子只爱我一个人。可是现在呢?情况可大不一样了。
In the story, a huge ship set out on her first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. 小说里头,一艘巨轮开始了自己首次横越大西洋的旅程。
a. Again, like the story in the RPC (Russian Primary Chronicle), the ground for such a step must have been carefully prepared. 再一次,就像在《俄罗斯原始年代记》中记载的故事那样,做出这一步的基础必须仔细准备。
Couple of days ago, I told the story about Pa drinking, which I said something wrong and made everybody laugh their heads off. 前几天说了爸爸喝酒时我说错了话,惹得大家笑。
But that would sort of be jumping to the middle of the story. And I'm not going to show you that polished video. 这其实并不是故事的开头,我也不准备给你们看这段精致的视频。
The local people used to get him to tell the story of the string for a joke. 当地的人常找他口述绳子这故事来取乐。
But the story of how we came to understand the universe is just as much a story of listening as it is by looking. 但我们对宇宙的认识过程中倾听和察看所占的比重是同样多的。
The moral of the story, then, is to beware of ideologues who are trying to hijack the European crisis on behalf of their agendas. 那么,这个故事的寓意就是,要提防那些企图按照自己的方针劫持欧洲危机的空想家。
the story was on the front page of every newspaper. 这消息在所有报纸的头版
Although there isn't authoritative evidence to back this story up the etymology of pretzel tends to support at least part of the story. 尽管人们并没有权威的证据来证实这个故事,但至少它还是部分得到了pretzel词源的支持。
The relationships you build and the decisions you make will alter the story as you uncover the dark secret of Vampire High. 你建立的关系,决定将会改变你的故事的黑暗的秘密揭示了吸血鬼高。
in a script session transcribed in liu s essay , tsui is heard trying to incorporate extraterrestrials into the story of. 刘在其文章中整理出蜀山编剧会议的一段录音,从中可见徐克设法把外星人的意念结合到故事里。
Van Emden said his conversations with Patch as he compiled the story of his life were, "a real education" . 凡·埃姆登说他与派奇之间的交流是“一次真正意义上的教育”,他把他的人生故事都记录了下来。
We could consider that free will and just call it a day, but there's plenty of reason to believe the story isn't so simple. 有人认为这是自由意愿不需干预并可以就此收工,但有足够的理由相信这故事并非如此简单。
"Great Expectations" The story has its unique features; there is a time to let the reader unable to stop feeling. 《远大前程》的故事情节有它的独特之处,读来让读者有一种欲罢不能的感觉。
Midwife Farangis Sultani tells the story of a woman who was in a great deal of pain last winter. 助产员法拉基斯·苏坦克讲述了去年冬天一名忍者剧痛生产的妇女的故事。
The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea. 处女航开始时就沉没了,这个沉船故事一定是最神奇的海上轶事之一。
I sat down with the other person and asked him to discuss his issues with me. I then gave my side of the story. 我和对方坐下来讨论了一下我们之间冲突的问题,然后我提出了自己的看法。
The overwhelming feedback from consumers was that they loved the story of the two dairy farmers behind the delicious yoghurt drink. 绝大多数来自消费者的反馈是,他们爱的故事背后的美味酸奶饮料的两个奶农。
The story is all over the town. It is being spread by someone or by some people. There's no smoke without fire. 这个传说遍及全城,有人或有些人还在散布。真是无火不生烟。
A. The child read the story but did not fully comprehend its meaning. B. The child read the story but did not fully understand its meaning. 这孩子读了这个故事,但并不完全明白它的意思。
By noon of the next day, the story was all over Tarrytown. 到第二天中午,故事便传遍了整个塔利镇。
A founder's ability to seize opportunity, act with confidence, and tolerate risk is only the beginning of the story. 创业者把握机会、采取行动和承受风险的能力只是这一过程的开始。
And the Prince had to tell the story of his own enchantment and deliverance at least ten times. 王子只好把他自己中了魔法以及解脱苦难的经历讲了又讲,少说也讲了十遍。