
美 [poʊk]英 [pəʊk]
  • v.戳;伸出;捅;推
  • n.戳;拨;捅;挑
  • 网络刺;戳一下;拨开

第三人称单数:pokes 现在分词:poking 过去式:poked

poke fun,poke hole


v. n.

1.[t](用手指或其他东西)捅,戳,杵to quickly push your fingers or another object into sb/sth

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.推;捅;戳;探to push sth somewhere or move it in a particular direction with a small quick movement

3.[i]+ adv./prep.露出;伸出;探出if an object ispoking out of, through, etc. sth, you can see a part of it that is no longer covered by sth else

4.[t]~ a hole in sth (with sth)捅窟窿;扎洞to make a hole in sth by pushing your finger or another object into it


poke fun at sb/sth

拿…开心;奚落;嘲弄to say unkind things about sb/sth in order to make other people laugh at them

三国志11人物头像_百度知道 ... Point 指点 Poke , 刺 Ponder 沉思,考虑 ...

三国志11人物头像_百度知道 ... Point 指点 Poke 戳, Ponder 沉思,考虑 ...

Facebook提供一个“Poke)”别的用户的功能,让用户可以给别人发送一个“Poke”。Facebook常见问题中这样解释:“Poke …




求WOW命令大全~_爱问知识人 ... /point( 指向) /poke拨开) /ponder( 沉思) ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... fives n. 一种类似手球的球戏 poke n. 刺, 戳, 懒汉, 袋子 noses Network Operating System, 网络操作系 …


求WOW命令大全~_爱问知识人 ... /Point( 指点) /Poke( 手戳) /Ponder( 沉思) ...


考研新增词汇--配套高效助记方法 - 豆丁网 ... plumber 水管工人 poke 戳,捅 习惯用语: poke fun at 嘲弄; ...

'Just a Get Well card, ' said Hermione hastily, trying to poke it out of sight, but Ron was too quick for her. “一`张`问候卡。”赫敏赶忙说,想把它塞进去,不想让他们看。可是罗恩出手比她快得多。
Don't let your boy poke his head out of the train window-it's dangerous! 别让你的孩子把头伸出火车窗外-太危险了。
Make it a point to look for cartoons and jokes which poke fun at the circumstances that cause negativity or conflict in the office. 寻找一些卡通漫画和笑话,在消极情绪或办公室冲突的氛围中曾添些乐趣。
The boy sat down and began to poke little holes in the sand. 那男孩坐下来,开始在沙子里戳出一个个的小洞。
Nokia recently released an update to the 770's software that makes it a little more friendly to users who want to poke around on the device. Nokia最近为770软件发布了一个更新包,它对于那些希望研究这个设备的用户来说更加友好。
Because no one knows at the break time, I saw him drying his eyes and nose with his blue handkerchief. I didn't go up and poke him out. 因为谁也不会知道,课间时,透过办公室的大玻璃,我清楚地看到他小心翼翼地用手帕擦着眼睛和鼻子。
He looked at Joe Scott a good deal out of the corners of his eyes, frequently came to poke the counting-house fire for him. 他老是打眼角瞅瞅乔·斯科特,还常常走进账房间来为他拨拨炉火。
At this point plants should hook fishing hole down to the grass, grass cracks, commonly known as poke stubble. 此时钓水草要把钩下到草洞、草缝里,俗称戳茬。
There's always going to be something of indeterminate age in your kitchen, and you may be tempted to sniff, poke, and then taste it. 总是会有些不确定因素存在于您的厨房,并且您可能会受到诱惑,闻,戳,然后品味。
Why did he poke about for hours in the old furniture shop? He might have spent the time more usefully. 他为什么在旧家具店里一逛几个小时?他本可以利用那些时间干点有意义的事的。
Just poke some holes around the bottom of the empty container and bury it in the ground up to the bottle neck. 在空罐子底下扎几个洞,把它埋到土里,齐瓶颈深,靠近植物。
He poke his head round the door to see if she was In the room. 他在门口探了一下头,看她是否在屋里。
Once you've been poking back and forth for a few days, it becomes time to take the poking from the internet to the bedroom. . . 一旦你被poke或者回poke了几天,那就会演变成你需要不停的poke了,从网上到卧室……
When he decided to try the host began to poke fun at him that he would lose his poise and not be able to guess his weight. 当他决定试一下的时候,主持人跟他开了个玩笑,说他会失去平衡并猜不出他的体重。
I love being a photographer because it's a key that allows you to open doors into other worlds and have a bit of a poke about. 我喜欢作一个摄影师,因为那是允许你打开大门进入别人的世界并了解他们的关键。
He went over to the baby where it was playing on the floor and began to poke his finger at it. 他走到宝宝跟前,宝宝正在地板上玩。于是他伸出手指去逗宝宝玩。
She startled one of the masked performers with a poke to the head because she was "curious" what it would feel like. 她对一个头上刺着锥子的蒙面怪物感到很是惊讶,因为她很“好奇”那名演员到底是怎么打扮成那副模样的。
OUTDOOR HAND-WASHING: Poke a small hole in the bottom of a jug. Block the hole with a golf tee. 户外洗手:在罐子底部戳个小孔,然后用一个高尔夫球球座把孔堵上。
Dubai's skyscrapers poke through a carpet of fog at night in dramatic images taken from 800ft up in the air. 迪拜的摩天大楼在晚间800英尺的高空,仿佛戏剧性的图像一般,“捅破”了迷雾铺就的地毯。
When a teacher came in and made an inspection, then the boy behind me would poke my back, I raised my head quickly and called my desk mate. 有时碰到老师检查,后面的兄弟会踢我的凳子给我警告,我慌忙从题海中抬起头,赶紧推醒同桌。
The electrodes used were non-penetrating, meaning they sit between the patient's brain and skull, but do not actually poke into the brain. 这种电极是非穿透性的,它们处在病人大脑与头盖骨之间,但实际上并不进入大脑。
If you get lost or injured, cut a small hole in the bottom of garbage bag big enough to poke your head through. 如果你走失或受伤,在垃圾袋子底部剪开一个口子,大小足够让你的脑袋穿过去。
Actually, I can't see you because I would rather poke my eyes out with a burning stick than open them right now. But, hey, whatever. 事实上,我看不见你,因为要是现在睁眼的话我会宁可捅瞎自己的眼睛。但是,嘿,不管怎么说。
Lighten up. Joke about whatever annoys you, and if you can manage it, laugh about it with that person, or poke fun at your own reaction. 对任何给你烦恼的事情开玩笑,如果可以处理,那么和“那个人”一起大笑,或者,把“自己的反应”拿来开玩笑。
Sometimes, witholding that poke for a few days can intensify the relationship. 有时,持久的poke几天可以加强你们的关系。
While context is bound to be missing from many queries, Tweetolife is still kind of fun to poke around. Can you find anything amusing? 虽然很多查询仍然不行,但是Tweetolife仍然是一种乐趣.你能发现什么有趣的?
Use a spoon to poke into the ice cream. If it's too hard, leave the yogurt at room temperature for about 15 minutes for it to soften first. 用一把勺子戳一下冰激凌,假如太硬了,把酸奶在室温下放置15分钟让它先变软。
Could I at least poke my head in? I'm his wife. 让我看一眼就好我是他太太
I left E3 drolling with dreams of having this installed on my machine where I could poke at it for hours. 我离开E3以后就一直幻想着魔兽世界已经被装在了自己的机器上。
It has been a long-standing practice to poke fun at our cultural icons, symbols, public figures and celebrities. 拿文化偶像、标志、公众人物和名人来开涮,历来有之。