bank of america

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bank of america


...风险抵押贷款债券,美国城市债券保险(MBIA)求诉美国银行Bank of America)的全国金融公司(Countrywide Financial…


美洲银行(Bank of America)报道,称苹果预期将在今年第二季度推出iPhone手机的高速无线版本,第三季度支持3G技术的iPh…


美国商业银行BANK OF AMERICA)公开宣称,我们承认在次级债风波方面投资错误,遭受了巨大的损失,可是我们从建行 …


美银(BANK of AMERICA) : QE3的时机点会在九月 作者: Eugene 分类: 美国经济 於 上午10:12 每日国外财经短讯 2012 071…


从美国银行(Bank Of America)往国内建行汇钱的问题 谁知道建行和美国银行(BOA)的直联汇款包括哪些省份?有南京吗? 建行 …


美国第二大银行美国银行(Bank of America)最新预计,由于美联储(FED)可能再次降息以推动经济增长。美联储在9月18时下调 …


有些银行则针对老客户提供额外刷卡回馈,如持有美国商银Bank of America)或美林(Merrill Lynch)帐户且存款超过5万元 …

As if overnight, Wall Street investment and trade map has been redrawn , which is the biggest winner in the Bank of America. 仿佛一夜间,华尔街的投行业版图便被重新划分,而其中最大的赢家莫过于美国银行了。
Jerry Dubrowski, a Bank of America spokesman, said the bank's practice is to cooperate with any inquiry from regulators. 该行发言人杜布洛维斯基(JerryDubrowski)说,美国银行的惯例是将会配合监管机构的任何调查。
Since the Bank of America-Merrill merger, the nonprofit now receives only one, smaller, check from Bank of America. 自从美国银行-美林证券合并以来,这个非营利组织现在只收到一张来自美国银行数目较小的支票。
Almost a year ago at the height of the credit crisis, Bank of America bought troubled rival Merrill Lynch in a rushed deal. 大约一年前,在次贷危机的高峰,美国银行在一笔仓促的交易中收购了陷入困境的竞争对手美林公司。
Bank of America (BofA) has put off a juicy long-term deal with the New York Yankees and extended its existing contract for a year. 美国银行推迟了一项金额巨大的赞助纽约扬基队的长期合约,仅将现有合同延长一年。
The Bank of America survey can be a great contrarian indicator although, as always in markets, it is far from infallible. 美银美林这份调查报告可以成为一个很好的反向指标,不过和任何市场指标一样,它也远不是完全可靠。
Ally Bank and Bank of America rank last with a little over one percent of the total amount of phishing messages. 针对Ally银行和美国银行的网络钓鱼信息仅占所有总数的百分之一点几。
The bad times Bank of America is currently facing are partly the result of the good times the bank enjoyed earlier. 美国银行现在所面临的不景气部份是由于前段时间的繁荣造成的。
"We're a lot easier to deal with than a bank, " he said from his office on the third floor of a Bank of America building near Rodeo Drive. “我们比银行好打交道多了,”他在他的办公室说,办公室位于RodeoDrive附近的一栋美国银行大厦的三楼。
Mr. Muneio, the Michigan State student, said he did not apply for a Bank of America card because he already had two Visa cards. 而本文一开始提到的这位密歇根州立大学的Muneio同学这样说道,他没去申请美国银行的信用卡,因为他已经有两张Visa卡了。
When it notified Bank of America of such gaping write-downs, the bank became fearful it would not have the capital to cover them. 当他们通知美国银行这种巨额亏损时,美国银行开始担心他们的资金无法填补这个巨大的漏洞。
Bank of America is to carry out an internal review, according to people familiar with the matter. 据知情人士透露,美国银行(BankofAmerica)将进行一次内部评估。
Merrill Lynch, which had not been previously thought to be in danger, sold itself to the Bank of America to avoid a similar fate. 为避免相似的命运,之前被认为不在危险之中的美林银行也把自己卖给了美国银行。
"I did not tell Bank of America's management that the Federal Reserve would take action against the board or management, " he said. 他说:“我没有向美国银行管理团队表示,美联储会采取反对董事会或管理层的措施。”
In 1998 he took out a loan for $140 million from Bank of America, which two years later was increased to $200 million. 1998年,迈克.杰克逊从美洲银行借贷1400万美元,这一数字在两年后又增至2000万美元。
WikiLeaks responded to Bank of America's announcement with a Twitter message urging supporters to stop doing business with the bank. 维基解密用一条推特信息(Twittermessage)回应美洲银行的通告,敦促支持者们停止与该家银行进行业务往来。
As for Bank of America, it would be hard to argue that without the US taxpayers' $45bn the bank would still be around. 谈到美国银行时,我们也很难主张:如果没有美国纳税人的450亿美元,该银行仍可生存。
Jackson's borrowings continued to swell, while his debt with Bank of America was sold on to the New York company Fortress Investment Group. Jackson的借款在持续增长,同时,他在美国银行的债务被卖给了一家叫做堡垒投资集团的纽约公司。
Bank of America was found to have the largest capital need. However, it said it did not need any more government money. 评估结果显示美国银行需要增加的资本最多.不过美银表态不再需要政府给钱。
He said he had come to suggest that Bank of America pay higher interest rates on savings accounts. 他说,他是来建议美国银行应该调高储蓄账户的利率的。
Bruce had been serving as section head at the Bank of America for over a year. 布鲁斯曾经在美国银行当了一年的科长。
Lehman officials said they believed the firm had not one but two potential buyers: Bank of America and Barclays, the big British bank. 雷曼公司的官员说,他们相信雷曼并非只有一个,而是有两个潜在买家:美洲银行(BankofAmerica)和英国的巴克莱银行(Barclays)。
The amount of capital now needed by Bank of America could exceed what the bank can raise by selling assets or more shares to the public. 美国银行如今需要筹集的资金可能会超过该行通过出售资产或公开增发股份所能筹到的资金规模。
Bank of America said the settlement "represents a constructive conclusion to this issue. " 美国银行称,该和解协议“代表着对这一问题的建设性解决方案”。
Plus, unlike shares of Bank of America, a Ferrari can be driven around with the top down on a sunny day. 此外,与美国银行(BankofAmerica)的股票不同的是,在阳光灿烂的日子,你可以开着一辆法拉利敞篷车出去兜风。
While Bank of America directors have shown no obvious interest in the idea so far, 'the door isn't shut, ' this person said. 该人士说,虽然美国银行董事迄今对这一提议并没有表示出明显兴趣,但大门并没有关上。
A Bank of America spokesman did not immediately respond to questions regarding the combined wealth management business. 美银一发言人未对有关财富管理业务的问题立刻作出回复。
But buy-out firms remain interested in First Republic, a private bank that Bank of America has been trying to sell. 不过,收购业者仍对美银尝试出售的私人银行业务FirstRepublic感兴趣。
He seemed to suggest that the purpose of Vertical was to help Bank of America hedge its mortgage risks. 他似乎暗示,Vertical的目的,是帮助美国银行对冲其抵押贷款风险。
If you need more objective information concerning our credit, please refer to The Bank of America, New York and Kahn Co. Ltd. 如果您需要关于我们的信用的更多的信息,可以咨询美国银行芝加哥纽约和卡恩有限公司。