
美 [breɪs]英 [breɪs]
  • n.支架;大括号;箍子;夹子
  • v.(为困难或坏事)使做准备;使防备;使(身体或身体部位)顶住
  • 网络支柱;支撑;花括号

复数:braces 现在分词:bracing 过去式:braced



n. v.

1.[c]箍子;夹子;支架a device that holds things firmly together or holds and supports them in position

3.[pl]吊裤带;背带long narrow pieces of cloth, leather, etc. for holding trousers/pants up. They are fastened to the top of the trousers/pants at the front and back and passed over the shoulders.


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I threw my hands out to brace the fall, and my hand drove into a broken tree branch beneath it, opening a hole in the middle of my palm. 我伸手想要阻止下滑,却撑到一根破树枝,手掌正中开了个洞。
Right now I am walking with a brace and crutches, but at least I am able to get around a little bit. 现在我需要借助拐杖走路,虽然不是很灵便,但至少我可以到户外活动一小会儿。
He took lessons, and had to wear a hip brace for a year. 他上了芭蕾课,还戴了一年的矫正器。
Each and every one of these deaths is tragic, and we have to brace ourselves to see more. 每例死亡都是一场悲剧,而且我们必须有准备目睹更多的死亡。
It's a bit like orangutans do, reaching their arms up to branches to brace themselves as they move along. 他们向前走时,有点像猩猩一样,伸着胳膊,抓着树枝支撑自己。
Mr Heathcliff has just honoured me with a calls About seven days ago he sent me a brace of grouse--the last of the season. 希刺克厉夫先生刚刚光临来看了我。大概在七天以前他送我一对松鸡——这是这季节的最后两只了。
It was easy to think this; but it was hard to brace himself up to try it. 这事情想想倒是容易;可是他却很难壮起胆来试一下。
The night of Athens is still there, just like the brace scored by Pippo Inzaghi who made it magical and unforgettable. 雅典之夜的记忆仍在,就像皮波因扎吉画上了光痕让它梦幻而难忘。
Bettylikes the games, painting and singing, but she wants to be near her mother, so Ms Brace is very worried. 贝蒂喜欢游戏、画画和唱歌,可是她更想呆在她妈妈旁边。这让布雷斯女士很担心。
Just look at this mess! I'll try to help you clean it up but you'd brace yourself for a real scolding by Mom when she gets back. 你把房间弄得这么乱。我可以帮你收拾,但你还是准备好等妈妈回来骂你一顿吧。
He learned to brace himself as he approached her for what was almost certain to follow. 他已学会应付当自己接近她时几乎肯定会发生的事情。
The two shoulder between them a mere two rucksacks, plus a brace of day sacks which a guide transports separately on a motorbike. 两人合起来只扛了两个背包,另外一对睡袋包则是由向导分开运输。
The next thing I laid hold of was a brace of pistols, and as I already had a powder-horn and bullets, I felt myself well supplied with arms. 然后我拿了两只手枪,因为我已有一筒火药和一些子弹,就觉得武装得够可以的了。
Brace yourselves. You may be shocked by what I am about to tell you. 打起精神来吧,听我讲些事情,你可能会感到吃惊。
All of us ought to be able to brace ourselves for the predicable challenges and setbacks that crop up everyday . 我们每天都应该让自己做好准备,迎接可以预见的挫折和挑战。
To improve chassis, engineers added a stiffer strut tower bar brace and a pair of performance dampers. 为了提高底盘,工程师增加了更严厉的支柱塔酒吧振奋和对性能减震器。
The driver's instinct is to stretch out his legs to brace for the impact but they BREAK at the knee joints. 这时司机出于本能伸直双腿支撑(减轻前进的势头),但双腿在膝关节处断裂。
Chituodi at Rucker rationalize the gas, wearing a neck brace thumb, his face filling the word worship, and said: "You, I lose, convinced. " 提托迪符拉克理顺了气,翘起大拇指,脸上写满崇拜二字,说:“幽,是我输了,心服口服。”
Nearer the door, the Queen's Hand was attacking a brace of 'capons, sucking the meat off the bones and washing down each bite with ale. 女王之手坐在门边,正在向两只阉鸡发动进攻,他从骨头上嘬下每一口肉,用麦酒灌下去。
So at nine years of age, the little girl removed the leg brace and took the step the doctors told her she would never take normally. 小女孩在九岁时拿掉了腿上的支架,迈出了医生说她永远不可能迈出的一步。
You'll have to brace up to your misfortune and get on with your work. 你得做好准备正视自己的不幸,继续干你的工作。
no brace will hold you gently as you bow out of this your life on earth to eat the dust on another world. 当你们退出这地球上你们的生命,到另一个世界吃尘时,没有支托会温柔地托住你。
To support or hold steady with or as if with a brace; reinforce. 用支柱支撑或把稳;加固
While Gerrard took many of the plaudits following his brace on Wednesday, Benitez thinks Mascherano was just as key to the victory. 周三,杰拉德因为优异的表现赢得了众多喝彩,而贝尼特斯认为马斯切拉诺才是比赛胜利的关键人物。
The ultimate bearing capacity of CHS joints overlapped with a greater inclination degree of lap brace and chord was found to be higher. 与弦杆倾角较大腹杆作为搭接腹杆的节点极限承载力较高。
A yielding fuse device is provided for use in association with a brace member in a bracing assembly for a structural frame. 一种屈服熔丝装置,其用于与支撑组件中的支撑件相关联地使用,该支撑组件用于结构框架。
Photo Gallery: Jurassic Period Ghosts of an earlier age, an Allosaurus and a Stegosaurus brace for battle at the Denver Museum in Colorado. 侏罗纪时代图片集。幽灵的较早的时期,古生异龙和剑龙振奋精神战斗在丹佛博物馆在科罗拉多州。
The left brace that marks the beginning of the function body, class member block, interface member block, or enumeration block is missing. 缺少标记函数体、类成员块、接口成员块或枚举块的开头的左大括号。
The 30-year-old bagged a brace in United's 5-2 victory at Glanford Park, as he made his first start since August's Community Shield. 30岁的欧文在Glanford公园梅开二度,这也是8月的社区盾以来欧文的第一次首发。
There was another returning hero in the squad today, as Pavel Nedved's five-match ban expired and he marked his comeback with a brace. 这场比赛中,内德维德结束了五轮禁赛,重返绿茵场。他以出色的表现证明自己的回归。