
美 [laɪf]英 [laɪf]
  • n.生命;寿命;一生;终身
  • 网络生活;人生;生物


live life,enjoy life,save life,lead life,take life
good life,hard life,quiet life,comfortable life,miserable life



生存状态state of living

1.[u]生命the ability to breathe, grow, reproduce, etc. which people, animals and plants have before they die and which objects do not have

2.[u][c]人命;性命;人的存活the state of being alive as a human; an individual person's existence

生物living things

3.[u]生物;活物living things

时期period of time

4.[c][u]一生;终身;寿命;一生中的部分时间the period between sb's birth and their death; a part of this period

5.[c](某情景或工作的)一段生活经历a period of sb's life when they are in a particular situation or job

6.[c]存在期;(某物的)寿命;有效期the period of time when sth exists or functions


7.[u]无期徒刑;终身监禁the punishment of being sent to prison for life; life imprisonment


8.[u]生活经历the experience and activities that are typical of all people's existences

9.[u][c](某种方式的)生活the activities and experiences that are typical of a particular way of living

10.[c]个人生活;个人经历;个人生活某一方面的活动a person's experiences during their life; the activities that form a particular part of a person's life


11.[u]活力;生命力;生气the quality of being active and exciting

艺术in art

12.[u](绘画的)模特儿,实物,实景a living model or a real object or scene that people draw or paint

传记story of life

13.[c]生平事迹;传记a story of sb's life

儿童游戏in children's games

14.[c](玩游戏者出局前几次机会中的)一次机会one of a set number of chances before a player is out of a game

生活 网上书店 ... 娱乐/时尚( fun&fashion) 生活( life) 励志/自我实现( job) ...


生命(life)走向死亡(dead),最吸引我们的一定是曾经在我们心底闪烁过的辉煌瞬间,那些快乐的笑容,那些甜美的话语。克里 …


非常爱漫-在线漫画网,最新最经典漫画网站 ... Kids log 帅哥爹地 Life- 人生 LOVE 教程 ...


寿字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 寿面〖 noodleseatenonone’sbirthday〗 寿命life-span;life〗 寿数〖 predestinedage〗 ...


人教版初中英语单词全部 - 豆丁网 ... library 图书馆 life 生活;生命;一生 like 像;如同 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... bell,bel=war,fight, 表示“战争,打斗” bio,bi=life, 表示“生命,生物” brev,bridg=short, 表示“短,缩短” ...


生命力 ( LIFE ) 扣至 0 时,玩家就会 GAME OVER 。移动在每一个 TURN 中,玩家可以使用电脑从手中的 6 只咭牌进行移 …


字典中 身 字的解释 ... (6) 自己,自身[ oneself;self] (8) 生命,性命[ life] (10) 地位或身分[ status] ...

HOW much golden leisure can you expect at the end of your working life? 在你工作生活即将结束之时,你预期还有多长的黄金休闲时光呢?
I'm glad I went back to India, and I'm glad to be back in the U. S. Life has come full circle but the center has shifted. 我庆幸回过印度,也很庆幸又回到了美国。生活就是一个圆,只是圆心在变。
Somebody just handed me a sandwhich! Thankyou. Let me tell you, life doesn't get better than this. 刚有人给了我个三明治!谢谢。跟你们说,生活这样才带劲啊!
Her life ended December 18, 1992 with a great feeling in her heart that she had changed people's lives. 克莱拉于1992年12月18日离开人世,去世时她怀抱着改变了人们生活的满足感。
A time came when the king finally got tired of himself and of life, and he began to seek a way out. 有一天,国王终于对自己的这种性格厌倦了,他想下决心改掉它。
Each time, see you, will you get the little bit of success and happy to see you very happy life, I would be very much pleased. 每一次,见到你,都会为你取得的点点滴滴的成绩而高兴,见到你生活的很幸福,我会感到很欣慰。
It was an exhausting summer and made me anxious to return to my relatively easy life at college. 这样夏季过完时我已经疲惫不堪,盼望着开学后回到轻松一点的大学生活。
By an accident of history, we in the West have evolved a culture that separates man's spiritual life from his institutional life. 由于历史的一次偶然事件,在我们西方出现了一种把人的精神生活与机关团体生活分隔的文化。
Kutcher is so good now at what he does, "My whole goal in life was that maybe I'd make a million someday, " Kutcher says. “库奇现在做得很好,”我生活中的目标是,也许我总有一天会赚一百万,库奇说。
Parents, like the warm streams, gently float the boat of our life and slowly drift it to the bank of maturity. 父母就像温暖的溪流,温柔地托浮著我们的生命之舟,缓缓地将它推送到成熟的彼岸。
two people were familiar with, and then learn more and had to break up . . . . . . If it is not greedy, so that life should be able to it? 两个人因熟悉而结合,然后了解多了,不得不分手……如果不是太贪心,这样的人生应该是可以了?
The two letters were a blip on the intelligentsia's cardiogram, which had been showing few signs of life. 这两封信是知识分子心电图上的一条线,它显示出生命迹象微弱。
The speech landed the young star in LIFE Magazine and made her a spokeswoman for her generation in the eyes of the media. 该演说让她进入了生活杂志(LIFEMagazine)并使她成为媒体眼中美国新生一代的代言人。
Speaking of his own creation of this style of the time, Miyake life, said: "It is an experiment, as well as a risk. " 在谈到他自己创立的这种风格的时候,三宅一生说:“那是个实验,也是个冒险。”
It would be happier to live all by my self than fight with a man for one same thing all the rest of my life. 自己一个人生活比用尽余生和一个人为同一个目标奋斗来的更为开心,快乐。
For a while, I felt that life was unfair and wished that this terrible thing had never ever happened. 有一段时间,我甚至觉得生活太不公平了,还妄想这样糟糕的事情根本未曾发生。
Look on the positive side: it's just a matter of removing the Cabal's power structure and restoring human life to its full potential. 看向这积极的一面:清理阴谋集团并且恢复人类生活的全部潜力是迟早的事情。
White particles which appeared on the surface of beans and the wall of bottles, during the shelf life of broad bean paste were investigated. 成品蚕豆酱随着货架期的延长,在豆瓣表面及其瓶壁上会出现一些乳白色硬质圆粒状小点,有时呈较大的片状结构。
At the time art was no longer as dependent on politics as that of 1949 to 1976, but had its own truly independent life. 应该说,艺术发展在这个阶段硕果累累,因为艺术不再像1949至1976年那样依附于政治,而是拥有了自己真正的独立生命。
If I can choose, I will use the rest of my life with you for a brief encounter with life, full of happiness, and then vanish do not see. 如果我可以选择,我愿意再用我余生的时光换一场与你的短暂相遇,携一生幸福满满,然后转瞬消失不见。
But I would choose to have it as a portion of life sometime, for without it we cannot be whole. 可是有时我会选择把它当作生命的一部分,因为没有孤独我们就不会完整。
I had heard the morning of the day she died that she was probably on her way out of this life. 我听说她去世的那天早晨,她或许是以这种方式结束了自己的人生。
The acquisition of my tape recorder really finished whatever emotional life I might have had, but I was glad to see it go. 获得录音机,确切终结了我所有可能享有的感情生活,但我欣见它结束。
Draco is defeated dumbledore, snape appeared to dumbledore, read out the killing curse, the end of the old man's life. 德拉科却打败了邓布利多,斯内普出现了,对邓布利多念出了杀戮咒,结束了老人的生命。
But it has one redeeming feature: the irresistible impulse to see one's writings in print exhausts itself during early life. 但这也有挽回的一面:那种急于看到自己作品印刷出来的不可抵御的冲动,在人生的早期就萎靡下去了。
It was the last straw for her ; she packed up and moved North and regained her life. 她忍无可忍,只好整理行装,搬到北部,重新生活。
Carl: It was one of the best times of my life. 卡尔:那可是我一生中最美好的一段时光呀。
They have been very adept at first making money for themselves and then trading the financier's life for that of the power broker. 他们非常擅长于先给自己赚钱,再利用金融家的经历换取政治掮客的身份。
For the fist few days of his life, Wilbur was allowed to live in a box near the stove in the kitchen. 在威尔伯生下来的头几天,它给安置在厨房炉子旁边的箱子里。
Since then, music has always been accompanied by his young time, become an important part of his life. 自那以后,音乐一直伴随着他年轻的时光,成为他生命中重要的部分。