
美 [lɑrdʒ]英 [lɑː(r)dʒ]
  • adv.大;详细地;夸大地;【航】顺风地
  • adj.大的;大规模的;大量的;(服装、食物、日用品等)大型号的
  • n.
  • 网络较大;更大;更大的

比较级:larger 最高级:largest

large scale,large number,large area,large amount,large capacity


1.大的;大规模的;大量的big in size or quantity

2.(服装、食物、日用品等)大型号的used to describe one size in a range of sizes of clothes, food, products used in the house, etc.

3.广泛的;众多的wide in range and involving many things


at large

整个;全部;总地;一般地as a whole; in general

by and large

大体上;总体上;总的(或一般)说来used when you are saying something that is generally, but not completely, true

give/have it large

玩个痛快;(尤指跳舞和饮酒)作乐to enjoy yourself, especially by dancing and drinking alcohol

in large part|in large measure

在很大程度上to a great extent

(as) large as life

(表示惊讶地见到)本人,本身used to show surprise at seeing sb/sth

larger than life

外表行为惹人注目looking or behaving in a way that is more interesting or exciting than other people, and so is likely to attract attention


表示颜色的形容词到底有没有比较级? ... (好的) nicer nicest (大的) larger largest (大的) bigger biggest ...


CSS杂记 - 江湖飘 - 博客园 ... xx-large 极大 larger 较大,相比父对象 smaller 较小,相比父对象 ...


一点英语单词 帮忙翻译一下_百度知道 ... cheese 芝士 larger 更大 pepperoni 意大利辣味香肠 ...


小学英语单词分类汇总 ... little 年幼的 larger 更大的 bigge 更大的 ...


全日免费礼遇:预约租用大型(Full)或更大型(Larger)车款七日或七日以上,即可享有一日租金全免优惠◎ 美金25元租车补助金…


一点英语单词 帮忙翻译一下_百度知道 ... tomatoes 西红柿 larger 较大的 onions 洋葱 ...


说明:在这个例子中,汉语原文的主语是“机会”以及“空间”,相应的谓语分别是“越来越多”(more and more)和“越来越大”(larg

Subsequent research has confirmed this result, and suggested it is nothing to do with the larger salaries of those at the top. 后续研究也已经印证了这一结论,并提出这与处于顶层的人巨额的工资收入无关。
But analysts have said the tax would have to be expanded to cover a larger base for it to be an effective source of revenue. 若要让房产税成为一个有效的收入来源,就要进一步扩大征税对象。
If there had been a net force, then indeed it would also go down, if this force were larger than this. 如果没有净力,那就不会下降了,如果那个力大于这个。
But if that were so, then at least some mild effect might be expected to show in the behaviour of those with larger hippocampuses. 但如果真是那样,那些拥有巨大海马体的人或多或少总会有一些轻微的外在表现。
The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and I reland, and hundreds of small ones. 不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
If the velocity is the same in both cases can't you see that this horizontal component is way larger than this horizontal component? 如果发射的速度无异,明显这个的水平分量,要远远大于这个?
He follows them to the corner of the building, then sees them accompanied by a larger pair of footprints heading off into the desert. 他跟真它来到了房子的角上,之后看到了它跟着一个大脚印进入了沙漠。
Oh my faith, my untamed knowledge, how shall I fly to your height and see with you man's larger self pencilled upon the sky? 哦,我的信仰,我不能抑制的知识,我怎样飞翔到你的高度,同你在天空之上一起看…?
This is only a small trial order, but, if satisfactory, we shall be able to place larger and regular order with you. 此次仅是一个小批试验性订购,如若效果良好,我将向您安排较大批量的经常性的订单。
The dog had a larger place in our lives than I would have thought possible. 这只狗在我们生活中占据了一块很大的地方,这是我始料未及的。
I was about to put my opinion to the test by inquiring of this gentleman when you interrupted with your own--larger theory, I must confess. 我正要寻问这位绅士来证实我的看法,恰好被你的理论所打断,当然是更大的理论,我必须承认。
Otherwise, it just might have to start building that credibility all over again with a much larger package down the road. 否则,美国也许会在未来的道路上付出更多以便再次重建它的公信力。
One possibility would be to launch the Fed's first move with a larger purchase and scale back the increments after that, he said. 他还表示,联储还有可能提高初始购债规模,然后减少之后逐步购债的规模.(完)
Tummelson throws these games into a growing market and reprints at much larger volumes whenever he has a hit on his hands. Tummelson当觉得胜券在握时尽最大可能将这些游戏投入发展中市场并且能再版多少就再版多少。
She pondered these possibilities until she tottered into a larger choice: she did not have to write a sonnet. 她思索着这种种可能,最后得出另一个更大的选择:她没必要写十四行诗。
Terra feels most grateful to understand this truth as it eases the pain of her experience in understanding the larger picture. 了解到此真相,Terra感到十分感激,因为它抹去了她在对更大图像的了解中的痛苦。
The larger screen estate makes reading a pleasure, and I can see myself using this one far more than i Books. 较大的屏幕使房地产阅读的乐趣,我可以看到自己使用此一比iBook笔记本得多。
The mind seems to have the ability to transcend itself and merge with a larger presence that feels more real. 意识似乎有能力超越自身与一个感觉更真实、更大的存在融合。
A seafaring life may be full of suffering, but it is also full of a macho romance that lends a larger sense of destiny to it all. 虽然航海生活充满苦楚,但同样也能充满阳刚的传奇,增添了一种强烈的人生终极感。
The company is trying to grow larger by increasing the amount of equipment and the number of people who run it. 这样的公司通常期望通过增加设备和雇佣员工使得公司变得更为强大。
He had a gold crown on his head, and delicate wings at his shoulders, and was not much larger than Tiny herself. 他头上戴着一顶最华丽的金制王冠,他肩上生着一双精美的翅膀,而他本身并不比拇指姑娘高大。
"shall not have cracks, holes and other casting defects" hidden dangers exist in larger, easy to put the seller in a passive position. “不得有裂纹、气孔等铸造缺陷”存在的隐患更大,极易使卖方陷入被动。
Astronomers said the moon would appear brighter and larger than usual, but the sky in the UK was almost completely covered by cloud. 天文学家说这次的月亮比以往的更亮更大,遗憾的是当天不列颠的上空布满了云。
"But going into next year, China will outstrip the U. S. market continuously. China is going to be larger every quarter. " “不过进入明年,中国仍会持续超越美国市场,且每个季度都会持续增长。”
It had a built-in tendency to produce ever larger booms and busts, and over the longer term it was bound to destroy itself. 其内在趋势能产生更大的繁荣和萧条,但是从长远来说它注定毁于其自身。
Some of the tunnels are just a few feet tall, while othershave been retrofitted to accommodate larger tourists. 一些隧道只有几英尺高,而另一些经过改造以适应较大体格的游客。
And he said, I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and I will gather there all my wheat and my goods. 又说,我要这样办:要把我的仓房拆了,另盖更大的,好在那里收藏我一切的麦子和财物。
He was much more dynamic with his drills, and was no longer hesitant to pair with much larger partners. 他对训练更有激情,并不再犹豫和比他更强壮的对手做搭档。
The size of our forces was no match for the much larger Soviet army. And yet retreat would have allowed Communism to march across Europe. 美国的军队规模远远比不上更为强大的苏联红军,然而撤退只会让共产主义横扫欧洲。
We built water conservancy projects on a scale larger than any other time since the founding of New China. 进行了新中国成立以来规模最大的水利建设。