life is

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life islife is

life is


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Is all this a confession that after all life is too complex a game for any rules to be of much use? 所有这一切是否都在承认:毕竟生活是多么复杂的一场游戏,任何规则都没多大用处?
"We're going to go back to the United States soon, our life is there, " he said, holding a heart-shaped pink balloon. 拿着一只心形粉红色气球,他说:“我们将很快回到美国,我们的生活在那里”
But life is harsh, and a man with a warm, generous and sentimental nature may be easily taken in by his cleverer fellowmen. 可是人生是残酷的,一个有着热烈的、慷慨的、天性多情的人,也许容易受他的比较聪明的同伴之愚。
Life is easier if lesson plans are easy to follow, and a teacher has updated seating charts and schedules. 如果教案简单易行,如果老师及时更新学生的座位表和时间表,教师的日子就好过多了。
Like the kind of white speculative thinking mode, real life is not a cripple, estimation also constitute a crime of fraud. 像上述哪种空手套白狼投机的思维模式,现实生活中不变成残废,估计也构成诈骗罪。
Life is not always as good as you expected. When you are deprived of something, you can still manage it with the things left. 生命并不总是如你所想的那么美好,当被剥夺了某种东西的时候你仍旧可以照常生活。
I did not expect me to give up in the moment there was a miracle, life is really unpredictable. 真没想到在我打算放弃的那一刻奇迹竟然会出现,生命真是令人不可捉摸。
To me, life is nothing but a series of causes and effects. 对我来讲,生活知识一系列的因果关系。
Life is full of reasons to not get out on a limb and experience your life vision. 生活确实有足够的理由让你不能毫无准备的跳出来去追逐自已的理想。
This cinematic film deserves to be seen on the big screen, and forces us to enter a world where the pace of life is dictated by an old ox. 这是一部为大银幕而生的纪录片,它使我们不得不进入由片中一头老黄牛所支配的生活节奏。
Attitude is nothing but our bias and invention. Life is not created by us, on the contrary, we are just some ripples on the lake of life. 态度是我们的捏造品,是我们的偏见,是我们的发明物,而生命不是由我们创造的,恰恰相反,我们只是生命之湖中那阵阵涟漪。
Never sigh, the road of life is not so far, if I in, will hold you, touch your hair, let you sleep in dreamland. 莫叹息,人生的路并不遥远,若我在,会拥着你,抚摸你的黑发,让你沉睡在梦乡流连。
Realize that anything you experience in this Life is just a "test" for you by God. It is not a bad experience. 意识到你生活中经历的一切都是神对你的考验,并不是糟糕的。
In short, the only way to achieve the dream is to short, only one life, is due to the courage of men. 简单的说,实现梦想的唯一途径是努力,总之,人生只有一次,是男人就因该勇往直前。(要求;
If you think life is all beer and skittles, you'll soon find out your mistake. 如果你认为生活就是吃喝玩乐,那你很快就会发现你想错了。
You are wrong Wei Gong, life is not a matter of the heart, but a matter of the power. I am so tired of this palace life. 此言差矣,生活不是心性之事,而是权力之争。我厌倦透了宫里的生活。
One 's real life is made of a now form, only pleasant, sincere, diligent had a good now, it would be good for your life. 一团体的真正的生活是由如今的方式,只要高兴,真诚,勤劳,有很好的如今,它会对你的生活。
The scariest thing in my life is when he looked at me and said, 'Mom, am I going to die? 我一辈子中遇到的最可怕的事情就是他看着我,说‘妈妈,我是不是就、快要死了?’
flowers red green, growing up in a materialistic life is only temporary, would be well advised to have this behavior stop immediately. 花红酒绿,纸醉金迷的日子只是暂时的,奉劝有这种行为的人赶紧止步。
Wisdom can bring wealth to create a simple, free and easy to hold negative attitude towards the death, life is like that. 智慧能带来财富,简单能带来创造,洒脱能看淡死亡,人生就是这样。
Life is a gift, life is happiness, each minute might have been an age of happiness. 生命是上帝赐给我们的,生命就象幸福,每一分钟都可能给你带来无穷无尽的幸福。
If you think there is an end to half of the water, then you are a pessimist, you see, life is always good to see that side. 如果你觉得完了就还有一半的水了,那你就是一个悲观主义者,你看人生总是看到不好的那一面。
And that the only way to make the most of your one precious life is to discover what you want, and go get it. 那唯一的途径就是最大限度地利用你宝贵的一生,去发现你想要的,并去实现它。
Life is changing, perhaps it is like the wind blowing moment gave the people has never been straightforward. 人生是多变的,也许它犹如瞬间吹过的风却给了人们从未有过的爽快。
Life is serious, life is stressful to see the beautiful rainbow, you thought it was wind and rain through the baptism of it? 生命是严肃的,生活是有压力的,看到彩虹的美丽时,你想过它是经过风雨洗礼了吗?
Her life is going on smoothing up to now, so she has no such consciousness. 她一直生活得很顺,所以意识不到这一点。
Life is too short to put your dreams on the backburner while attempting to live up to another's expectations. 如果你总是为别人而活,却将自己的梦想摆在第二位,那么你的生命实在是太短暂了。
Life is only once, if you can, I really want to head once more, but life is only once, I also want to, like the sing no tomorrow. 人生只有一次,如果可以,我真的很想从头再唱一次,可是人生只有一次,我也想,就像没有明天般的唱下去。
So, unfortunately, I still this life is not your boyfriend, if I had wings I fly from heaven to see you under. 所以,很可惜,我今生仍然不是你的男友,如果我有翅膀,我要从天堂飞下来看你。
Life is all about trade-offs, and transaction processing is no exception. 生活中充满了折衷,事务处理也不例外。