be afraid of

  • na.
  • 网络害怕;害怕某物;害怕某事

be afraid ofbe afraid of

be afraid of


英语固定搭配-动词短语-汇总资料?? ... be weak in 在……方面不行 十九、18个常用 be afraid of 害怕 be ashamed of 为……


初二英语词组(上) ... be afraid 害怕 43. be afraid of sth. 害怕某物 44. think of 想 56. ...


初三英语知识点(全部)_百度知道 ... 污水、废水 waste water 害怕某事(物) be afraid of sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing st…


... (take care 照顾、照料) (be afraid of 害怕做某事) (be busy doing 忙于做某事) ...


恐怕的英文这么说 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... I hope not. 希望不是 ... be afraid of 担心 恐怕 agree to do sth. 同意做某事 ...


介词 – 个人日记 – 一百易社区 ... be good at 擅长 be afraid of 恐惧 be proud of 引以为容 ...


八年级英语下册语言知识点... ... be tired of 对……疲倦 be afraid of 对……害怕 What’s sb. like? 常询问人的内在品质或性恪. 如: ...

What's more? There is no effective measures to reduce emission, like the nuclear weapons, with which nothing to be afraid of. 何况这个世界上并没有可以有效减排的手段,就像核武器似的,有了就天不怕地不怕了。
For hours she sat in silence listening as he talked to her and then she began to be afraid of something. 她一连几个小时安静地坐在那里听他讲话,接着心里就怕起来了。
The angel of the Lord said to Elijah, "Go down with him; do not be afraid of him. " So Elijah got up and went down with him to the king. 耶和华的使者对以利亚说:“你同著他下去,不要怕他!”以利亚就起来,同著他下去见王,
You know, Everyone thinks I should be afraid of you. But I'm not. 你知道,每个人都认为我会害怕你。但我不。
A gastroscopy is nothing to be afraid of. Solicitous medical attention reduces the discomfort to a minimum. 胃镜检查其实不可怕,在医护人员悉心照顾下,不适感又减低不少。
I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. 我的朋友,我对你们说,那杀身体以后不能再做什麽的,不要怕他们。
Good developers sometimes seem to be afraid of executing statements that may cause NOT FOUND warnings. 优秀的开发人员有时候似乎害怕执行那些可能导致NOTFOUND警告的语句。
If you were the Soviets , wouldn't you be afraid of a rain of hydrogen bombs coming down on your head? 如果你们是俄国人的话,难道不怕氢弹像雨一样打在你们的脑袋瓜上吗?
Don't be afraid of high dreams or plans that seem to be out of reach! 不要畏惧那些看似遥不可及的梦想或计划!
And don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm, There's a golden sky, And the sweet silver song of a lark. 在一阵风暴的末端,有金色的天空,以及一只云雀的悦耳的银歌。
Language learning requires that you make mistakes. Do not be afraid of a language or afraid of making errors. 语言学习容许你犯错误,所以不要害怕学习语言,更不要害怕会犯错误。
The United States tends to do a lot of things the rest of the world doesn't agree with, and we shouldn't be afraid of that. Boardwine说,“美国趋向做许多世界其他人不同意的事,我们不应对此感到害怕。”
Establish the credibility of the child rather than to be afraid of you, but must comply with the request. 树立威信不是让幼儿怕你,而是提出的要求必须遵守。
As all those advanced weapons originate in the United States, then what is the need for the United States to be afraid of that, anything? 既然世界上最先进的武器都是从美国出来的,你还害怕什么呀?
If it were winter now, he would not be afraid of being beaten. 如果是冬天他就不用害怕挨揍了。
But God says we do not need to be afraid of him. He is for us; not against us. 但是上帝跟我们说不必对他有所恐惧,他是来支持我们的,而不是来与我们作对抗的。
You shouldn't be afraid of her. Maybe she's just as shy as you. What about giving her a red rose and sending her a short message? 你不需要害怕她,也许她只是和你一样害羞,你觉得给她送朵玫瑰或者给她发一条短信怎么样?
"We wanted to see it with our own eyes, " she says, "and we brought the kids to show them that there is nothing more to be afraid of. " “我们想亲眼看看他”,她说,“把孩子们带来,是为了向他们证明这里没什么可怕的”。
The young spiders hatch out in spring. None of the British spiders is harmful, so you need't be afraid of them. 这些新生的蜘蛛会在春天被孵化出来。没有一种英国蜘蛛是有害的,所以你不用怕他们!
Italians are brought up to be afraid of these health risks, while our ignorance of their very existence makes us strong and fearless. 意大利人从小就学会害怕这些健康风险,而我们则无知者无畏,身强体健。
Don't be afraid of high hopes or plans that seems to be out of reach. 不要畏惧那些看似遥不可及的希望或计划。
As I was growing up, one day it suddenly dawned on me somehow that it was shameful to be afraid of a dog. 怕狗成了我的一种病。我渐渐地长大起来。有一天不知道因为什么,我忽然觉得怕狗是很可耻的事情。
You can overcome your fear of the animal by simply making the decision not to be afraid of it any more. 你可以克服你对于动物的恐惧心,只需要简单的做出这个决定---【我不再害怕它】。
And the only way to do that is to see that there is nothing to fear, nothing in all of life to be afraid of. 惟一能这样做的办法就是认为没有任何东西是可惧的,没有任何东西在人生中是可怕的。
Well I am here to tell you that speaking in public is nothing to be afraid of; I do it all the time. 那么我在这里告诉你,在公众面前发言并不是什么可怕的事情;我一直是这么做的。
There is an old saying 'shoes foot is not afraid of shape', if it has been - that is done, do not be afraid of such surveillance. 有句古话是‘脚正不怕鞋歪’,如果行得端、做得正,就不用怕这种监控。
If you want to get up the next morning with your hair still looking great, don't be afraid of using an old-fashioned hairnet. 如果你想第二天早晨起来头发仍然完好美丽,不要害怕使用过时的发网。
Don't be afraid of that bully. He's nothing but a paper tiger. 你用不着怕那个欺负弱小的人,他只是一只纸老虎。
Why should he be afraid of Snape? Getting up, he told Ron and Hermione he was going to ask Snape if he could have it. 他为什么要害怕斯内普?于是,他站起来对罗恩和赫敏说,他要去问问斯内普能不能把书还给他。
If I did not know how good you are, I should be afraid of you. 如果我不知道您是这样的善良,那我见您就会害怕了。