
美 [toʊl]英 [təʊl]
  • n.伤亡人数;(道路、桥梁的)通行费;(战争、灾难等造成的)毁坏
  • v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲(钟);(尤指)鸣(丧钟)
  • 网络通行税;代价;过路费

复数:tolls 现在分词:tolling 过去式:tolled

take toll,reduce toll,toll bell
heavy toll


n. v.

1.[c](道路、桥梁的)通行费money that you pay to use a particular road or bridge

2.[c][ususing](战争、灾难等造成的)毁坏;伤亡人数the amount of damage or the number of deaths and injuries that are caused in a particular war, disaster, etc.


take a heavy toll (on sb/sth)|take its toll (on sb/sth)

产生恶果;造成重大损失(或伤亡、灾难等)to have a bad effect on sb/sth; to cause a lot of damage, deaths, suffering, etc.


过路过桥费英文怎么说_百度知道 ... 过桥费: Bridge Toll 通行费: Toll 过路费: Road Toll ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... tolerate 宽容 toll 通行税 tomato 蕃茄 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... )newspapers n. 报纸 )toll n. 通行税(费), 费, 代价, 钟声 LOP=Line of Position 定位线 目标线 ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... tight a. 紧的;密封的 toll n. 过路费;伤亡人数 v.敲(钟) tone n. 腔调;色调;气氛 ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... tight a. 紧的;密封的 toll n. 过路费;伤亡人数 v.敲(钟) tone n. 腔调;色调;气氛 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... )newspapers n. 报纸 )toll n. 通行税(费), 费, 代价, 钟声 LOP=Line of Position 定位线 目标线 ...


《越狱》第二季口语笔记7_俚语惯语 ... bureau= 局 toll= 损失,代价 punking out = 退出 ...

However, the toll on his health was too extreme and he died two years later in Havana, where he was trying to recuperate. 然而,他的健康状况日益低下,2年后,他在哈瓦那疗养期间去世。
A state official who said he was briefed by emergency personnel said the toll was unlikely to rise significantly. 一名州级官员说,紧急救援人员向他通报称死伤人数不太可能大幅上升。
But one of the most common symptoms is depression. It's often attributed to the mental toll of managing the disease which has no cure. 其中一个最为常见的症状便是抑郁。通常认为这是由于这一无法治愈的疾病使病人心力憔悴所致。
I've been working three different part-time jobs for a while and it's beginning to take its toll on my health. 我最近一直在做三份兼职,身体已经开始出现问题了。
"These are very tough times for hardworking families, but the toll would be far worse if we had not acted, " he said. 他说,“对于辛勤工作的千万家庭来说,这些都是非常艰难的日子,但是如果我们不采取行动,后果会不堪设想。”
Writing online in The Lancet, they set out a program to reduce the death toll by two percent a year. 他们在《柳叶刀》网站上写道,他们制定了一个每年减少死亡率百分之2的计划。
The most basic: how much of a public health toll does air pollution take around the globe? 比如,最基本的问题:全球各地,空气污染危及健康的具体人数到底是多少?
Speaking Thursday, he said Alabama's final death toll may not be known for another day or two. 谈到周四,他说:这两天可能不知道阿拉巴马州的最后的死亡人数。
But I knew the terror of those shellings and the pressure we'd been under since we got to Bastogne could take their toll in other way. 但我知道这些炮击以及自巴斯通以来累计的压力可能会以别的方式爆发。
"Because the total number of people killed in the quake is still being checked, there is no final figure on the student toll, " he said. “因为总死亡人数的地震仍在检查,但没有最后的数字对学生收费,”他说。
Joe Cole too can be reasonably satisfied with his efforts, while there was no sign David Beckham's trans-Atlantic trip had taken any toll. 乔。科尔的攻门也相当地令人满意,而大卫。贝克汉姆的跨大西洋之旅也没有带来任何负面的表现。
At dawn, Rikuzentakata began to assess the staggering human toll. It was one of the worst-hit Japanese cities. 黎明时分,陆前高田市开始统计令人震惊的伤亡人数。它是日本受灾最严重的城市之一。
We called a line with a test tone and started covering up the phone (note, we cannot be sure this line is toll free, but we risked it). 我们用测试语气拨打了一个号码然后开始覆盖住手机(PS:我们不确定那个电话是免费的,但是我们还是冒险了)。
Frustrations , worry , depression and disappointment ultimately take their toll and low self-esteem is often the individual result . 挫折、忧虑、抑郁和失望最终会消失,而到最后每个人往往看低自己。
Wait until the ningbo, only to see the eldest brother north toll station not so wrong, but to see here in one of his classmates. 等到出了宁波北收费站,才看到大哥原来并不是出错,而是要在这里见一下他的一位同学!
Head and body disappeared as the toll man stooped down in his booth to pick up the money. 实际上零钱掉下去了,收费员弯下腰去捡钱时,头和身子都不…
He said the lady ahead of me had paid my toll. 他说前面那位女士已经给你付过了。
Begin to put closure to your situation and move on. Do not continue to let your singleness take its physical, emotional, or spiritual toll. 开始将当前处境封存起来,向前看。不要让你的身体、情绪和精神继续为单身而买单。
After passing the toll gate, I pulled Miss Daisy to the side of a tree which provided a bit of shade. 通过收费关口后,我将小黄开到了一棵树下,总算有了一丝荫凉。
in England and Wales, and within a year after the media picked up on them, the toll shot up to 82. 在二十世纪七十年代末,英格兰和威尔士发生过大规模的自焚事件,媒体显然对此强烈关注,此后一年间死亡人数迅速上升至82人。
And yet the number of casualties in Chile appears to be exponentially smaller, with the official death toll still in the hundreds. 不过,智利地震的死难人数以几何倍增角度看似乎更少,官方公布的死亡人数只有数百名。
An illness that caused him little difficulty in his youth began to take its toll as he reached middle age. 有种病在他年轻时影响并不大,但等他到了中年,却成了他的负担。
"The toll tax is increasing day by day and there is no mechanism to check how the toll tax is levied, " he said. 高速公路收取的通行费天天都在上涨,而且没有任何机制来检查这些通行费到底是怎么征收的。
Toll did not get a break fee along with its board recommendation from Patrick. 通行费没取得进展断裂费在它的委员会推荐上从帕特里克。
There was no immediate word on the death toll although preliminary reports said at least 10 policemen had died. 目前还没有关于死亡人数的消息,不过有初步报道说,至少10名警察死亡。
In light of many online rumors, Julie Plec revealed that there will be an influential death toll at the end of this season. 鉴于网上的种种谣言,JuliePlec透露本季终会有非常具有影响力的死亡人数。
The economic toll from the tragedy now looks as if it may play out for months. 日本的灾难对经济的打击目前看来似乎还要持续数月。
Pandemic influenza is usually associated with a greater number of cases, higher severity of illness and consequently a higher death toll. 大流行流感通常伴随较多感染个案及较严重的病情,并引起较高死亡率。
Blackbeard began to charge ships a toll to pass through his area safely. If the ship would not pay, it was sunk. 黑胡子开始对需要安全通过他的海域的船支征收过路费。
Eventually however, the long years took their toll on the warrior, and he began spending longer and longer periods dormant in stasis sleep. 然而最终,漫长的年岁对战士造成了影响,他开始花费漫长的时间在静态立场中冬眠。