
美 [tɑp]英 [tɒp]
  • n.顶;顶部;顶端;上面
  • v.胜过;超过(某一数量);居…之首;为…之冠
  • adj.(位置、级别或程度)最高的;很好的;极棒的;顶呱呱的
  • 网络覆盖;达到最高点;雄踞

复数:tops 过去式:topped 现在分词:topping

top priority,top management,top floor,top quality,top speed
top Figure


最高点highest point

1.[c]顶;顶部;顶端the highest part or point of sth

上层表面upper surface

2.[c]表面;上面the upper flat surface of sth

最高等级highest rank

3.[sing]the ~ (of sth)最高的级别;最重要的职位the highest or most important rank or position

最远点farthest point

4.[sing]the ~ of sth尽头;远端the end of a street, table, etc. that is farthest away from you or from where you usually come to it

笔;瓶子of pen/bottle

5.[c]帽;盖;塞a thing that you put on the end of sth to close it


6.[c]上衣a piece of clothing worn on the upper part of the body

植物的叶子leaves of plant

7.[c][usupl](根菜作物的)茎叶the leaves of a plant that is grown mainly for its root

款额amount of money

8.[pl](用于款额后)最高额used after an amount of money to show that it is the highest possible


9.[pl](informal)最优秀的人;最好的东西;精华a person or thing of the best quality


10.[c]陀螺a child's toy that spins on a point when it is turned round very quickly by hand or by a string


at the top of the tree

(在行业、事业中)高居首位,处于顶峰in the highest position or rank in a profession or career

at the top of your voice

高声地;放声地;扯着喉咙地as loudly as possible

come out on top

(在比赛或辩论中)名列前茅,先拔头筹to win a contest or an argument

from top to bottom

从上到下;彻底地going to every part of a place in a very thorough way

from top to toe

从头到脚;浑身上下;全部completely; all over

get on top of sb

使吃不消;使应接不暇to be too much for sb to manage or deal with

get on top of sth

设法驾驭;处理to manage to control or deal with sth

off the top of your head

单凭猜测(或记忆);信口地;不假思索地just guessing or using your memory, without taking time to think carefully or check the facts

on top

在上面;在顶部on the highest point or surface

on top of sth/sb

在…上面;在…上方;覆盖着on, over or covering sth/sb

on top of the world

欢天喜地;心满意足;非常自豪very happy or proud

over the top

过分;过火;过头done to an exaggerated degree and with too much effort

take sth from the top

从头再唱(或再奏等)to go back to the beginning of a song, piece of music, etc. and repeat it

up top

(指人的智力)头脑,脑子used to talk about a person's intelligence


卡布其诺咖啡(Cappucino) – 以浓缩咖啡(Espresso)为底,上部覆盖(topped)以蒸气状处理及带有气泡之牛奶。拿铁咖啡(Café A…


Olympic hopefuls 奥运之星 - 媒体英语 -... ... longevity 长寿 topped 达到最高点 eclipse 超越 ...


Flickr: blackstation's Photostream ... 雨影 / reflection 雄踞 / topped 明珠 / pearl ...


GRE 填空 9_jiayc_新浪博客 ... sabotage 蓄意破坏 topped 跌落 supplant 代替,取代 ...


模版 - 云搜索文档 ... title 帖子标题 topped 是否置顶 special 是否加精 ...


BBC新闻词汇 第117期:Olympic hopefuls--BBC... ... longevity n. 长寿,长命 topped 选取肥畜 eclipse vt. 使黯然失色;形成蚀 ...

The prudent, especially taxi-drivers, keep their tanks topped up in preparation for a potential hurried escape. 审慎的人们,尤其是出租车司机,已将油箱加满,以备紧急逃亡之用。
For such an atmosphere to be made mostly of hydrogen, it must be topped by a thick layer of clouds like the atmosphere of Venus. 对于这种重要有氢气组成的大气,它一定充满着类似金星之上的一层厚厚的云层。
To make an oil-collecting caisson , such a pile would be used as a collar around a funnel-topped tube that would sit over the leak. 为了制作一只集油沉箱,这样的桩被用作轴环,围绕盖住泄露处的顶部漏斗形的管子。
" You see that big , flat - topped hill over there ? " he said, pointing west . “你们看到了那边那个很大,顶部是平的山了吗”他指着西边说。
Imagine his surprise when he saw these amazing mummies, which had been kept in a dark room, in glass topped boxes. 想象他看到这些保存在黑暗房间的玻璃罩里神奇的木乃伊时吃惊的样子。
The mysterious pyramid topped with an eye leads some of you to accuse the Treasury of occultism. 顶部有一只眼睛的神秘的金字塔,导致你们当中的一些人谴责财政部搞神秘学。
'The stimulus was the worst piece of legislation I've ever seen, but that now has been topped by the budget, ' he said. 他说,经济刺激计划曾是我见过的最糟糕的法案,但现在预算案的糟糕程度盖过了它。
The landscape is distinctive too, with grand castles and half-timbered houses topped by storks that look like the set of a Disney movie. 景观更是别具特色,有宏伟的城堡和顶部以鹳装饰的露明木架房子,俨然活在迪士尼电影布景里。
His outfit, a gift from Shah Abbas, was like an Isfahan grandee's ceremonial uniform, topped by a turban bigger than his head. 由沙阿·阿拔斯赠送的一套衣服就像伊斯法罕贵族的一套礼仪制服,缠在头上的头巾比头大很多。
It was black topped about a week ago, and I thought it was dry, but clearly not. 一周以前我还认为它是一条干的泊油路,但是很显然它不是的。
As if this wasn't enough, the Greeks topped it off with a theatre, which has functioned ever since. 好像这还不够,希腊人还在上面建了一个剧院,至今还在使用。
Like an East Side clinic it was, with tiled walls, bare light, and marble-topped tables. And of course a big stove with an elbow pipe. 它很像纽约曼哈顿东区的一家平民诊所,砖墙,无罩的灯和大理石桌面的桌子,当然少不了一只带拐弯烟筒的大火炉。
Results at railroad operator CSX Corp. also topped forecasts, an encouraging sign that at least parts of the economy are growing. 美国铁路运输企业CSX公司公布财报收益也超过预期,是一个令人鼓舞的信号,表明美国经济至少实现了部分增长。
The president and his wife were seated in the back of an open-topped car as his motorcade drove through the city. 这位总统和他的夫人坐在一辆敞篷车的后排,和他的车队一起在这座城市穿梭。
Pie Floater, Australia. A culinary delight of placing a meat pie upside down in a bowl of pea soup, topped with tomato sauce (ketchup). 产自澳大利亚,把肉饼倒过来放到盛有豆子汤的碗里,上面涂上番茄酱。
On more than three occasions in the last month I have had to request that my pint be topped up to a full measure. 上个月就有不止三次我要酒保给我的酒要添满。
Pop star Rihanna, whose single Umbrella has topped music charts for quite a few weeks, rounded off the top five. 流行新星蕾哈娜名列第五,她的单曲《雨伞》连续数周蝉联流行歌曲榜冠军。
People familiar with the matter said Vodafone's bid, which gave Hutchison Essar an enterprise value of $18. 8bn, topped rival offers. 知情人士称,沃达丰的出价超过了竞争对手,对HutchisonEssar企业价值的估价高达188亿美元。
The bank recently topped the ranking of global listed banks in terms of market value. 目前,在全球上市银行市值排行榜上,工商银行位居榜首。
PP or synthetic paper on the surface, the offers topped with special hot melts special adhesive processing as a label. 用pp或合成纸在表面进行处理,背面涂有特别的热熔胶黏剂加工成为的特殊标签纸。
THE hinged oval case topped by a delicate gold crown is covered, front and back, in raised lettering that would once have been enamelled. 这个椭圆形带绞链顶饰精美金冠的小盒子前后都被曾经上过瓷釉的浮雕字母所覆盖。
Although it sells at a discount because much of it is heavy and sulphurous, the price of a barrel of Venezuelan oil recently topped $120. 尽管由于粘稠多硫而折价出售,委内瑞拉的石油价格最近还是达到了每桶120美元。
There was no stopping commodities as the benchmark US oil price briefly topped $58 a barrel to touch a six-month high. 大宗商品市场继续无阻力上行,美国基准油价短暂突破每桶58美元的6个月高点。
During the holidays, the sweet potato is usually topped with marshmallows or sugar-coated pecans. 过节时,人们通常会在甘薯撒上棉花糖或裹着糖衣的山核桃。
Shopping, going to a spa or having a meal and a glass of wine topped the list of activities women enjoyed doing in their spare time. 购物、做水疗或是美餐一顿、喝杯红酒是女性在闲暇时光最喜欢做的几件事情。
It topped the jazz charts and earned her a Grammy nomination for Best Jazz Vocal Performance, but she lost to Etta James. 超过爵士乐图表,她赢得了格莱美奖提名为最佳爵士声乐表演,但她失去了埃塔詹姆斯。
His win helped him to finish 38th on the money list, and he topped off his year by winning the Australian Masters. 他的胜利帮助他保住了奖金榜排名的第38位,而他赢得的澳大利亚名人赛让他达到了这一年的顶峰。
Chick-fil-A's popular pickle-topped chicken sandwiches helped the company rise to the top of the chicken chains. 菲尔基餐厅的最有名的腌鸡肉三明治让这个企业在鸡肉类快餐中排名第一。
The men bottle has a distinctive glass cube appearance with slightly curved edges, wrapped in a metal sheath and topped with a metal cap. 男子瓶有一个独特的玻璃立方体外观略有弯曲的边缘,装在一个金属和突破金属帽。
He was very old , and his head was topped with a cloud of fine , snow-white hair. 他很老了,头顶上覆盖着一层又细又白的头发,像雪一样。