
美 [paɪnt]英 [paɪnt]
  • n.品脱(容量单位,为 D 加仑,在英国等国家约合 0.568 升,在美国约合 0.473 升)
  • 网络晶脱;啤酒;指向一个符号整数的指针





1.品脱(容量单位,为 D 加仑,在英国等国家约合 0.568 升,在美国约合 0.473 升)a unit for measuring liquids and some dry goods. There are 8 pints in a gallon, equal to 0.568 of a litre in the UK and some other countries, and 0.473 of a litre in the US

2.一品脱啤酒(尤用于酒吧)a pint of beer (especially in a pub)


单位换算 ... 1 fluid ounce 液体盎司 1 pint 品脱 568 milliliter 毫升 ...


报检员考试精讲班第18讲讲义-报检员考试-考试大 ... 46、pile 堆 47、pint 晶脱 48、portion 份 ...


2012.11.25... ... Orangutang 红毛猩猩 Pint 啤酒 Whatever it is can you get your man to turn the TV down?c 能不能。。。 ...


2007年7月3日 随笔档案 -... ... PHKEY 指向一个登记关键字的指针 PINT 指向一个符号整数的指针 PLONG 指向一个符号长整 …


大学英语秋季四级词汇瘦身版 ... 松树,松木 pink / piŋk/ n. 粉红色 a.粉红色的 pint / paint/ n. 品脱 pioneer / paiə’niə/ n. ...


BSC操作维护手册 - 咸鱼青菜的日志 - 网易博客 ... (Radio Receiver) 无线接收机, 打印Pint) 改变( Change) ...


台大视听教育馆英语学习报第067期 ... liaison 联络;联结 pint 大的啤酒杯 put off 辞退 ...


台大视听教育馆英语学习报第039期 ... hover 盘旋 pint 啤酒杯 insomnia 失眠症 ...

"I once asked our landlord for a pint of 'I Can't Believe It's Not Water' and that spread around the bar and into people's homes, " he says. “我曾问我们的房东要一品脱‘难以置信这竟然不是水’,然后这句话就在酒吧里传开了,直至千家万户。”他说。
But it would have to feel like an existing pint glass to the consumer. 对消费者来说,新款杯子同现有的品脱玻璃杯将会类似。
A drink, a glass of wine or a pint of beer is often regarded as a symbol of leisure or breaking away from the everyday routine. 喝一杯红酒或尝品脱啤酒,通常可以被视作为休闲的象征,以及远离一成不变的日常生活的方式。
Less cooperative was Amazon. com founder Jeff Bezos, who lives nearby but asked the company not to pint out his home. 亚马孙书店网站的创办人杰夫•贝佐斯较不合作,他住在附近,但要求游船公司不要指出他的住宅。
I can scarcely think of buying a pint of milk without thinking it would be so much better if he were dead first. 如果不想到他若死了一切就好,怕一瓶牛奶我也不会去买的。
It got dark outside, and he put on his clothes and went for a pint in the pub at the top of her road. 天黑了,他穿上衣服走到她家路口的酒吧喝酒。
While he is looking around the bar, a monkey swings down and steals the pint of beer from him before he is able to stop the monkey. 当他环视酒吧时,发现一只猴子荡下来,在他阻止之前,偷走了啤酒。
So later down in the bar I was sitting with my pint and paper keeping an eye out for potential fans or WAR team members. 过会儿在酒吧我拿着纸和一品脱啤酒寻找潜在的游戏迷和战锤制作组成员。
On more than three occasions in the last month I have had to request that my pint be topped up to a full measure. 上个月就有不止三次我要酒保给我的酒要添满。
Jean Valjean gruffly and grumblingly paid Marie-Claude for the pint of milk behind their mother's back, and the children were not punished. 冉阿让气冲冲,嘴里唠叨不绝,瞒着孩子们的母亲把牛奶钱照付给玛丽-洛德,他们才没有挨揍。
I know one couple who both work from home and like being together so much that if one pops out for a pint of milk the other gets restive. 我认识一对夫妇,两人都在家工作。他(她)们非常喜欢待在一起,以至于如果有一个人突然出去倒点牛奶喝,另一个都受不了。
As for drink they brought me two casks of wine each of which held half a pint, and when I had drunk this there was more to be had. 至于饮料,他们给我两桶葡萄酒,每桶有半品脱。喝完后,就再也没有了。
These days, if you went looking, you could often find Don in a local pub having a pint or two of beer. 这些天,要是你出去走走,经常会看到唐正在当地的一个酒吧喝着一、两杯啤酒。
and therefore, if he would eat that with a pint of water, it would give him more strength than a quart of beer. 因此,假如他吃一便士的面包和一品脱的水,他所得的力气多于喝一夸尔的啤酒。
The only downside to this pint-sized vehicle is its' inability to withstand a collusion with a full-sized vehicle. 这种小型车的唯一缺点便是其不能抵挡住大型车辆的撞击。
This pint-size powerhouse of a country primarily supports itself through contributions from Catholics around the world, and through tourism. 梵蒂冈有小型发电站,它的运行费用主要来自全世界天主教徒的捐献以及自己的旅游业。
A unit of volume or capacity in the U. S. Customary System, used in liquid measure, equal to of a pint or four ounces (118 milliliters). 吉耳美国传统系统中的强度和容量单位,用来测量液体,相当于计吠鸦?盎司(118毫升)
My appropriation of it was roughly the equivalent of pouring a pint of beer over the well- known personage's head . 我抢了这个座位,基本就相当于在一个众所周知的名人头上浇了一大杯啤酒。
Won't you make it a pint this time? 这次你不要一品脱吗?
With our new tap you can now watch your pint being poured. So sit back and enjoy, the night is young and like the pint, it's alive inside . 但是这一切就要改变了,现在你可以看着我们为你倒满酒杯,你只需要坐下,然后尽情享受这个年轻充满活力的夜晚就可以了。
"Of course, I have five bottles, " he says pulling out a pint of Popov vodka. "But I don't want to be handing them out while I'm asleep. " “当然了,酒我是有,五瓶呢。”说着他掏出一品脱波波夫伏特加,“不过我可不会给他们。”
Spoon the mixture into a greased 5-pint shallow ovenproof dish. Dot the top with the remaining butter and sprinkle with ground black pepper. 用勺子将调好的混合物放入5品脱的耐热浅盘中,将剩下的黄油点在顶部,并撒上黑胡椒。
Men are more likely to not tell the truth about their last pint at the bar, while women tend to fib about clothing purchases. 男人可能会在饮酒问题上撒谎,女人则在购衣问题上不实话实说。
There being plenty of gravy to-day, Joe spooned into my plate, at this point, about half a pint . 今天饭桌上有很多肉汁,乔用汤匙舀起装在我盆子里的到这时已有半品脱之多。
On downing his second pint, he walks to the center of the room, whips out his willy and spins in a circle, peeing over everyone. 在喝下第二杯啤酒的时候,他走到了酒吧中央,脱下裤子转了一圈,然后开始撒尿,淋得周围的人到处都是。
The only maths he needs to know is the cost of a pint of bitter. 他唯一需要用到数学的地方,是要知道一品脱苦涩需要多少钱。
First, the ingredient. Take four ounces of flour, eggs, half a pint of milk and a quarter of a teaspoon of salt. 首先,材料。取四盎司的面粉,鸡蛋、半品脱牛奶和四分之一的一茶匙盐。
He never lets anything come between him and his evening pint of beer. 什麽事也不能妨碍他晚上喝啤酒。
In an American bar, people don't order beer by asking for a pint or half pint as is done in a British pub. 在美国的酒吧,人们不会像在英国酒馆里那样要一品脱或半品脱啤酒。
"Show us where you live, " said the man. "Pint out the place! " “告诉我你住在哪里,”那人说,“把方向指给我看!”