trial and error

  • na.【心】尝试-错误;反复试验
  • 网络尝试错误;试误;试错法

trial and errortrial and error

trial and error


藉由尝试错误trial and error)的过程,累积成功与失败的经验,人们就会渐渐了解生命程式的规则与语法,进而掌握撰写生 …


trial ... make trial of 试验, 较量 trial and error 反复试验, 不断摸索 trial at Bar 公开的审讯; 全体法官列席的审讯 ...


经过一些试误trial and error)后,他制造了世界上第一批加了调味料的薯片,"起司洋葱(Cheese and Onion)"和"醋盐(Sal…


科学哲学_百度百科 ... initial condition 初始条件 trial and error 试错法 instant rationality 即时理性 ...


高二英语词汇表 ... trial n. 试验;审判 trial and error 反复实验;不断摸索 relativity n. 相对性 ...


...等方法,由於无法事先得知最佳的平移值,因此只有采用试误法trial and error)来逐次逼近,计算量较大。


高二英语词汇表 ... trial n. 试验;审判 trial and error 反复实验;不断摸索 relativity n. 相对性 ...

Through trial and error he discovers some of the ancient mystery and power of the Runes, learning to call on his Rune's powers. 经过不断的摸索,他发现到一些古老的神秘事物和卢恩文的魔力,并学会了召唤他自己的卢恩文力量。
I find it's always a bit of trial and error when trying to capture waves. 我总是觉得在试图捕捉波浪时要反复尝试几次。
In the end I found with a little trial and error its just as easy to shoot with a single camera as long as you get the timings spot on. 最后我在少量的反复试验中发现,很简单地使用单照相机进行拍摄,尽可能长时间地精确控制。
Through trial-and-error, you will know exactly how much to give them at feeding time. 透过反复试验法,你将知道在喂食时间究竟该给多少饲料。
If I was forced to sum it up in one phrase, I'd say "trial and error" . 如果必须用一个词组来总结,我会说“试错法”。
The heat treatment regimes of the alloy are constituted by means of the DTA curve analysis and a trial and error method. 通过差热曲线分析及尝试法,制定出合金的热处理工艺。
Over time and with a little trial and error, he might be able to qualify what his body tries to tell him. 经过时间推移和一些常识和错误,他可能了解他身体试图告诉他的含义。
In a given patient the choice of antihistaminic drug depends upon trial and error and a decision whether sedation is desired or not. 在特定的病人中,选用何种抗组胺药物,要用视差法,并需要取决于是否需要镇静疗法。
Talking your plans over with a mentor may help you to see things you would only have determined through trial and error before. 和导师讨论你的计划可以帮助你看到原本反复尝试后才能发现的事情。
As we start to understand why trial and error is so painful a process, we may be able to use it more constructively. 当我们开始理解为什么试错法是一个非常痛苦的过程时,或许就能够更加有建设性地使用这种方法。
However, a trial-and error-procedure is often demanded in auto panels module designing for o long time. 但是,长期以来,覆盖件的模具设计往往需要反复调试和修正,费时费力。
They've been around just as long and gone through just the same kind of trial and error to get here. 它们同样久存,并经历相同的考验才发展到今天的样子。
The feeling was that too much was at risk during the development of a large software system to allow for trial-and-error techniques. 在大型软件系统的开发过程中,感觉到采用试错法是在冒着很大的风险进行开发的。
Finding the right institution to fight climate change is going to be a matter of trial and error. 找到适当的机构来抵御气候变化,将是一个试错的过程。
Through trial and error, I found out for myself that both of these schools are suboptimal sleep patterns. 通过反复实验,我自己发现这两个学派都不是最好的睡眠模式。
Since there is no precedent to build such a complex and unique country as China, we have to do it by trial and error. 建设中国这样一个独特而复杂的大国,我们没有现成的套路,只能边试边干。
The current state of the art in session management reflects years of trial and error development. 会话管理目前的水平反映了多年研发的成果。
I have to add that this is a process prone to a lot of trial and error, so it might take a while until you are satisfied with the results. 对此,我不得不多说一句,这是一个需要反复尝试修正的过程,所以,在你满意之前,恐怕要花上些时间。
Transporting and installing the virtual disk files was more complicated and involved a small amount of trial and error. 传输和安装虚拟磁盘文件比较复杂,可能需要经过尝试和纠正错误的过程。
The photo shoots, just trying to get comfortable and figure out what I was doing. It was very much a trial and error learning process. 那些照片,只是尝试拍的舒服,以及搞清楚自己的状况。
This choice can only be made by trial and error method. If some program doesn't work for your blog, remove it and move on to the next one. 我这里说的是经过我个人检验和尝试过的赚钱方法,你并不需要离开你的工作岗位便可以轻松赚钱。
Finding new drugs like a microbicide often can be a process of trial and error, and requires scientifically rigorous trials, Piot said. 发现类似抗生素的新药常常需要反复试验,而且必须进行科学、严密的试验,Piot说。
This part of the method consists primarily of a large amount of trial and error, until the desired levels for all resources are attained. 方法的这一部分主要是大量的试验和出错,直到所有资源达到期望水平。
it had evolved by a trial-and-error process that spanned more than half a century. 它通过一个跨越半个多世纪的试错过程得到不断发展。
Aiming at the misapplications of this algorithm, the general method of trial and error is put forward. 针对该算法的应用误区,提出改进的“通用试凑算法”。
They had found through trial and error that the teapot only worked when it was within a certain range of the person being wounded. 他们几经试验发现了那个茶壶只有在靠近受伤者一定范围的时候才会起效。
Traditionally, the manufacturing process for these wings is time-consuming and a case of trial and error. 传统上,这些翅翼的制造过程相当费时,需要不断地出错重试。
The decisions taken at Bali call for a couple more years of trial and error before finding the best way to keep trees standing. 巴厘岛会上的决议将需要多年的试验和犯错后,才能找到保持众树林立的最佳途径。
The font size of the h1 element is smaller (actually, I hit upon the size I wanted through a little trial and error). h1元素的字体大小较小(实际上,我通过一些尝试和错误偶然发现了所需的大小)。
This safeguard prevents anyone who might find a card from trying to crack the identification code by trial and error. 这一保险措施可以防止有人用试错法解开密码。