
美 [traɪ]英 [traɪ]
  • n.尝试;试图;努力;在对方球门线后带球触地
  • v.试图;想要;设法;努力
  • 网络试验;试一试;试穿

过去式:tried 第三人称单数:tries 现在分词:trying

try best,try means,try method,try experiment,try case
probably try,apparently try,try hard,desperately try


v. n.

1.[i][t]试图;想要;设法;努力to make an attempt or effort to do or get sth

2.[t]试;试用;试做;试验to use, do or test sth in order to see if it is good, suitable, etc.

3.[t]审理;审讯;审判to examine evidence in court and decide whether sb is innocent or guilty


not for want/lack of trying

并非努力不够;已经尽力了used to say that although sb has not succeeded in sth, they have tried very hard

try your hand (at sth)

初试身手to do sth such as an activity or a sport for the first time

try it on (with sb)

对…粗野无礼;耍弄;向…行骗to behave badly towards sb or try to get sth from them, even though you know this will make them angry

try your luck (at sth)

碰运气to do sth that involves risk or luck, hoping to succeed

try sbs patience

使忍无可忍;使不耐烦to make sb feel impatient


世界货币符号大全 - glaivelee - 博客园 ... Turkey,Lira 土耳其,里拉 TRY 尝试 TL 热 释光 ...


英语doing与to do的区别_爱问知识人 ... propose 提议 try 试图 get 请,得到 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... habit n. 习惯 try v. 试图,设法,努力 lifestyle n. 生活方式 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... habit n. 习惯 try v. 试图,设法,努力 lifestyle n. 生活方式 ...


英语常用单词 - 豆丁网 ... siding n. 侧线(板壁) 222 487 try n. 尝试,试验 tried a. 考验过的, 试验过的,可靠的 过去分词 ...


剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表_英语网 ... trousers n 裤子; try v 试一试; two num 二 ...


高中英语短语总汇 - 豆丁网 ... switch ~ 打开 try ~ 试穿 pull ~ 穿上 ...

Some took his edits home, unpicking them at leisure, as they licked their wounds, to try to see exactly how their copy had been so improved. 有些记者把麦克尔斯的修改意见带回家,休闲时分就拆开看看,就像在舔着自己的伤口一样,从而努力找出他们撰写的新闻题材怎样才能提高到这样的高水平。
It's called "Ode to the Drum, " and I'll try and read it the way Yusef would be proud to hear it read. 名叫“鼓颂”,我试着用一种尤瑟夫会觉得自豪的方式来读它。
Remove all the descriptions of our experience and try to revert some illusionary parts of the instant reality through the sense of touch. 去掉一切我们对于经验的描述,试着通过身体的触觉去还原某些现实瞬间所产生的幻觉体验。
Why would the state try to help the poorest at a time when they were doing better than before? 国家为什么会在穷人过得比以前都好的时候去尽力帮助他们呢?
Police concluded that inside there must be "trick" , as not to arouse his suspicions, the police secretly in mind, not easy to try to enter. 警方推断,内里必有“猫腻”,为不打草惊蛇,民警暗暗记在心里,并未轻易尝试入内。
I try to use clay and the realistic skills to make it a visual ready-made, which looks authentic. 我努力用泥塑的方式和写实的技巧,让它变成视觉上的现成品,看起来真实可信。
If that seems a little much, try taking it easy for about an hour or so before you plan on going to bed. 如果这貌似长了点儿,试试上床前一个小时左右就开始放松。
Though she was never intended for the stage, the looming bankruptcy of her father obliged her to try her chances. 她从没想过踏上舞台,然而父亲析破产迫使她试试运气。
"I hope everyone can try and do something nice for those in need and making it a more caring world, " she urges. “我希望大家可以尝试,并为那些需要的人做一件好事,使这个世界成为一个更关怀的世界”她呼吁道。
I try to answer the spiritual conflict and say that no, God wants you to eat. Your eating on that day is considered as if you fasted. 我尝试着回答这种精神上的冲突,然后说不是的,上帝希望你吃东西,你在那天吃东西就相当于你在斋戒。
Try to understand their viewpoint and experiences - they're going to be different than your own. 试着理解他们的观点和经验——他们是与你不同的。
Chinese authorities are currently trying to estimate damages, while homeowners try to assess where they stand. 中国有关部门目前正在试图估计损失,而业主也在自己做着评估。
If you were the only person to know this, would you try and spread the word? 要是你是唯一知道这件事的人,你会试图转告这个消息吗?
when you met your real love, try to have the whole life with him, cause when he leave, everything would go with him. 遇到可以相信的朋友时,要好好和他相处下去,因为有在一生中遇到知己真的不易。
We must try to save those who are surrounded by the floods no matter how much we should pay for it. 不管要付出多大代价,我们必须设法营救被洪水围困的人。
If it still doesn't work when you turn it on, keep it in a warm place for a while and try again. 如果还是不行,那么在一个有点点热的地方放一会儿,再开机试试。
Will try to help and solve the technical problems you face to the best of my knowledge! 如果你碰到什么问题,请把困难说出来,我会尽量帮助你的!
The meeting was touted as an attempt to try to hammer out some lingering issues from the Copenhagen negotiations last December. 会议被认为是对解决哥本哈根峰会遗留问题的再次尝试。
The fund management industry is not set up to not sell funds. When they see something popular they try to flog the hell out of it. 基金管理行业自是要销售基金。但当他们看到某样东西大受欢迎时,就会大肆打压。
Wayne knows Fergie will try to convince him to make peace with Ronaldo for the good of United but that won't wash with him. 韦恩知道弗格森将会劝说他为了俱乐部的利益与罗纳尔多和平共处,但是这不会阻止住鲁尼。
I don't think I can bear it, but I'll try, ' thought Amy, as she was left alone with Aunt March. “这种生活我不能忍受,但我要尽量忍着,”孤零零地留在马奇婶婶身边的艾美这样想。
' She's really made such huge efforts to try to get it straight. But sometimes it's more productive to say, 'Distance is going to heal this. (在怀孕方面)她真的做出了巨大的努力,但有时候更有成效的说法是这需要通过医生观察很长的时间。
If the company gives you a password for your computer, you should not write it down on a piece of paper. Try to remember it instead. 如果公司给你电脑密码,不要把它写在纸上,试着将密码记住。
And this lady decided, after a year of attempted treatment of that ulcer, that she would try this new therapy that Steve invented. 所以这位女士在尝试治疗那个溃疡一年之后决定想尝试Steve发明的这个新治疗方法。
But if you actually try it a few times you'll probably find that inner energy within your hand. 但若你真的尝试几次,你可能会发现你手中所蕴含的能量。
That is a clear sky, mother of the weekend ordered let me "when one little chef" , I decided to give it a try. 那是一个万里晴空的周末,妈妈下令让我“当一回小厨师”,我决定试一试。
If you try to call the split method on your string, it will split on a whitespace character (like the space). 如果试着在string上调用split方法,它会在空白字符(例如空格)处进行拆分。
Seeing, becoming able to see and seeing through things are the mind processes used when we try to create. 观看,是在我们尝试去创造的思维过程中,开始有能力通过事物去看和观看。
He said possessing nuclear weapons is a "crime against humanity" and is a constant stimulus to other states to try to acquire them. 他说,拥有核武器是「对抗人类的罪行」,亦不断刺激其他国家设法获得之。
In this sort of situation it's tempting to try to get your friend to shift to the punctuality equilibrium. 在这种情况下,试图让你朋友转向准时的均衡状态,似乎是有吸引力的。