true story

  • un.(美国)《实情》(杂志)

true storytrue story

true story

I'd like to share a true story with you today, in which there was the most touching moment for me. 今天我想和大家分享的是一个真实的故事,故事里有让我最感动的一刻。
In current society, abortion is quite excessive. Let me tell you a true story as a warning. 堕胎,在目前的社会已是一件泛滥之事,我讲一则真实的故事,以为警惕。
"Retain the smile of life, " the story of a place in the true story of the war years, in this story, a huge smile to show her the magic. 《挽留生命的笑》讲述了一个发生在战争年代的真实故事,在这个故事中,微笑展现了她巨大的魔力。
I don't want to make it hot for you. But I won't tell you the true story of that till you return the letter to me. 我不想刁难你,但偌是你不还给我那封信,我就不会告诉你那件事的实情。
A hundred times she had been upon the point of telling her daughter Elizabeth Jane the true story of her life. 有无数次她的话已经到了嘴边,要把她一生的真实事迹,讲给她的女儿伊丽莎白·简听。
The journalist David Rorvik wrote a true story of a millionaire's quest to produce a son identical to himself. 新闻记者大卫罗尔瑞克报道了一个真实的事件:一位百万富翁寻求生育一个和自己一模一样的儿子。
Several years before, as I remember it, Dr. Conwell had been tremendously intrigued by a true story, which had an ageless moral to it. 我记得,康威尔博士在几年前曾为一个真实的故事而深深着迷,因为它道出了一个永恒的道理。
What you see is not always what you get - and this true story of a man and his dog is no exception. 你所看到的并不一定是你-这对一个人的真实故事和他的狗也不例外。
Mother was no longer smiling. ' Jane, what do you know about this? 'she said slowly. ' The true story, please. 母亲不再微笑了。“简,关于这些你知道什么?”她慢慢地讲道,“请讲真话。”
The fact that it tells the true story of two gay penguins at the Central Park zoo in New York does not appear to have placated opponents. 这本书虽然讲述的是纽约中央公园动物里一对雄性同性恋企鹅的真实故事,但它似乎也没能让反对者们罢休。
It is said that this movie is inspired by a true story, and I want to say, this movie does inspire me a lot. 听说这个电影是根据真人真事改编的,我想说的是,这个电影非常激励我。
Although it has been reprinted as a true story all over the world, it is, in fact, a fantasy written by a Frenchman for Vogue magazine. 尽管人们把它当做真实的故事在世界各地一再转载,实际上它只是一位法国人为时尚杂志编写的幻想故事。
The present film traces back to a true story taking place in Beijing at the end of the 20th century. 现在的电影追踪在20世纪末回到一个真实的故事在北京发生。
This is the true story of a bank robber. But this robber didn't burst into the bank with a gun and grab cash from a frightened teller. 这是一个有关银行劫匪的真实故事,但这名劫匪并没有持枪闯入银行,把出纳员吓得魂不附体,然后抢夺金钱。
I'll tell you one quick story to illustrate what that's been like for me. It's a true story -- every bit of this is true. 我给你讲个小故事来形容我现在是什么样的这是个真实的故事--每一点都是如此。
Yeah. -. . . but I just found it a very compelling story. You - I didn't know the story. It's a true story. 是的。-…但我只是认为这是一个非常引人注目的故事。你–我不知道那个故事。那是个真实的故事。
Maybe , we can find the answer in a true story . More that half a year has passed since the Sydney Olympics. 或许我们可以从一个真实的故事里找到答案.悉尼奥运会结束后,半年多已经过去了。
This is a true story which happened in the States. A man came out of his home to admire his new truck. 这是一个发生在美国的真实的故事。
But something tells me that Anna's true story will not end on this unfortunate note. . 但是我觉得有些事暗示着安娜的真实故事并不会以这么不幸的一笔而终结。
This is a true story, took place in the Sichuan earthquake. Rescuers found her, she was dead. 这是一个真实的故事,发生在四川地震灾区。抢救人员发现她的时候,她已经死了。
As the greatest masterpiece of Lu Xun's "self-examining" literature, The True Story of Ah Q is a Sphinx's riddle to us Chinese ourselves. 《阿Q正传》是关于我们中国人自己一个斯芬克斯式的谜,是鲁迅“反省”文学的巅峰之作。
I told him the true story, but he still thought I was throwing him off the scent. 我把实情告诉他了,可是他以为我在糊弄他。
Let me give you one other example of an experience. This actually is a true story. 再举一个我亲身经历过的例子,这是一个真实的故事。
MARTIN: Gregory Williams wrote the book "Life on the Color Line: The True Story of a White Boy Who Discovered He Was Black. " 马丁:格雷戈里.威廉姆斯写了一本书名叫《生活在种族界限中,一个白人男孩发现他原来是黑人的真实故事》。
The following is a true story written by an educational psychologist and her experience on a plane. 以下的故事是一个心里教育学家根据自己在飞机上的亲身经历所写的。
I believe in the near future, continue that true story is no longer individual, but all like that, accustom to. 我相信在不久的将来,延续那个真实故事的不再是个别,而是比比皆是,习以为常。
Let me tell you a true story about a teenager girl. 我来讲一个真实的故事。
Mr Clark, a novelist, tells an enthralling true story in a way that makes it read like a novel. 小说家克拉克将这一真实事件讲得引人入胜,使人仿佛置身于小说之中。
It appeared to be a true story. 这故事看起来是真的。
Called Qian Xuesen, it was based on the true story of a Chinese rocket scientist of that name. Cathy让我演的电影名字叫《钱学森》,一部基于中国两弹一星科学家钱学森的真实故事改编的电影。