
美 [twɪst]英 [twɪst]
  • v.捻;扭转;曲折;扭动
  • n.捻;拧;扭动;搓
  • 网络扭曲;捻度;歪曲

第三人称单数:twists 现在分词:twisting 过去式:twisted

twist arm,twist ankle


v. n.

弯曲成形bend into shape

1.[t]~ sth (into sth)使弯曲,使扭曲(成一定形状)to bend or turn sth into a particular shape

2.[t][i](使)弯曲变形,扭曲变形to bend or turn sth into a shape or position that is not normal or natural; to be bent or turned in this way

转动身体turn body

3.[t][i]扭转,转动(身体部位)to turn part of your body around while the rest stays still

4.[i][t](猛地将身体)转动,旋转,扭动to turn your body with quick sharp movements and change direction often

用手转动turn with hand

5.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)(用手)转动,旋转to turn sth around in a circle with your hand

道路;河流of roads/rivers

6.[i]曲折;蜿蜒;盘旋to bend and change direction often


7.[t]~ sth扭伤;崴伤to injure part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, bending it in an awkward way

缠绕wind around

8.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)使缠绕;缭绕;盘绕to wind sth around or through an object

9.[i]~ (round/around sth)蠕动;盘绕;缠绕生长to move or grow by winding around sth


10.[t]~ sth(故意)歪曲,曲解to deliberately change the meaning of what sb has said, or to present facts in a particular way, in order to benefit yourself or harm sb else


11.[t]~ sth (into sth)捻,搓,绞(线等)to turn or wind threads, etc. together to make sth longer or thicker


twist sbs arm

劝说;强迫;生拉硬拽;施加压力to persuade or force sb to do sth


英文字根_百度百科 ... 508、toler = endure 容忍 510、tort = twist 扭曲 511、touch = touch 摸,碰 ...


机械专业英语词汇(很全) - Lemon Tree ... 剪切 shear 扭转 twist 弯曲应力 bending stress ...


搓捻_百度百科 ... 拿;捏;提;举[ take;hold up] 捻度[ twist] 捻接[ splice] ...

仿声词根和谐音词 - 3416129的日志 - 网易博客 ... terrific 恐怖的,好极了的- twist 搓,捻,- spring 春天,喷泉- ...


歪字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 歪七扭八〖 crooked〗 歪曲〖 distort;misrepresent;twist〗 歪谈乱道〖 talknonsense〗 ...


国际贸易>风电词汇中英文对照表 ... turret lathe 六角车床 twist . 盘旋;缠绕 twisting 缠绕 ...


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... twilight 曙光,暮色,黎明,黄昏 twist 扭曲,扭伤,缠绕 twitch 猛拉,抽搐,痉挛 ...

Do not attempt to produce your own twist-ties for the sensor bar. One is provided for you. 不要试图自己制作感应器线材的捆扎线,已经有现成的了。
Even the world's second-largest exporter might have to twist a few arms to upend the dollar's dominance in global trade. 便是世界第二大出口国可能也必须花点儿力气才能颠覆美元在全球贸易中的霸主地位。
Jim said he felt like an otter, since he loved to turn and twist in the deep pools and could swim under water a long ways. 吉姆说感觉自己像个水獭,他喜欢在深水潭里戏水,他还可以在水下潜游很长一段距离。
equipped with all sorts of false-twist, can be used to produce a variety of low twist yarn. 配有各种各样的假捻盘,可用于纺制各种低捻纱。
A twist on traditional meat loaf, this meat loaf lets you get out of the kitchen to enjoy the summer sun. 传统肉糜卷的变种,这种肉糜卷让你走出厨房享受夏季的阳光。
The mini's Statue ability gives it a unique twist, providing an interesting way to ambush the enemy or claim a forward position. 这个战棋的能力赋予它一个独一无二的技巧,提供一种有趣的方式来埋伏敌人或放在一个前方的位置。
He's gone completely round the twist since his mother died and left him to fend for himself. 自从他母亲去世并丢下他去自己谋生之后,他完全疯了。
again , this isn t rocket science - just a little bit of a lexical twist. 同样,这也不是什么火箭科学,只不过是词法上的变异。
His eyes dropped to the limp white form in his hands, and he felt his face twist in regret. 他的眼睛落到手里的这个白色的东西身上,他感觉面部由于愧疚已经扭曲了。
In a twist that fits a cautious era, it's the least sexy of these investments that have fared the best. 在这个投资需谨慎的时代,看上去最缺乏吸引力的投资计划反而获得了获得了最佳的成果。
His calculation at this point is little more than desperation, the last twist of his hubris. 这时候,他的小算盘里只剩下与他自己的自大纠缠不休的绝望罢了。
I'm sure Michael Jordan would play basketball for free; no one would have to twist his arm to get him on the court. 我肯定迈克尔.乔丹是甘愿打篮球的;没有人能够强迫他上场。
They punish human way is often knead twist a, or with ugly kid to and human child making the switch. 他们处罚人类的方式常常是捏拧一把,或是用丑小孩来和人类的小孩调包。
Twist in the end the operation of clean water, how easy to use them, you know at a glance! 清洗拧水的操作到底有多简单呢,您一看就知道了!
The Bank of China'sglass-curtained tower seems to twist out of a metal sheath like a tube oflipstick. 中国银行的玻璃帘塔看起来很像转动的口红管式的金属外套。
So far, it might be thought by smug Westerners, so depressing. But then there was a twist in the tale. 目前,在自命不凡的西方人看来,这也许是令人郁闷的事情。
If you twist your boyfriend's arm in front of his classmates in the pub, he will absolutely not go back with you but stay for a second beer. 如果你在酒吧里当着男朋友同学的面儿强迫他的话,他绝对不会跟你回去,而是会继续留下喝酒。
For those unfamiliar with the concept of a blocking queue, it is essentially a FIFO data structure, with a twist. 假如不熟悉阻塞队列概念,它实质上就是一种带有一点扭曲的FIFO数据结构。
Along with her SCA group, we supported her through each twist and turn of her grief over the period of a year. 和她的匿名强迫性爱小组一起,我们支持她在一年的时间里度过悲痛。
Here's the twist: Kmart is also trying to persuade other retailers to use its stores as a central pick-up location for goods ordered online. 还有一种变招:凯马特(Kmart)正在试图劝说其它零售商把凯马特商店作为网上购物的提货中枢。
Microsoft loves open source because it has found a way to twist it in the direction of its own self-interest. 微软喜爱开源因为它找到了一条通向自己利益的途径,通过开源。
But, in an unusual twist, Burberry is trying to create new celebrities via its YouTube channel. 但是,巴宝莉通过一个极不寻常的举动,设法通过YouTube视频网来打造出与以往不同的名人。
A group of boys were playing rowdily on the swings, trying to twist the rusty chains around the topmost pole. 秋千那边一群男孩吵吵嚷嚷,想要把秋千生锈的铁链从最上面的铁杆上绕过去。
As best I could tell, Mike and I were the only poor kids in this school. Mike was like me in that he was in this school by a twist of fate. 迈克和我可以说是学校里仅有的两个穷孩子。他和我一样由于命运的捉弄而进了这所学校。
As the yarn is twisted, internal forces are built up in the direction of the twist. 当纱线被加捻的时候,在捻度的方向上也会相应地形成内应力。
A wink of his eye, and a twist of his head, soon gave me to know, I had nothing to dread. 他朝我挤挤眼、点点头,瞬间然我感到没什么可怕的。
Rep. Anthony Weiner and his wife are expecting their first child, an unexpected twist in the saga involving the New York congressman. 众议员安东尼·维纳和他的妻子正期待他们的第一个孩,这在纽约众议员中是一件意想不到的事情。
The last one was the easiest. The easiest to crush my balls on, and twist my ankle up in the process. 最后一个本来是最容易过的,结果我磕到了蛋蛋,还扭了脚。
In a tribute to one of his favorite vegetables, the chef makes a Hangzhou classic steamed winter melon balls but adds his own twist. 为说明冬瓜是深受自己喜爱的蔬菜之一,梁辉雄做了一道杭州经典名菜清蒸冬瓜球,但有所创新。
Nadia said she preferred reading stories online because "you could add your own character and twist it the way you want it to be. " Nadia说她更喜欢阅读在线小说,因为“你可以加入你自己想要的角色,让故事朝着理想的方向发展。”