the giant

  • 网络巨人;巨人朋友;第一大总统

the giantthe giant

the giant


...次赢了吉米 斯努卡第二次赢了杰克 罗伯斯第三次赢了巨人(the Giant)第四次赢了.....邦迪第五次赢了迪塞尔第六次赢了希德第 …


、《巨人朋友》(The Giant)、《五岁飞机师》(Angela’s Airplane)、《爸爸不见了》(50 Below Zero)《巨人爸爸》(Da…


第二届北京国际电影节260部中外展映影片影院... ... 鸿门宴传奇 White Vengeance 第一大总统 The Giant 母语 Be A Mother ...


Boss部位破坏 #... ... 破坏掉落:拉尔肯的头饰/ Larken's Head Ornament 副本名称:巨大食人魔/ The Giant 头目名称:泰坦/ Tit…


他的首场赛事在1997年7月“Bash at the Beach”中进行,与霍根联手对抗莱克斯-卢格(Lex Luger )和巨人安德烈The Giant


人物图库 人物综合图片列表 - 图蛙... ... 在海滩图片 At the beach 巨人图片 the giant 和相配图片 match 3 ...

The giant was very kind to all the children, but he did want to see his first little friend. 巨人很对所有的孩子,但他确实很想见到他的第一位小朋友。
He got to the beanstalk and climbed as quick as he could, but to his horror, the giant also started climbing down after him. 他跑到了豆茎那里,尽可能快地爬下去。但恐怖的是,巨人也开始跟着往下爬。
When the children come to the garden they find the Giant dead under a tree. He is covered with white blossoms . 当孩子们来到花园时,他们发现巨人死在一棵树下。他的身上盖满了白色的花朵。
The slippery Dug tossed a piece of debris into Mars' intakes, bringing the giant racer down in a terrible crash. 那个狡猾的达格人往马尔斯的赛车进气口中扔了一块碎片,导致那辆巨大的赛车在可怕的车祸中倾覆。
Down came the giant with a terrible crash, and that was the end of him. 令人可怕的轰隆一声,巨人坠落到地上,就此一命呜呼。
They looked up to see the Giant lose the stability of the stalk and fall to the ground. 他们抬头一看,发现巨人在茎上失去稳定并掉在了地上。
The moment Jack got down the beanstalk he cut the beanstalk with an axe, and the giant fell and was killed. 就在那时杰克从豆茎下来,并用斧头砍断了豆茎,巨人落下来摔死了。
Every afternoon, as they were coming from school, the children used to go and play in the giant's garden. 每天下午,当孩子们放学以后,总喜欢溜到巨人的花园里玩耍。
EXAMPLE: Three years of discotetic management practices led to the total collapse of the giant corporation. 三年的管理混乱使这家大公司最终垮掉了。
He imagined the ship dangling upside down on the undersurface of the Earth, the giant fingers of gravity holding them firmly in place. 他想象着飞船吊在地球下面上下晃荡,巨大的引力手指把他们紧紧地抓在这个地方。
Last week the plant's owners admitted that some of the rods had begun to melt after cooling systems were knocked out by the giant wave. 上周核电站营运方承认,在反应堆冷却系统被巨浪破坏后,部分核燃料棒发生了熔毁。
Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden, but she did not give any to the Giant's. 秋天给所有的果园带来金色的果实,却偏偏不给巨人的花园一点点收获。
When the children came into the garden on that afternoon, they found the giant lying dead under the tree, covered with white flowers. 那天下午,当孩子们跑进花园的时候,他们看见巨人静静地躺在那棵树下,已经死了,满身覆盖着白花。
Every afternoon, as the children were coming back from school, they used to go and play in the giant's garden. 每天下午,孩子们放学回来之后,去发挥巨人的花园。
Only the little boy did not run: his eyes were so full of tears that he did not see the giant coming. 只有那个小男孩没有跑:他眼里含着泪水,没看见巨人走了过来。
The giant fell into a big hole and disappeared. Jack and his mother lived happily ever after with the hen and the harp. 巨人跌入一个大洞,消失了。从此以后,杰克和他的母亲靠着母鸡和竖琴快乐地生活。
One day, Jack became bored, he thought of the giant's kingdom above the clouds and wanted so much to go there again. 有一天杰克有些无聊,他想起了云上的王国,非常想再去一次。
Castles aren't the only thing that you can build with sand. Look at the giant face that this man has built in the sand. 沙子不只可以拿来盖城堡,看看这名男子在沙上堆砌的巨大脸孔。
It was kind of nice to see a small local operation still surviving, despite overpowering competition from the giant chains. 看到当地小铺在连锁巨头的排挤下依然能够顽强地生存,我还是有些欣慰的。
To prove their point they scaled up a chicken to the size of T. Rex and found the giant chicken probably would not have been able to stand . 为了证明他们的观点,他们按比例把一只鸡放大到像霸王龙一样大,结果发现这只巨鸡可能站都站不住。
At night, the studio catches fire, the giant walks out of the fire with the comatose beauty in his arms. The film ends with a kiss. 夜晚,片场发生火灾,长腿巨人抱着昏迷的美人从黑烟中缓缓走出,赢得了美人深情的一吻。
Experts have said the giant bamboo flooring herald sounded the "Back to attack" the clarion call of the domestic market. 专家表示,巨型竹地板先驱敲响了“回到攻击”国内市场的号角。
As for the giant hole, Dr Lintott has "no sensible explanation" for that at the moment and needs to wait for more telescope time. 至于那个大洞,Lintott博士认为“目前没有合理的解释”,望远镜需要更多的时间去观测。
Wun Wun gaped at him with fascination, but when the giant reached for him the fool hopped back away, jingling. 旺·旺着迷地瞪着他看,可是等他伸手去捉,弄臣叮叮当当地向后跳开了。
The giant went on his way, and Death lay there conquered, so weak that he could not get up again. 巨人凯旋而去,死神倒在那儿屈服了,他太虚弱了,竟爬不起来了。
When the giant panda to hear abnormal noise, it is often an immediate escape. 当大熊猫听到异常响声时,常常是立即逃避。
If the giant pandas do not produce a cub in 2 years, the 2 nations will discuss exchanging them for a new pair from China. 如果两年内这对大熊猫仍然不生幼崽,两国将考虑从中国选择一对新的大熊猫与之交换。
Years went by, and the giant became very old and weak. He sat in his armchair and watched the children play in the garden. 很多年过去了,巨人变得年老衰弱了。他坐在自己的摇椅里看着孩子们在花园里玩。
"But where is your little companion? " he said: "the boy I put into the tree. " The Giant loved him the best because he had kissed him. “可你们的那个小伙伴在哪儿呢?”巨人问,“就是我抱到树上的男孩。”巨人最爱那个男孩,因为男孩吻过他。
When the Giant was away from home, the children used to go and paly on its lovely meadows. 巨人不在家的时候,孩子们常常去花园里可爱的草坪上嬉戏玩耍。