two people

  • 网络两个人;二个人;两人

two peopletwo people

two people


小学英语语法基础习题二 ... One person 一个人 Two people 两个人 1,What’ this? It ‘s lamp 这是什么?这是一盏台灯。 ...


...依照一部分玩,知识不是天生的,而是经过千心万苦学来的。二个人(Two people)玩,生活中若没有朋友,就像生活中没有阳 …


走到底 翻译为 The end。... ... 随着现在世界的交流与发展 As the world of communication and development 两人 Two people ...


qq英文网名带翻译 - 游戏名字大全 ... 辛多雷啊 Sindora 二笔群众 Two people 抚棺之指 Ask the finger ...


Robert Wise |... ... 1971. ANDROMEDA STRAIN,THE{ 死城} 1973. TWO PEOPLE{ 昙花绿未了} 1975. HINDENBURG,THE{ …

Two people had to die for me to see the truth - Jesus and my mom. 耶稣和母亲的离世让我看到了生命的真相。
Grace: Actually, only two people, you and me, have signed up for it so far. 葛瑞斯:讲真的,到目前为止只有妳和我两个人报名而已。
In fact, two people close to her said, Mr. Weiner never even asked her to appear with him when he resigned. 据其两位密友则说,事实上维纳先生甚至根本没有要求其在他辞职时一同出现。
Eager to return to the countryside to, desire to return to the land, in the confusion of city, it may not be just one or two people think. 渴望回到乡村去,渴望回到土地上去,在纷扰的城市里,这或许不只是一两个人的想法。
sounds a good weekend. You know it always amazes me that two people as different as you and Jo can become such close friends. 听起来不错。你知道吗,我一直觉得你和乔差别那么大还能成为好朋友感到特别不可思议。
It's as if they have two people inside them, sitting side by side in a rowboat in the middle of a lake. 就好像有两个人在他们里面,并排的坐在一个湖泊中的小船上。
Two people seem to love some monotonous, so few people always emotional entanglement, as if such love only interesting, love is considered. 两个人的爱情似乎有些单调,所以总是几个人的情感纠缠在一起,仿佛如此爱情才有趣,才算是爱情。
Well, there was a farmhouse just like that out in the country, and in it there lived two people, a farmer and his wife. 在一条乡村小道旁边,就有这样的一座农舍。农舍里住着一对老夫妻,一个农民和他的老伴。
Accommodates two people at a time, with a double bed, a small bathroom, a living room and a roof terrace. 这个建筑可以同时供两人住宿,其中包括一个双人床,一个小浴室,一个起居室和屋顶观光台。
Oh there r two people out of my memory, "Do not attempt to work with people whose way is not your way" . 已经有两个人被我排除在外了,道不同不相为谋。
Michael Geoghegan is to step down as chief executive of HSBC at the end of the year, according to two people close to the bank's board. 据两位接近汇丰董事会的人士透漏,现行政总裁纪勤(MichaelGeoghegan)将于今年年底卸任。
Honorable members, There is no damage to marriage or to the concept of family in allowing two people of the same sex to get married. 诸位贵宾,允许两个同性别的人结婚对于婚姻或家庭这个概念没有任何侵害;
As I said, this can be done with only two people, and with a minimum amount of time. 我说过,两个人就能完成用最少的时间完成。
Here we are now, just as my parents were then, two people from two worlds separated by light years of cultural difference - together. 正如当年我的父亲和母亲,我和我的妻子——两个来自完全不同世界的人在经历了长时间的分离后,终于重逢了。
MV was burned to see the results of the house, just a symbol, a symbol of two people are in a lie and hurt in the ordeal. 结果后来MV就看见烧房子了,只是个象徵,象徵两个人在谎言和伤害中都饱受煎熬。
In reality there is only one world, but in our concept of love there are two or more, all in all the gaps will hold two people together. 现实中只有一个世界,但在我们的爱情观中却有两个或者更多,一切一切的差距都会阻碍两个人在一起。
From the snow behind the doll out of two people, is the original parents, they looked at me gently. 从雪娃娃后面走出两个人,原来是爸爸妈妈,他们温柔地望着我。
A portal employee joked that, it would be just enough to please two people -- Focus Media and WPP -- in the annual agency meeting in future. 一家门户网站的员工开玩笑说,以后公司的代理商年会只需请两个人就够了:一个分众,一个WPP。
Of two people with different temperaments, expectations, and tastes, trying to navigate their disagreements? 还是拥有不同脾气、喜好、品位的两个人试着处理他们分歧的结果呢?
They love to yell. You'll usually find at least one or two people on every block angrily screaming at someone about something or other. 他们爱大胜喊叫,你经常能看到人在大街上大声骂街。
Some neighbours believe one or two people might have disappeared, but authorities said no deaths had been reported. 街坊的居民认为有一两个人失踪了,但当局表示目前还没有死亡被报告。
Ford gave no price for Geely's bid, but two people familiar with it said the privately held group offered just under $2bn for Volvo. 福特没有透露吉利的报价,但两名知情人士表示,私人控股集团吉利对沃尔沃的报价略低于20亿美元。
"I thought it would be better to have two people in one house who are friends to live with one man wo both love, " she said. “我认为两个好朋友住在同一间屋子里,和我们共同爱着的一个男人生活在一起会更好一些,”她说。
The ritual of a greeting between two people should be an uncomplicated, stress-free expression of acknowledging one another, should it not? 两人见面寒暄礼节应当是一种简单自如的方式来表达彼此相识,难道不是吗?
If two people after breaking up I do not see you and say I hate you . . . . . . That I am not willing to leave you. 如果两个人分手之后我不再见你并大声说我恨你……那说明我不舍得离开你。
Now I believe that it is possible to be best friends even if two people are thousands of miles apart. 现在我相信了,既使相隔千里,两人还是有可能成为最好的朋友。
As a rule, the conversation distance between two people is at least two or three feet. 作为一项规则,两个人之间的交谈距离至少是两英尺或者三英尺。站得很近会让许多美国人感到不舒服。
Knowing that no one on Earth knows where we are, or could ever find us, we feel special, as if we are the only two people in the universe. 我们很清楚地球上没人知道我们在哪儿,或者说在哪里找到我们,我们感觉我们与众不同,好像茫茫宇宙就只有我们二人。
View as people do not know if two people each, less than 2 meters away from the relative standing, they will feel very awkward. 景如人,若是两个相互不认识的人,距离不到2米相对而立,就会觉得很别扭。
It means such a union of two people that a widower describing his wife's death could say, "It's like tearing away a part of me. " 它所指的那种两人的结合,就像一个丧妻的鳏夫在描述妻子的离世时所说的:「她的去世,使我有被撕裂的感觉。」