us open

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us open


美国公开赛(US OPEN)的全称是美国公开锦标赛,由美国高尔夫协会(USGA)主办,每年6月在美国的不同球场举行,比赛分四天,每 …


美国网球公开赛US Open ) 中心球场的名称:阿瑟·阿什参考资料: |评论 澳大利亚网 …


  在美网US Open)开赛前,却传来让网坛所有人震惊的消息,比利时名将、3届美网冠军“克妈”克莉丝达丝(Kim Clijsters)因 …


美国高尔夫公开赛(US Open) (GOUO) 美国PGA巡回赛四大满贯赛事的第二站美国公开赛,今年在轮到在纽约州的Shinnecock …


网球都什么比赛 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... The French Open( 法网公开赛) US Open( 美网公开赛 ) Australian Open( 澳网公开赛) ...


Wilson开始生产印有世界上最大型的网球大满贯赛事——美国公开赛商标US OPEN )的网球。1993年扇形大榔头(Sledge Ha…

In September he reached the semi finals of the US Open but this time it was an abdominal injury that prevented him playing his best. 九月豆子闯进了美网的半决赛,而这次阻止他前进的是腹部的伤势。很明显,我们大爱黄豆。
And I know it was a huge emotional win for you to complete your personal slam last year at the US Open and a lot of good memories for you. 我知道在去年美网的时候为了实现个人金满贯你有着极大的意念去获胜。
Two weeks past his 32nd birthday, Sampras spoke before a US Open farewell ceremony saying he has no desire to make a comeback. 桑普拉斯今年32岁,他的生日刚刚过去两周。桑普拉斯在公开告别仪式上表示,自己没有打算再回来。
I know I was one point away from getting to the US Open final, but it all happened in a moment. 我知道我距离美网决赛只有一分之遥,但是接下去的那些在一瞬间就发生了。
The United States Open Championship, commonly known as the US Open, is the annual open golf tournament of the United States. 美国公开赛冠军,通常被称为美国公开赛,是年度高尔夫球公开赛的美国。
Looking forward, obviously. What better final could I wish for? An American in a US Open final. So it's great. I'm looking forward to it. 我很期待。我还能期待比这更好的决赛吗?有一个美国人进入了决赛。这很棒。我期待这场比赛。
And yet these little sheets of paper speak to us, arouse us, teach us, open hour hearts, and in turn open their hearts to us like brothers. 但是这些纸片会对我们说话,唤醒我们,教育我们,打开我们的内心,反过来也像兄弟一样对我们敞开心扉。
Q. It's been a long time since 2000 when you won the US Open. Were you beginning to think that it might not happen again? 自从2000美国公开赛以后,你已经有很长的时间没有获得大满贯的桂冠了,你是否会开始想你不会再次获得冠军?
In their last meeting, Djokovic saved two match points as he came from two sets down to beat Federer in the US Open semi-finals. 在他们的上次交手——美网半决赛上,德约科维奇在两盘落后的局面下挽救两个赛点而击败费德勒。
The city was gearing up to celebrate the success of Rory McIlroy, the young Northern Irish golfer who won the US Open on June 19th. 年轻的北爱尔兰高尔夫选手罗里•麦克罗伊于6月19日夺得美国公开赛冠军,整个城市正准备庆祝。
Tiger Woods is missing his first US Open since nineteen ninety-five. He is out with leg injuries. 老虎伍兹(TigerWoods)自1995年以来首次错过美国公开赛。他由于腿伤退赛。
"I am very keen to continue my Grand Slam form from the US Open and add another 'Happy Slam' to my collection, " he said. “我非常渴望在美网公开赛上继续获得大满贯,并再一次增加我的大满贯头衔,”他说。
2006 - Tennis legend Andre Agassi loses a third round US Open match against Benjamin Becker, thus retiring from his long pro tennis career. 2006年的今天,网坛的传奇人物安德烈·阿加西在美国网球公开赛第三轮对本杰明·贝克尔的比赛中失利,因此退出了他长久的职业网球生涯。
Kippers are one of those quintessentially English foods that leave us open for mockery. 这种腌鱼使得我们不去嘲讽英国的食品。
Let us open our hearts to welcome new immigrants and welcome them to help us build an even better Singapore. 因此,我们应该继续以宽广的胸怀欢迎新移民,让他们帮助我们建设一个更好的新加坡。
But the US Open tennis tournament is still set to open in New York on Monday. 但是美国网球公开赛仍然计划在周一在纽约开打。
The world number two first experienced intense pain in his joints back in June before the US Open got underway at Pebble Beach. 这个世界第二的球手第一次遭遇关节剧烈疼痛时在六月份的时候,在圆石滩美国公开赛之前。
But talent isn't what kept him from quitting after he came an embarrassing 54th in his first US Open. 然而,在他首次参加美国高尔夫球公开赛仅获得令人难堪的第54名之后,天赋并非阻止他知难而退的东西。
It provided to us from the loss of competition in an effective tool to help us open up new market opportunities. 它提供给我们免于竞争损失的有效工具,帮助我们开拓新的市场机遇。
Fred Perry was the last British man to win a major at the 1936 US Open. 弗莱德·派瑞在1936年的美国公开赛夺取冠军,也是最近一个夺得大满贯冠军的英国选手。
Trustworthiness, open your that fanlight lock in my heart such as a key, let us open heart, the bathes the sunlight of that comity. 诚信,如一把钥匙,打开你我心中那扇门上的锁,让我们敞开心扉,沐浴那友谊的阳光。
Justine Dupont of France, carves into a wave during the US Open of Surfing on Monday, Aug. 2, 2010, in Huntington Beach, California. 法国和Justine杜邦,雕刻成一个在美国公开赛上冲浪星期一,2010年8月2日,在亨廷顿海滩,加利福尼亚州的浪潮。
Lucas Glover has won the US Open at Bethpage Black, getting only the second victory of his PGA Tour career. 卢卡斯·格洛弗在贝斯佩奇黑球场赢得了美国公开赛,只赢得了他职业巡回赛的第二个胜利。
Ucas Glover has won the US Open at Bethpage Black, getting only the second victory of his PGA Tour career. 在贝兹佩奇黑球场赢得美国公开赛,这是他在职业高尔夫协会巡回赛职业中所获得第二次胜利。
I'm happy that I've got an Olympic gold now in my pocket and that I've also got a US Open trophy. 我很高兴我已经得到了奥运金牌,我现在口袋里,而且我还获得美国公开赛的奖杯。
But now is already beautiful spring scenery, sunshine, let us open your heart and open your arms, to meet better tomorrow. 但如今已是春光明媚,阳光普照,让我们敞开心扉、张开双臂,去迎接美好的明天。
Nadal, who returned last week after a month out because of a pulled stomach muscle in the US Open, is still short of best form. 纳达尔在美网遭遇腹部拉伤后,休整一个月,上周回归赛场的他目前仍未能调整到最佳状态。
In golf, the US Open championship is being played this week at the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Maryland, near Washington. 在高尔夫球场,美国公开赛本周将在邻近华盛顿的马里兰州贝塞斯达的国会乡村俱乐部举行。
Since reaching the semi-finals of the US Open earlier this summer, the Scot has captured titles in Bangkok, Tokyo and Shanghai. 自从今年夏天在美网止步半决赛后,苏格兰人在曼谷,东京,上海大师赛上获得冠军。
The five major championships that constitute the US Open --men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles and mixed doubles. 美国网球公开赛由五大锦标赛组成--男子单打、女子单打、男子双打、女子双打及男女混合双打。