
美 [ˈveri]英 ['veri]
  • adv.非常;十足;完全同样;完全同一
  • adj.同一的;(强调极限的地点或时间)最…的;甚至于
  • n.维利
  • 网络很;十分;极其

比较级:verier -iest



1.(置于形容词、副词和限定词前)很,非常,十分,极used before adjectives, adverbs and determiners to mean ‘in a high degree’ or ‘extremely’

2.(强调形容词最高级或置于 own 前)完全,十足used to emphasize a superlative adjective or beforeown

3.the ~ same完全同样;完全同一exactly the same


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... buy v. 购买;买 very adv. 很;非常;颇 price n. 价格 ...

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... buy v. 购买;买 very adv. ;非常;颇 price n. 价格 ...

字典中 希 字的解释 ... (8) 迎合[ cater to;pander to] (1) 表示程度。非常;[ very] (2) 假借为“稀”。稀少;罕见[ rare;scarce] ...

字典中 殊 字的解释 ... (5) 特别,独特[ special] (1) 很;[ very] ◎ 殊 shū ...


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... Mr=mister 先生(用于姓名前) 98 very 很,非常 99 picture 图画,照片 100 ...


十字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 十方〖 tendirections〗 十分very〗 十分高兴〖 utterly;absolutely;extremely〗 ...


高中英语单词表 ... victory n. 胜利,成功 very ad. 很,非常;完全 a.正是的;真正,真实的 verb n. [语法]动词 ...


十分_百度百科 ... [perfect] 十全十美;十足 [very] 很,甚,非常,极其 [utterly;absolutely;extremely] 达到极端的程度 ...

That's a very wide question. But to put it in a very simple terms, one of the objects of market research is to find out. 这是一个范围很广的问题。但简单地说,市场调研的目标之一就是找出这种产品是否有市场,在市场上是否能出售这种产品。
It's not just his versatility and the fact he's in very good condition, it's his mentality. He's always ready to help the team. 这不仅是他的全面,事实上他处在良好的状态,那就是他的心理素质,他一直都准备帮助球队。
You are my girl, I spoiled it should be, and I should be very clear that you are only in it for me like a baby. 你是我的女孩,对我撒娇是应该的,而我应该很清晰的发现你仅仅是在对我撒娇而已。
They were relatively high in tannins but the tannins were ripe and easy to extract, making some very fine, sappy, utterly digestible wines. 葡萄中的丹宁酸含量相对较高,但这种成分已经成熟,而且容易萃取,能够酿造出非常上乘、味道浓郁、完全可消化的美酒。
There was very little about him for any woman to love. . . a hardened professional soldier limited in education and outlook. 象他这样一个教育和眼光都有限的冷酷的职业军人一定没有什么值得一个女人去爱的。
I had a very bad habit, I do not like the tie, I do not like the leather shoes, and I even do not like wearing watch. 我的习惯很不好,我不喜欢打领带,我也不喜欢擦皮鞋,我甚至还不愿意戴手表。
Ever see such a story, the woman is the stay-at-home mom and wife, man is always busy with work, and a woman was very lonely. 曾经看到这样一个故事,女人是全职太太,上海第九人民医院整形外科男人总是忙着工作,于是女人很寂寞。
I felt a sense of relief that we were that the plan that the President has put together very patiently, very carefully. 我觉得有些儿松了一口气,总统的计划周详谨慎。
Thank you for your letter of September 26. We shall be very pleased to see you and discuss your new monitor, but October 6 is not suitable. 我们将很高兴与您会面并与您商谈新的显示器,但10月6日不太合适。
But I am not going to vote for her because she seems very arrogant and I do not like her or the president. 但是我不会给她投票因为她看来很傲慢,我不喜欢她,也不喜欢总统。
Not very well. The girl just yelled at me and said "get off my back" . I think I'm going to have to talk to the apartment company. 我的老天,他们非但没向你道歉,居然还朝着你吼。不过那个女孩说“getoffmyback”是什么意思啊?
White smoke was heard that a person looked at me and said you think you text, she will be very sad, she said she miss you very much. 后来听见白烟说,看着我一个人在你文后说想你的时候,她也会很难过,她说她也很想念你。
Britain, the United States, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, tsarist Russia and Holland were all very interested in this land of ours. 英国、美国、日本、法国、德国、意大利、沙俄、荷兰,都很喜欢我们这块地方。
in obtaining this information, Wang told reporters that the text did not accept out- of - court settlement, is very firm tone. 在获得这个消息前,王纳文曾对记者表示不接受庭外和解,语气显得十分坚定。
So in an attempt to see if I can change my reaction to this common condiment I thought I'd try a not very scientific experiment. 所以说就算要做个测试来看我能不能改变我对普遍调味品的反应,我宁愿选择一个不那么科学的实验。
Today we had a reading contest, I'm glad to see that everybody was trying very hard! 今天举行了一次朗读比赛,学生们都踊跃参加,让我很高兴。
I hope by the next aero upgrade to see another step, but honestly by next year the team should be very strong. 我希望下一个空气动力套件的升级能上到新的台阶,但坦诚的说,车队要到下赛季才会强势。
Each time, see you, will you get the little bit of success and happy to see you very happy life, I would be very much pleased. 每一次,见到你,都会为你取得的点点滴滴的成绩而高兴,见到你生活的很幸福,我会感到很欣慰。
My mother had been a very hard working, industrious and thrifty woman with strong Chinese traditional virtues. 我的母亲是一位典型的中国传统女性,勤劳、刻苦、节俭。
Gently brushing his hair out of his eyes, she said , "Yes, he's very smart and curious , but sometimes he wears me out. " 轻柔的帮孩子擦去眼上的泪水,说:是的,他非常聪明和有好奇心,但是有时候太过分了。
He had very light hair, with darker patches here and there, and a moustache just beginning to show. 他头发的颜色很淡,偶尔有些地方颜色稍深,胡子刚刚冒出茬来。
His creations are very weird, and you may find them disturbing, especially the ones where his head is endlessly coming out of his head. 他的作品非常诡异,可能会使你困惑,特别是那些从一个头中无限长出头的照片。
"So am I, " replied Wolstencroft and, although he tried very hard to stop it, a tear rolled down his furry cheek. “我也想知道,”Wolstencroft回答,虽然他很努力的控制,可是一滴泪珠还是滑过了他毛茸茸的脸颊。
So it is a very new framework, just sort of starting out on its journey. 所以这是一个非常年轻的框架,一切才刚刚开始。
I realized it was an unfair reaction, very childish; but I also saw that it was quite natural. 我意识到这是很不公平的想法,非常幼稚;可我也觉得这很自然。
Passive voice, and its attendant obscurity, turn out to be very useful. 被动语态,以及伴随而至的语焉不详,结果是非常有用的。
In plasma source ion implantation process, the sheath evolution has a very important influence on the surface modification of materials. 在这一技术中,等离子体鞘层的时空演化对材料表面改性有着非常重要的影响。
"Very much so, " Grandmother closed her eyes and savored the peach pie, "And for a very good reason. " “的确如此,”祖母闭上眼睛,品尝着蜜桃派,“而且是因为一个非常好的理由。”
The professor begins to shake his head, still smiling, as he realizes where the argument is going. A very good semester, indeed. 教授开始摇头,仍然微笑着,因为他意识到了争论的发展。非常好的一个学期,的确是。
Although very hot, prominences typically appear dark when viewed against the Sun, since they are slightly cooler than the surface. 虽然很热,日珥典型表现是在太阳的衬托下显得较暗,因为它们比太阳表面稍冷一些。