vitamin d

  • un.维生素D;胆骨化醇;胆钙化醇;胆沉钙固醇
  • 网络维他命D;维生素丁

vitamin dvitamin d

vitamin d


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How much vitamin D does a healthy person need? 一个健康人需要多少维生素D?
Milk is one of the primary sources of vitamin D for most kids, and it has been a growing trend for kids to not drink milk each day. 对于大多数儿童而言,牛奶是维他命D的主要来源,现在不喝牛奶的孩子日趋增多。
If you spend at least fifteen minutes a day in the sun without a product to block the sun's radiation, you probably get enough Vitamin D. 如果每天在无摭挡的情况下在阳光下待上至少50分钟,你可能就会得到足够的维生素D了。
But he says, first, scientists must carry out a large control study in which some people get vitamin D and others do not. 同时,他还说,科学家们首先要对服用与不服用维生素D的不同人群做大量的控制性研究。
I believe it would be very easy to use good models of fibrosis or cancer and try vitamin D. 我相信使用较好的肝维化或癌症动物模型来研究维生素D将是非常容易的。
In 1997, the United States Institute of Medicine established levels for how much Vitamin D healthy people need. 1997年,美国医学研究所制定了一个健康人每天所需的维生素D摄入量。
The nutrition experts are taking another lookandat how much vitamin D and calcium people should get. 营养学研究者正在重新看待人们需要摄入多少维生素D和钙。
The doctors who ran the study tested 307 adolescents to discover how much vitamin D was in their blood. 有医生对307青少年做研究,测定他们的血液的维生素D含量。
So how much is enough vitamin D? 这样人体要获得多少维他命D才算够了呢?
Some people get more with vitamin products. Another way is with the sun. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine-vitamin. 有些人通过维生素产品获取更多的维生素,另一种途径则是利用日光。
To ensure a proper dosage, check the label of your multi-vitamin to see how much vitamin D is included. 为确保合适的用量,请查看你所购买的复合维生素的标签,搞清维生素D的含量。
He said the benefit of vitamin D was as clear as the harmful link between smoking and lung cancer. 他说维生素D的好处是和吸烟与肺癌的有害链接一样清楚。
If you are one of those people who have been warned to stay out of the sun, another good natural source of vitamin D is fatty fish. 你被禁止阳光直射的人,那么。另天然维生素D的办法吃含脂肪多的鱼类。
In nineteen ninety-seven, the United States Institute of Medicine established levels for how much vitamin D healthy people need. 1997年,美国医药协会确定了健康的人们需要多少含量的维他命D。
The nutrition experts are taking another look at how much vitamin D and calcium people should get. 营养专家正在重新看待人们需要多少维他命D和钙。
But that effect came not from supplements but from sunlight, which causes vitamin D to be formed in the human body, he said. 但是他说,这种作用不是来自补给的,而是来自日光,可以使人体自身合成维生素D。
Keep in mind, however, that skin color, where you live and how much skin you have exposed all affect how much vitamin D you can produce. 不过,还应切记,皮肤颜色、生活地点和暴露在外的皮肤面积大小,都会影响你的身体所能产生的维他命D的量。
Many parents choose to give soy milk or rice beverages, which are not always fortified with vitamin D, she said. 许多父母选择给孩子喂豆浆和米汤,这些食物不一定经过维生素D强化。
And my vitamin D levels are great, thanks to the sun's rays, so I figure I'm lowering my risk for a wide range of diseases. 由于常晒太阳,我的维生素D水平很高,因此我认为自己患很多疾病的风险都得以降低。
Also look for vitamin D. Recent studies have found a link between low vitamin D levels and an increased risk of cold and flu. 还可以看到维生素D,最近研究发现缺乏维生素D会增加患风寒和流感的风险。
This form of vitamin D is created in small pockets along the skin and catalyzed through exposure to the sun. 这种维他命D是在皮肤上的小囊袋中,通过暴露在阳光下催化而制造出来的。
But so far studies looking directly at whether higher vitamin D levels help prevent upper respiratory infections have had mixed results. 但是,到目前为止,关于维生素D是否可以预防上呼吸道感染而专门进行的研究得出了并不一致的结果。
The bottom line, according to Trisal: "It's easy to get adequate doses of vitamin D by taking a tablet. " Trisal博士表示,通过服用片剂即能获得足够量的维生素D。
Vitamin D is found throughout the body and acts as a signaling mechanism to turn cells on and off. 维生素D存在于全身各处,并作为信使来开启和关闭细胞。
I take vitamin D supplements on prescription to help the body absorb calcium and I will be monitored with annual blood tests. 我还按照医嘱服用维生素D以帮助身体吸收钙质,并接受一年一次的血液检查。
Vitamin D could help the body fight infections of deadly tuberculosis, according to doctors in London. 伦敦的医生表示,维生素D可以帮助身体抵御肺结核感染。
Retired Nasa scientist Dr William Grant, believes that vitamin D deficiency was the underlying cause of his poor health and early death. 美国宇航局的退休科学家威廉•葛兰特博士认为缺乏维生素D是他身体羸弱及英年早逝的主因。
About 12 percent were cognitively impaired, and the lower their vitamin D level, the more likely they were to be in that group. 百分之十二左右的人有认知障碍的症状,并且越低的维生素D水平的人更可能患有认知障碍的机会。
There was no evidence that calcium or vitamin D from any source increased the risk of prostate cancer. 没有任何证据表明,食物来源中的钙质或者维他命D与前列腺癌罹患率增加有关。
These milks tend to be low in nutrients, but they are a good source of calcium and vitamin D, and a great alternative to soymilk. 这些奶营养素含量偏低,但它们是钙和维生素D的很好的来源,是豆奶的很好的替代品。