
美 [voʊt]英 [vəʊt]
  • v.表决;选举;提议;投票给…
  • n.表决;选举权;投票数;投票(过程,手续)
  • 网络选票;投票人数;评分

复数:votes 现在分词:voting 过去式:voted

cast vote,take vote,win vote,lose vote,give vote
popular vote,crucial vote,unanimous vote,decisive vote,big vote



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...,这个枪击案决定了席次(seats)比,却无法撼动选票votes)比,这才是值得深入观察的发展,也就是单一事件的确会移 …


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Jim: As you know, there were three candidates, and the total votes the two losers got were more than the winning candidate got. 你也知道一共有三个候选人,其中两个落选人员的得票数加起来比当选人员的得票数多。
Voters must be able to understand how to make their selections , and votes must be easy to count in mass quantities. 投票人必须能够了解如何圈选,选票也必须容易在数量庞大的状况下计算。
A senior House Democratic aide said he was 'cautiously optimistic' but put the responsibility on Republicans to come up with more votes. 一位众议院民主党高级助手表示,他对救助计划获得通过持“谨慎的乐观态度”,但认为共和党人有责任促成更多的赞成票。
Make sure you choose correctly. -. . . that they're on your side, because you're on TV right now, trying to get votes. 确信做出正确选择他们站在你这边,因为你正在电视节目上,试图得到选票。
The City Council votes unanimously to impose fines on dog owners and to set standards on how much barking is too much. 市议会投票一致同意,将制定狗叫是否过量的标准,并且会对狗的主人征收罚金。
We have quite a bit of support for this bill but we're not sure that we have enough votes to get it passed. 我们有很大的支持率对那个账目,但是我们不确信我们有足够的投票来使它通过。
Mr. Blunt said he told Democrats he thought he could flip five votes, if Democrats could do the same. Blunt说他告诉民主党人他可以争取到5票,只要民主党也这么做。
In a small number of cases, one likely explanation for particular justices' votes seems to be their own political preferences. 在少数案例中,对法官做出某一裁决的一种可能的解释似乎是他们自身的政治倾向。
He owns more than a quarter of Facebook's stock and controls votes for three of five board seats, say people familiar with the matter. 他拥有Facebook四分之一以上的股份,控制着五个董事会席位中的三个。
He faces many challengers for Peronist votes, and is trying to win over as many wings of the movement as possible. 他将会在裴隆党内面对很多挑战者,并试图尽可能争取更多的党内派系支持。
A reporter on TV, unable to give up the suspense, tries to think up fanciful ways in which John McCain could reach 270 electoral votes. 一个电视台的记者,显然不愿意放弃悬念,试图想出各种能让JohnMcCain获得270张选举团票的方法,从而当选。
There were ways to get to 60 votes. The White House just had to scratch it out with a real strategy and a never-let-go attitude. 拿到60票有很多办法。但白宫一定要规划一份真正的策略出来,要有绝不放弃的态度。
No independent candidate, he said, is likely to pull more than 20 percent of the total votes cast. 他指出,任何一位无党派候选人的得票率都不可能超过总票数的20%。
SCCP convenes at least once a week, with more than half of members present. Decisions taken on a majority of members votes. SCCP最少每星期召开一次会议,每次均有过半数成员出席;所有决定须由大多数成员投票通过。
Funning to see that so far 40% people vote hiding their money in their boxes. Looking foward to more votes. Thanks. 有趣地发现,40%的人选择把钱藏在月饼盒里。期待着更多的投票。谢谢。
Before the Thursday-afternoon White House gathering, Bush aides were trying to rally support in anticipation of a close series of votes. 在周四下午的白宫会议举行之前,布什的助手们一直在尽力争取议员们的支持,他们预见到方案会在国会遭遇系列势均力敌的表决。
At times, that anger is exploited by politicians, to gin up votes along racial lines, or to make up for a politicians own failings. 曾几何时,这种愤怒被政客们加以利用,以便以种族划线捞取选票,或者为政客自己的失利提供借口。
Fourth, the Company to the fees charged by your company, developed by the votes of the total amount of tax collection basis. 本公司向贵公司收取的费用,以所开发票总金额的税率为基础而收取。如有疑请来电索取公司资料。
He said the hill people had carried me through three elections, but I would have to get my votes in the cities now. 他说在三次竞选中,我获得山区人民的多数支持,但是从现在起,我将必须获得城里人的多数支持。
Some Americans object to the power of superdelegates to nominate a candidate who did not receive the most votes in primaries and caucuses. 有些美国选民反对超级代表拥有提名在初选或预选会议中未得到多数选票的候选人的权力。
Plus, there's no guarantee that a climate bill could have garnered 60 votes in the Senate if it had come up for a vote after the stimulus. 此外,如果气候法案在经济刺激后提出,谁也不能保证获得参议院60张投票。
If she votes in favor of the bill, she will look more like a centrist and be in good standing with the voters during the next election year. 如果她投票赞成,那么她就树立了一个比较温和的中立派形象,并且在接下来的一个选举年中在选民中营造良好的声誉。
Each works for a major U. S. search firm and won votes from at least three rival firms for being one of the top recruiters in their country. 他们三人各自为一家美资猎头公司工作,至少被三家竞争对手公司评为所在地区最优秀的招聘顾问。
When he said he'd be for me, I knew it meant a lot of votes, as you'll see. 当他告诉我他支持我的时候,我知道这意味着我一下子得到了很多的选票,后来也的确如此。
Abudllah's campaign contends that up to one of every four votes cast in last month's election are under suspicion of being tainted. 阿卜杜拉的竞选阵营争议说,在上个月的选举中,有舞弊嫌疑的选票高达四分。
A key consideration for the court will be whether the number of suspect votes, if any, would have been enough to alter the result. 法庭考虑的一个要素是,若有可疑选票,这些选票的数目是否足以改变结果。
It may gain Labour a few votes from Moslem voters of Pakistani origin, but it was not in the best interests of the UK. 这样的手段可能给工党带来从巴基斯坦来的穆斯林额外的选票。但是这不符合我们英国的利益。
But governments, whether to win votes or to protect the poor, rarely charge farmers a market price for water. 但是各国政府,或是为了赢得选票,或是为了保护穷人,很少以市场价格向农民收取水费。
Just as I had feared, Perot's advertising, coupled with President Bush's attacks on me, were moving votes to Perot at my expense. 正如我所担心的,佩罗的广告宣传加上老布什总统对我的抨击,使得一些原本支持我的选民转而支持佩罗。
"A handful of US finance companies cannot be allowed to decide how the whole world votes with its pocket, " he added. 他补充道:“一些金融公司被告诫不能让人民用捐款表达他们的立场。”