
美 [wæɡ]英 [wæɡ]
  • v.逃学;摆动(尾巴);(狗尾巴)摇;摇(头或手指,常表示不赞成)
  • n.老开玩笑的人;爱闹着玩的人;摇摆;摆动
  • 网络摇动;太太团(wives and girlfriends);威尔士议会政府(Welsh Assembly Government)

第三人称单数:wags 现在分词:wagging 过去式:wagged



v. n.

3.[t]~ sth逃学to stay away from school without permission


... victim n. 受害者;受骗者 wag v. 摇摆;摆动(尾巴等) Waikiki n. 怀基基(海滩) ...


高中英语单词表 ... waist n. 腰(部);衣服的腰部 wag v. (狗尾巴等)摆动 n.诙谐幽默者 voyage n. 航海,航行 v.航海,航行于(海 …


Esp词汇资料 ... vagi 游荡 wag 摇动 water 水 ...

太太团(wives and girlfriends)

她们的名字叫“太太团”(“WAG”),意思为球员妻子和女友们(Wifes And Girlfriends)。这种气势很难不对场上拼命的男人们产生影 …

威尔士议会政府(Welsh Assembly Government)

45. Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) has 60 Assembly Members (AMs) to be selected every 4 years and can pass laws fo...

He's my best friend and he works hard all day. Couldn't you at least wag your tail? 他是我最好的朋友,整天工作很辛苦,你就不能冲他摇摇你的尾巴吗?
"You might have gone there, you know, although you do abuse him so, " continued the wag. “你可能去过,尽管你现在把他说得一无是处,”那个爱说怪话的人又说道。
He looked up at me with those trusting eyes and licked my hand, but he was too weak to wag his tail. 它以信任的目光仰头看着我,舔舔我的手,但他过于衰弱已无力晃动尾巴。
I decided to wag my tongue at little Ashley. This was a complete, large tongue that stared at her. 我决定对着小阿什丽晃舌头,这一回给她看的是一条完完整整的大舌头。
And yet, when it comes to the Wag obsession, we seem to have regressed many decades. 但当人们沉迷于做名人的老婆和女友,我们似乎倒退了几十年。
In this country, it is enough for a man to have distinction and brains for every common tongue to wag against him. 在这个国家里,要是一个有荣誉,有头脑,那么一般凡夫俗子之辈都会鼓动如簧之舌来攻击他。
There's also the question of whether Vogue doesn't sometimes allow a fashionable tail to wag a questionable dog. 还有人质疑Vogue杂志有时候是不是过分追求时尚而忽略了更重要的东西。
Some wag had named her after a small black hole in her dorsal fin which looked, to him, like a cigarette burn. 而一些人则开玩笑地称她为“黑洞”,原因是她背鳍上面有一个小黑窟窿,好像是被烟头烫过似的。
She knows that she ought not ask for father it's angry, but injustice but a wag of frenzy of in the mind up flow out. 她知道自己不该惹爸爸生气,可是心里的委屈却一波波的疯狂上涌。
I tell the family good- bye in the only way I know how, a soft wag of my tail and a nuzzle of my nose. 我用只有我自己知道的方式:尾巴的轻摇和鼻子的一顶来和我的家人说再见。
The four-time Defensive Player of the Year even did his trademark finger wag to the crowd after rejecting Kevin Willis' layup attempt. 四届年度防守队员在组织了凯文维利斯的扣篮后甚至对观众做出了他商标式的摇手指动作。
Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you but to your bread. 狗摇尾巴,爱的是面包。醉翁之意不在酒。
In his poem, Malvern Hill, the famous American poet Herman Melville wrote: "Wag the world how it will, Leaves must be green in Spring. " 贵国著名诗人梅尔维尔在《麦尔文山》中曾这样写道:“无论世界怎样变化,树木逢春便会绿叶招展”。
Money will buy a pretty dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. --J, Billings, American humorist. 金钱能买到一条不错的狗,但是买不到它的摇动尾巴。美国幽默作家比林斯。
Nonetheless, the Jedi returned to protect the village, and despite his father's wishes, Wag Too took up arms as well. 但是,绝地还是决定回来保护村子。瓦格·图也不顾父亲的反对,拿起了武器。
But at least the world's central bankers had each other for company at their annual chin-wag in Jackson Hole. 但最起码,各国央行行长在杰克逊霍尔年会上彼此相伴。
The dog will bark excitedly, wag its tail and may run around in circles or jump up and down to show you that it wants to play. 这只狗会很兴奋地叫唤,摇动它的尾巴,在原地打圈圈,或者跳上跳下想告诉你它想要玩。
The Oilfield ground control system is an important component of the WAG injection system. 而地面控制系统是水气交替注入系统的重要组成部分。
Not only that, but even while the going was good, it was hard not to let the tail wag the dog. 不仅如此,尽管方向很明确,但很难避免“尾巴摇狗”的情况。
It was very docile saw boiler grandpa, look at me the "alien" constantly wag tail. 它看见锅炉爷爷便十分温顺,看着我这位“外星人”不停地摇尾巴。
The superhighway in car slowly arrives at the seaside and taps the wag of sandy shore, is that the only voice of hush night ring. 汽车下了高速公路,缓缓来到海边,拍打着沙滩的海浪,是静寂夜晚的唯一声响。
In view of the problem, this paper carries out the mechanism study of water alternating gas (WAG) flooding. 本文针对这一问题,开展了气水交替驱机理研究。
By pushing Oslo even though America had wanted Syria first, says Mr Indyk, Israel showed that the Israeli tail could wag the American dog. 因迪克先生说,尽管美国首先希望走叙利亚路线,但通过推动奥斯陆谈判,以色列表示,以色列后面的政策将完全摆向美国。
She writes "Seema Says . . . , " a column for The Wag, a giveaway fashion and party magazine in Westchester County. 她为温彻斯特郡的一家免费时尚、社交杂志《摇摆》写专栏——西玛说。
One market wag joked that somebody should start trading the Cement bloc (Countries Excluded from the Emerging New Terminology). 一位市场人士开玩笑说,或许我们应该开始交易“水泥砖集团”(Cementbloc,即未纳入新发明的术语的国家)了。
Sighing is a , flaming strong stretch hand to question apt lave quite small body, waved hand to blow to spread to rush toward of magma wag. 叹息一声,炎烈伸手接住沐小小的身子,挥手打散了扑来的岩浆波浪。
The son Xuan cloud big wag drank one mouthful tea, obviously was the blueprint that didn't promise. 子轩云涛喝了一口茶,显然是没有要答应的打算。
H Money will buy a pretty dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. 金钱能买到一条不错的狗,但是买不到它的摇动尾巴。
Money will buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail. 有钱就能买只可爱的狗,但是有爱才能让它对你摇尾巴。
If married women go out with other men, tongues will wag. 如果已婚妇女和别的男人外出,有人就要说闲话了。