wall street

  • na.华尔街
  • 网络纽约华尔街;美国华尔街;墙街

wall streetwall street

wall street


1.华尔街(美国纽约金融中心和证券交易所所在地)the US financial centre and stock exchange in New York City (used to refer to the business that is done there)


华尔街(wall street)是纽约市曼哈顿区南部一条大街的名字,长不超过一英里,宽仅11米。它是美国一些主要金融机构的所在地。


纽约华尔街wall street)是纽约市曼哈顿区南部一条大街的名字,长不超过一英里,宽仅11米。它是美国一些主要金融机构的 …


« 去美国华尔街Wall Street)炒股 美国福布斯杂志:2012年投资指南 » Search for: ©2008-2009 美股投资指南 – 网上美股开 …


一条是墙街Wall street),这条街现在是惨不忍睹;另一条就是宽街(Broad way)这条街还是和往常一样热闹。导游告诉我 …


赛事资讯 - 爱彼表女皇杯2012 - 香港赛马会 ... Shoot Out 枪战(澳) Wall Street 金融圣地(纽) Cirrus des Aigles 天鹰翱翔(法) ...


香港新闻工作者从业词典78 ... 结算公司 clearing houses 华尔街股市 Wall Street 评级机构 rating agency ...


爱福斯_百度百科 ... UK 100 英国富时100 Wall Street 美国道琼斯 US Tech 100 美国纳斯达克100 ...

Occupy Wall Street is like the kid in the fairy story saying what everyone knows but is afraid to say: the emperor has no clothes. 占领华尔街的行为好比童话故事里的那个小男孩讲出了人所共知却不敢言的事实:国王没有穿衣服。
He believes that the consensus view on Wall Street is still that the U. S. will drag the rest of the world into a global recession. 他相信华尔街上多数人的意见仍然是美国将把全世界拖入全球衰退。
The short-term news was that the company beat Wall Street earnings estimates by three cents a share and revenue projections by $77 million. 短期消息是,该公司每股盈利3美分,收入7700万美元,超出了华尔街的预期。
Wall Street did not even bother to rally after the AIG deal as it had after previous government interventions. 华尔街对政府拯救AIG之举反应平淡,不像前几次政府介入之后那样应声反弹。
MBS values have dropped as much as 25% in just a few weeks, wiping out a year's worth of gains, primarily for Wall Street investment banks. 几周内,MBS已缩水达25%,抹去了一年的涨幅,受损者主要是华尔街投资银行。
Now, he appeared to be one of the few Wall Street leaders who grasped the enormity of the credit crisis. 这时候,他似乎是华尔街上抗住了信贷危机巨大破坏力的少数领袖之一。
The Wall Street Journal praised him for providing cutting-edge fashion female, and he rapidly rises to fame as a fashion sector. 《华尔街日报》推崇他为都会女性提供尖端服饰,成为时装界迅速崛起的新秀。
H. Harriman's securing control and can say that of all the manipulations in the history of Wall Street Mr. Harriman's was the most masterly. 哈里曼操纵前后的所有报价,可以这样说,在华尔街历史上的所有操作中,哈里曼先生最高明。
In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Geithner said the world sorely needs to agree on guidelines for exchange-rate policy. 盖特纳接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,全世界迫切需要在汇率政策的指导原则上达成一致。
There was also renewed optimism on Wall Street that the treasury would eventually be able to hoover up "toxic" mortgage-related assets. 华尔街又重新树立起乐观情绪,因为人们相信美国财政部最终会覆盖到“毒性很强的”(原文如此)房贷性资产。
It was an up and down and up again day on the European markets, with all eyes looking toward Wall Street. 在欧洲商场上每天处于上与下的不断反复之中,所有的眼睛都紧盯着华尔街。
The resulting profits represent a relatively hidden form of support for banks, and Wall Street has geared up to take advantage. 由此获得的利润,为银行提供了某种相对隐性的支撑,华尔街因此做好准备充分利用这种机会。
We want you to take 50 million of us as seriously as you take one reporter from The Wall Street Journal. 我们只希望你能像重视一位来自华尔街日报记者的那样,认真对待我们中的五千万人。
And the bottom line on Wall Street is that if you can price a product and give it a risk rating, you can sell it. 华尔街的底线是,假如你能够给产品定价,而且可以给出它的风险指数,那你就能够把它卖掉。
Together they confirm Wall Street's reputation as a lads' clubhouse with a "No Girls Allowed" sign emblazoned over the door. 这些案件共同印证了华尔街“男人俱乐部”的名声,俱乐部门上还挂着“女士免进”的牌子。
The heart of the new finance is on Wall Street and in London, but the growth of cross-border capital flows vastly extended its reach. 华尔街于伦敦是现代金融的心脏,不过资本的跨国流动极大的扩展了他们的影响范围。
In September, he said in a statement to The Wall Street Journal that despite his losses, he remained bullish on the stock market. 9月,鲍尔森在的一份声明中对《华尔街日报》说,尽管他的基金出现亏损,但他仍看涨股市。
He said this in near-perfect English, telling me excitedly about his future plans and asking about The Wall Street Journal. 他用一口近乎纯正的英语向我兴奋地讲述今后的打算,还问起了《华尔街日报》。
Do not bother ringing up a Wall Street bank with a bit of business at 8am tomorrow. 别忙着在明天早晨8点打电话给一家华尔街银行去咨询业务。
After one of the most tumultuous weekends Wall Street has ever seen, how much bleaker is the outlook for the U. 在华尔街经历了有史以来最为动荡的一个周末之后,美国经济前景会变得有多黯淡?
Busch IV declined to comment on both incidents for a 2008 profile of him in The Wall Street Journal. 在《华尔街日报》2008年对布希四世作个人简介时,他拒绝就上述两次事件置评。
The paper that emerged was a remarkable indictment of the elaborate architecture that grew up over the decades since the Wall Street crash. 随后出炉的文件,尖锐批评了华尔街崩盘后几十年来发展起来的复杂架构。
I knew nothing about stocks. But I read everything she wrote and would scan the Wall Street Journal for mentions of her name. 那时我对股票一无所知,但是我读了她写的所有文章,而且还会去流览《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)上面提到她的名字的那部分内容。
If Occupy Wall Street is to leave a permanent mark, this is the sort of effort on which it must focus, rather than seizing patches of land. 如果“占领华尔街”运动想留下一个永久性的印记,那就是它必须关注于这种努力,而不是占领小块的地盘。
But the new plan, combined with the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, seems to have shifted the national conversation. 不过,这项新计划,加上“占领华尔街”的示威活动,似乎已经转移了整个国家的话题。
The fact that they believed Wall Street was "always doing this" was not a deterrent; it was a recommendation. 人们认为华尔街“一直在这么做”这一事实,并没有成为阻碍,反而成了引诱。
All that populist anti-Wall Street rhetoric in Washington scares the heck out of investors. 华盛顿所有口若悬河的反华尔街民粹人士都害怕投资者当真将口对准他们。
The company missed Wall Street's estimates for both revenue and earnings and said it would have lower profit margins next quarter. 该公司未达到华尔街对其税收和收入的评估,称其下个季度的利润空间更低。
Ms Merkel has never been a particular fan of Wall Street. 默克尔女士从来都对华尔街没有特别的好感。
Wall Street is waiting to see whether TV manufacturers include the glass in designs to give the sets greater durability and a sleeker look. 华尔街则抱持等待态度,看电视制造商是否会把金刚玻璃加入设计中,使它们更耐用且造型更流线化。