
美 [went]英 [went]
  • v.“go”的过去式;〈古〉“wend”的过去式
  • 网络走;go的过去式;去了

第三人称单数:goes 过去分词:gone 现在分词:going

probably go,go anywhere,go nowhere,go anyhow,go forward
go week,go mile,go vacation,go word,thing go


英语单词音标(小学) ... do → did last weekend 上一个周末 go → went go to a park → went to a park 去公园 ...

2012刘一男考研词汇5500 - 豆丁网 ... (ion- 后缀) 1009. (went- ) dome- 屋顶, ...


初一下学期英语单词_百度知道 ... did do 的过去式 went go 的过去式 visit 拜访 ...





动词的不... ... (做,干)- --did---done, go (去,到达)- --went---gone, (躺,平放,位于)- --lay---lain, rewind ...

Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. 上帝使夏甲的眼睛明亮,他就看见一口水井,便去将皮袋盛满了水,给童子喝。
The boat went on without her and a few seconds later went down under the water. 那个小船没过几秒钟就沉到水底了。
Every man with royal blood wants the throne. His mother went crazy when she lost him and is locked up in the cold palace now. 每个皇族都可能觊觎王位。她的母亲因失去了他而丧失了心智,至今仍被关在冷宫里。
Then he crawled completely out of the ditch and , with his dagger drawn and limping badly , went straight at the enemy . 然后他完全脱离爬行的壕沟,以尖刀拔举步维艰不好,径直在敌人。他交错而下跌。
They went inside, sat down, ate something and went straight to bed. 他们走进旅店,吃了东西,就去睡觉。
After returning to her village to give birth, she went to Beijing to look for work and a husband, leaving her son behind with her mother. 她回乡生过孩子以后就又回到北京,找了一份工作,又找到了丈夫,她把孩子留在家里留给她母亲照料。
All went as Fan planned until one of the women turned out to be a very bad loser. 一切都按照范的计划顺利进行直到其中一名情妇最后成了一个不好的失败者。
The last place we went to, just a few miles out of town, was an old Root Beer Barrel drive-in that had been converted to a truck stop. 我们去的最后一个地方,就在镇子几里外,那是个由卖沙士的路边餐厅改造成的卡车休息站。
When he came back up she had gone, and he immediately went looking for her, noticing her van had gone too. 当他回来的时候,莫尔纳已经不见了。他立刻去寻找她,这时发现她的车也不见了。
When Jane went off to get his order he took a newspaper out of his coat pocket and began reading the sports page on the back. 当简离开准备他的餐点时,他从大衣里拿出了一张报纸,然后从背面的体育版开始读起。
And one went in, and told his lord, saying, Thus and thus said the maid that is of the land of Israel. 乃缦进去,告诉他主人说,以色列国的女子如此如此说。
Mary was able to lie in the sun by the hotel swimming pool, while Ted went off for long walks in the mountains with a group of hikers. 在那里玛丽可以躺在旅馆的游泳池畔晒太阳,而特德则与一队登山者踏上山林之旅。
"Never mind what he went under. It was a mistake , that'tall. A big mistake . Poor fellow. " He had cocktail now and shook his head at it. “不要管他怎么上的。那是一个错误,就这样。一个大错误。可怜的家伙…”现在他拿着鸡尾酒并且朝着它摇头。
He let me in and went back to bed. 他让我进门后,就回到了床上。
Up to the present, we have had no news about Shiquan except the last one before he went to coal mine. 石泉去煤矿前来过一封信,至今没有他的消息。
Pinocchio ignored the advice of the cricket and went on his way. 皮诺奇根本听不进蟋蟀的话,坚持要往前走。
He would be a natural leader, but if none recognized his worth and he went unrewarded he would not be resentful . 他是一个天生的领导,如果他的价值印才能没有得到认可,或者他的努力没有得到回报,他不会因此而愤愤不平。
As she went to the bottom, not fulfilling her wish, it was her, and her baby. And a few scattered fish. 当她落入海底,心中依然空虚。只有母子两个,还有几条游鱼。
The Toad never answered a word, or budged from his seat in the road; so they went to see what was the matter with him. 蟾蜍一声不吭,坐在路上纹丝不动。他俩只得过去,看看究竟出了什么事。
So he went, with a stick over his shoulder and a bundle swinging from the end of it, while he sang the same old song of the greenwood. 于是小熊出发了,扛着他的小棍子,一头挂着自己的包裹,一边走一边唱起那首关于绿树林的古老歌谣。
Noone knows whether a love bear repeated reading or not, maybe the last word of romance went away with the wind. 不知道真心是否经得起反复的浏览,爱情最后的留言也会被风吹散。
Many of them did not accept his scientific ideas. But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research. 许多科学家并不接受他这些科学的思想,但他坚持他的意见,继续不断地进行他的研究。
they went into the house and when they saw the child with mary his mother , they knelt and worshiped him. 他们进了屋,看见婴儿和他母亲玛利亚,立刻跪伏朝拜了他。
Hou Yi went up to a very high mountain with his bow and arrows, he wanted to shot all the suns down. 他背起弓箭,站在一块巨石上,要把太阳都射落下来。
Then I thought about it a bit, and went, 'It's Oliver Stone, it's Wall Street, I'm not saying no. 于是我考虑了一下,然后说,‘那可是奥利弗·斯通啊,是《华尔街》啊,我怎么能拒绝。
Work with your team member to understand what went wrong and make it a learning experience for both of you. 和你的团队一起找出失误所在,并把它作为你们共同的学习经历。
I made him a bed in my study, and then went to bed myself, happier than I had been for the past month. 我在书房给他铺了一张床,然后就自己回去睡觉,感到一个月来从没这么高兴过。
After Nigel left his academic post and went into business, it took him quite a while adjust to the rat race. 奈杰尔弃学从商后,过了很长时期才使他适应于那种竞争激烈的环境。
After one epic night he went home alone, and failed to turn up for work the next day, or the next week. 在一个具有历史纪念意义的夜晚之后,他一个人回了家,第二天没有来工作。
While he was away at college, his father, William, died; his mother, Charlotte, went to work after years of being a housewife. 在他离家上学期间,他的父亲威廉(William)过世了;他的母亲夏洛特(Charlotte)在做了多年家庭主妇后重新出来工作。