we remain

  • 网络我们保持

we remainwe remain

we remain


... Several problems remain to be solved. 有好几个问题尚待解决。 we remain = 我们保持 eg. we remain slient = 我们保持沈默 ...

At this point Jordan and I tried to go, but Tom and Gatsby insisted with competitive firmness that we remain. 这时乔丹和我都想走,但是汤姆和盖茨比争先恐后地阻挡,硬要我们留下。
"We remain committed to trying to reach a consensus on this issue through the FCC process, " the company said. 这个公司说,“我们仍旧致力于通过FCC的途径,来达成共识。”
Unfortunately, no matter how much we accomplish and how busy we remain, we do not experience happiness or joy because of this. 不幸的是,无论完成了多少任务,无论忙到何种地步,我们都无法从中得到乐趣和幸福。
Although we remain in a risk seeking environment, gains in risky assets might take a bit of a breather today due to two factors. 我们仍处于冒险环境,但风险资产涨势或出于两个原因而暂停脚步。
We remain with one last choice to remove the last weak excuse of the enemy for killing our people. We have decided to silence our guns. 至少我们还拥有最后的选择权,可以不让敌人有继续杀害平民的借口,于是我们决定熄火停战。
We remain ready to engage with Iran, but the time for action is now. 我们仍随时准备与伊朗接触,但现在是行动的时候了。
Clearly we remain unwilling to help ourselves by spending the money to have an economy at all. 很明显,我们仍然不想帮自己人,根本不想花钱振兴经济。
Waiting to see you and your delegation, at the fair, we remain. 期等着在交易会上与您及您的代表团见面。
"The markets continue to be unsettled, and we remain cautious on the immediate outlook for UBS, " the bank said. “市场继续维持不稳定格局,我们对瑞银的短期前景仍持谨慎态度,”瑞银表示。
However, we remain underweight as we do not consider the growth profile for the US market to be attractive. 然而,我们仍然保持悲观,因为我们认为美国市场的增长前景没有足够的吸引力。
Trading presents us with a fundamental paradox: How do we remain disciplined, focused, and confident in the face of constant uncertainty? 交易给了我们一个基本的似是而非:如何在持续的不确定性面前保持纪律、专注和自信?
He added: "He asked me about our commitment to the pipeline. I said we remain committed. " 他补充道:“他(伊朗财长)向我问及有关这条管线的约定。我说,我们依然信守承诺。”
His mother cried tears dried, we remain indifferent to the ultimate injury, or us. 母亲泪水都哭干了,我们还无动于衷,最终伤害的还是我们自己。
"Now, even after the plunge in stock prices, we remain pessimistic on the sector, " he said. KenLee说,现在即使在股价暴跌之后,我们仍然对该行业持悲观态度。
But since these thoughts never pierce the heart and since we are enamored of flattering pleasure, we remain very cold and indifferent. 然而因为这些善念未曾深入内心,我们还是贪恋本性的欢乐,所以到如今我们还是冷淡懈怠。
Just as few expected the Russians to invade Georgia, we remain unaware of precisely where our next crisis will erupt, or when. 就像很少有人预料到俄罗斯会入侵格鲁吉亚一样,我们也不确定下一次危机会在何时何地爆发。
Make no mistake, they will keep trying to hit us again, but as we are showing again this weekend we remain vigilant. 毫无疑问,他们可能再次试图袭击美国,但是在这个周末我们将会保持警惕,尽一切努力来保护我们的公民。
The world is strong - the world economy is strong. I happen to believe one of the main reasons why is because we remain strong. 世界是强大的世界经济强劲。我忽然觉得一个主要的原因正因为我们依然强劲。
Does it feel more like a Serie A game? The reality doesn't change, unfortunately, so Sunday night or not we remain in Serie B! 是不是更像一场甲级的比赛?事实就是事实,很不幸运,不管是不是周日比赛,我们仍然在乙级。
As we listen to her songs, we remain in shock for a long time. The comfort, tranquility, happiness and warmth reflected feeling . 听她的音乐,仿佛经历了一场久违的心灵旅程,舒适、宁静、愉悦、温暖的氛围带有一种飘渺虚幻。
"We remain a supportive long term shareholder in Barclays and a key commercial partner of Barclays, " Qatar Holding said. “我们仍然是一个长期支持巴克莱股的商业伙伴。”卡塔尔控股说。
But at least in most places, we remain loath to both cherish and consume whales. 但是,至少在大多数地区,我们仍然不愿意既珍惜鲸鱼又毁灭鲸鱼。
We remain skeptical of Iran's motives, given its history of playing a destabilizing role with its neighbors. 由于伊朗破坏邻国稳定的历史,我们仍然怀疑伊朗的动机。
We look forward to the reestablishment of trade with your market. We remain dedicated to serving your needs. 我希望能尽早与贵国重建贸易往来,以便为您提供最好的服务。
'We remain confident that the global system has the capacity to deal with a major disruption, ' Mr. 卡尔尼说,我们仍然相信,全球系统有能力应对重大的石油断供情况。
Well, it's just around the corner if we remain passive and unwilling to engage these demonic manipulators. 如果我们保持消极的和不愿涉及这些恶魔操纵者的态度的话它们来临在即。
"By working together with Mexico we remain on the radar screen, " says Carlo Dade of the Canadian Foundation for the Americas, a think-tank. 一个智囊机构——加拿大美洲基金会的卡罗•大德(CarloDade)说,“和墨西哥站在一起,我们就仍会出现在共同的雷达监视屏上。”
"We remain cautious in these early stages of an uncertain recovery, " Delta Chief Executive Officer Richard Anderson said. “在充满不确定性的复苏初级阶段,我们仍持谨慎态度,”达美航空执行长RichardAnderson说。
Thank you for your attention, and waiting for your prompt reply, we remain! 谢谢您的关注,我们等待您及时的回复!
The USA will continue to be a key growth market for Imperial Tobacco and we remain focused on continuing to develop our USA business. 对于帝国烟草来说,美国将仍是一个关键的增长市场,我们仍聚焦于继续开拓我们的美国业务。