
美 [ˈwɔtər]英 [ˈwɔːtə(r)]
  • n.水;水域;河;海域
  • v.灌溉;给…浇水;充满眼泪;流口水
  • 网络水分;水份;祸水

复数:waters 现在分词:watering 过去式:watered

fresh water,deep water,shallow water,salt water,clear water
drink water,pour water,draw water,pump water,water garden


n. v.

1.[u]水a liquid without colour, smell or taste that falls as rain, is in lakes, rivers and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc.

2.[u]大片的水;水域;(尤指)江,河,湖,海an area of water , especially a lake, river, sea or ocean

3.[pl](某一江、河、湖、海的)水域the water in a particular lake, river, sea or ocean

4.[u](一片)水面the surface of a mass of water

5.[pl](某个国家的)领海,海域an area of sea or ocean belonging to a particular country

6.[pl]murky, uncharted, stormy, dangerous, etc. ~不明朗(或未知的、困难、危险等)局面used to describe a situation, usually one that is difficult, dangerous or not familiar


by water

乘船;由水路using a boat or ship

its (all) water under the bridge

已成往事;往事云烟used to say that sth happened in the past and is now forgotten or no longer important

like water

大量地in large quantities

not hold water

(论点、借口、理论等)站不住脚,不合情理if an argument, an excuse, a theory, etc. does nothold water , you cannot believe it

sbs waters break

羊水破(即将分娩)when a pregnant woman'swaters break , the liquid in her womb passes out of her body just before the baby is born

(like) water off a ducks back

(像)耳边风;水过鸭背used to say that sth, especially criticism, has no effect on sb/sth

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接下来迪帕·梅塔拍摄了她最主要的三部作品《欲火》(Fire)、《大地》(Earth)、《祸水》(Water),这三部作品又合称印度三部 …


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水资源Water):将我们饮料及生产中所使用的每一滴水安全回馈到自然环境中 七、请按照如下方式投递简历,勿重复,谢谢!

Okay, what else goes in here? -And then we need to put in uhm, just some water, to make it a paste. -That's it? 好的,还要些什么?-然后我们需要放入,嗯,一些水,让它成浆糊状。-就这样吗?
Maybe to some layman, as we always joked, we even do not know whether the liquid in eppendorf tube is merely water or not. 或许对于一些外行人,就像我们所嘲笑的,我们甚至不知道离心管液体是否是水。
I dream of a complete water, gas up to the heart suddenly : How do you say that you and I have paid you a gold rings or I get to you? 我的一个梦彻底搅了,心里突然生起气来:那你说怎么办吧,是我还你一个金戒指还是我赔点钱给你?
Alley alley, is the last waltz, night fencing, cold water down in wine, window, this night, for you, drunk drunk. 西祠胡同,已是物是人非事事休,夜深篱落,冷水迢迢里,把酒临窗,此夜,为你,醉如泥。
The men who licked the water with their tongues would have to leave and the men who cupped their water would stay for the battle. 那些仅仅是用他们的舌头舔着水喝的人必须离开,只有那些将水装起来的人才能留下来战斗。
As the sea fox rises from the water, the diamond shark leaps out of the waves behind it and arrows down in a deadly arc. 海狐从水中起来时,钻石鲨从它身后的波涛中跃起,如箭般飞去,在空中划出一道死亡弧线。
In his blog, Dr Wadge said water and exercise were enough to help the body rid itself of harmful chemicals. 魏吉博士在他的网志中指出,水和运动就足以帮助身体排出有害的化学物质。
You thought that now have how much person at is a small bottle water but try very hard to. 你想过现在有多少人在为一小瓶水而拼命吗。
A backpack filled with food, water and equipment needed for a week will weigh about twenty or twenty-five kilograms. 一个装上食物,水和一周左右必需品的背包大约有20至25公斤重。
How much water is needed to take up a pound of salt? 溶解一磅食盐需要多少水?
And he showed me a pure[ a] river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. 天使又指示我在城内街道当中一道生命水的河,明亮如水晶,从神和羔羊的宝座流出来。
Others carried water and made mortar, which they thickened by a pulp made of paper, and a glue made by boiling fish skin. 他们往砂浆里加了纸浆和鱼皮胶,试图把砂浆搅拌得更稠些。
The next day, the stick he'd used to stir the water and flavored powder mixture had frozen, creating the first popsicle. 第二天,他用来搅拌水和调味剂的小棍被冻了在溶液里面,第一根冰棍就这样诞生了。
A local investor, who now makes a mint selling bottled water to mainland Chinese tourists, beat her to it. 一位当地投资者捷足先登了,他现在通过向中国大陆人卖瓶装水赚了很多钱。
you would be surprised to know how much water there is in your food. 你也会惊讶的发现你的事物中含有多少水分。
We found a beautiful rice field, and we decided to take some photos, when a water buffalo started sneaking up on us. 当时我们发现了一片美丽的稻田,想拍些照片,这时,一只水牛悄悄靠近我们。
The trapped coal miners had to live on water for a week before they were rescued. 受困的煤矿工们获救前靠喝水坚持了一个星期。
Nor would it employ interrogation tactics like water-boarding, which he said had only played into the hands of terror groups like al-Qaeda. 也不再采取审讯手段进行审讯,如水刑,布伦南声称此种手段过去仅对恐怖组织分子,如基地组织实行过。
Defect: Compare enervated , do not easily, treat water or insolate wait to be out of shape possibly. 缺点:比较娇贵,不轻易打理,遇水或暴晒等都可能变形。
Should a lifeline break, a man might live a minute or two--as helpless as if he were out in space or under water without an oxygen supply. 万一生命线断了,人就只能活一到二分钟—就像呆在太空中或水下却没氧气一样没有生存希望。
It's just. . . exciting and amazing, I mean, just to see it taking, you know, salt water which is, you know, never known to burn. . . 它只是…令人感到兴奋与吃惊,我的意思是,只是看见它,你知道的,咸水,你知道的,是绝对不可燃烧的。
If Earth was the size of a basketball, all of its water would fit into a ping pong ball. 如果地球是一个篮球大小,就可以所有的水可以注进一个乒乓球。
Then he looks down and sees his own shadow in the water and takes it for the shadows of another dog, with a very big piece of meat. 然后他低下头,看到他本身地倒影呈现在河傍边,把这个影子误看成别的一只狗,也叼着十分年夜地一片肉。
The air gap must be at least two times the diameter of the water supply inlet and no less than one inch in diameter. 在水槽的下水管和地板下水管之间。气隙的大小应至少为进水管直径的两倍,直径不应小于一英吋。
First, he took a young bamboo shoot, blew through it to make the knots disappear , and used it to sip water from the pond. 首先,他取来一根嫩竹笋,打通了所有的竹节,接着他又用它从池塘里吸水。
Just as a glass can only hold so much water, a buffer can only hold so many bits. 缓冲区只能容纳一定数量的位,就像一个杯子只能盛一定量的水。
Its message is usually something like this: relax, recharge, you're working too much, drink water, exercise and get more sleep. 这样的信息就像是:休息,重新充电,或者你工作太多了,喝点水注意运动以及增加睡眠。
These sheets sequester a great deal of water, causing sea levels to plunge and exposing the land bridge across the Bering Strait. 冰原消耗了大量的水分,海平面迅速下降,横跨白令海峡的大陆桥浮出水面。
Now open your eyes and gaze down into the bowl at the dark water . 现在睁开你的眼睛然后向下凝视装有深色水的碗。
'It's hard to even imagine just how much water was displaced, ' said Lynda Lastowka, seismologist at the United States Geological Survey. 美国地质调查局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey)的地震学家拉斯托卡(LyndaLastowka)说,难以想象有多少海水被挪移开来。