wanna be

  • 网络想成为;想要;我只是想这样子罢了

wanna bewanna be

wanna be


翻译几首性手枪的歌(+Submission) ... I use anarchy 我用无政府主义 Wanna be 想成为 It's the only way to be 这就是唯一的 …


翻译几首性手枪的歌(+Submission) ... Cause I 因为我 Wanna be 想要 Anarchy 无政府的体制* ...


... I don't wanna feel nothing 我不要感到虚无 Wanna be 我只是想这样子罢了 Taken away from all the madness 远离这种疯狂 ...


的士高销魂钢管舞:美丽人生:影视比价:琅琅比... ... 07.Get Down 下来 08.Wanna Be 想要成为什么 09.Beautiful Life 美丽人生 ...


Tell me who you are忧郁旋律RAP 演唱者:Ldy... ... p.i.m.p. 皮条客的爱情: Wanna Be 辣妹组合 演唱者 A Better Day 黑蝙蝠 …


给邵倩的留言 ... let the music heal your s 海阔天空 wanna be 爷爷泡得茶 Always Online 阳光之旅 ...

No one cares what you give, you know you gotta live like you wanna live. When it's time to be free, you know you gotta be what you wanna be. 没有人在意你给予了什么,你知道你必须去过你一直想要的生活。当时间是自由无拘束时,你就会知道什么是你想要的。
I'm a man, and I really wanna be your knight, to protect you and to be the home of your soul. 我是个男人,我真的希望成为你的武士,来保护你并成为你心灵的归宿。
Once you get it home, you just wanna be sure to store it in an air-tight container, or in the box that it comes in. 一回到家里,你肯定要把它放在密封的容器里,或者是放在它原先所在的那个盒子。
I, I just wanna be able to do good things, you know? Find the leads that have good plots and everything. . . 我只想演些好角色,你知道?寻找有好的计划的线索以及一切…
Gabrielle: You know when I decided I wanna be with you forever? 盖布里尔:你知不知道我什么时候据顶永远跟你在一起的?
I've started trying to figure out what I wanna do, who I wanna be, you know? 我已经开端试着弄清我要做什么,我要成为谁?
I didn't wanna be disturbed at the moment, I only thought of him. 然而现在我不想被打扰我只是想念他
Today, I just wanna be real with you. I'm gonna be "in-your-face" at times and I'm not gonna apologize for it, so buckle up. . . 今天,我只想与你们说真话。我有时会“劈头盖脸”而我不会为此道歉,所以请系好安全带。
weather. . . you don't wanna be flying in the rain and the wind too much, all that kind of thing. 天气…你不想在雨中,风中过分的飞,诸如此类的事。
Mayweather: I never say that, I said I wanna be on an even play field, that is all I ask. 梅威瑟:我可从来没那么说过,我只是说我想公平公正,这就是我的心声。
Strictly speaking, I was not a poet, at least I do not wanna be a poet. It can be said that poetry is only the tools to vent my feelings. 严格来说,我不算是个诗人,至少我不愿做诗人,可以说,诗歌只是我发泄感情的工具。
So if I don't constantly brag about how great you are, it's only because I don't wanna be reminded of how much I don't deserve you! 如果我不夸你有多好多好,那只有一个原因,我不想提醒我自己,我配不上你!
There she goes again With fishnets on, and dreadlocks in her hair She broke my heart, I wanna be sedated All I wanted was to see her naked! 她又在那里穿着鱼网袜,头发做成嘻哈辫子头她让我心碎,我想要吃点镇定药我只是想看她的裸体而已!
l didn't wanna be the one to have to tell you this about him. 他好不好我不希望是由我来告诉你
And today I just stopped and I said, 'What if I don't wanna be a shoe? 今天我倒想看看如果我不再是鞋会怎样。
But you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers saying you ain't what you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. 要是你知道自己的价值,就去争取你的价值,但是你要愿意去挨打,而不是指着别人说是他她或任何人拖累了你。
All that I wanna do, I just wanna be with you! 我想做的一切,我只是想和你
I wanna be happy first! Mike and I were supposed to move in together, you know? 我自己要先得到快乐!Mike本来要搬来和我一起住的!
Because my wanna be is to fly with you to the end of the world. . . 因为我的志愿是和你一同飞向遥远的天边……
JP: You might not wanna admit it, but you wanna be with me as much as I wanna be with you. 你可能不愿意承认这一点,但是你想要和我在一起的心愿和我想要和你在一起是一样的。
Chinese are trying to be like us. Even if they hate us, they wanna be us. lol. 中国在试图变得像我们,即使他们恨我们。
I don't really wish to earn a whole lot of money, I just wanna be healthy. At the end of the day, that's what really matters. 我并不希望赚大钱,我只希望身体健康。说到底,这才是真正重要的。
" Then he added, " Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you wanna be in your home. 他又补充道:现在你去和你的丈夫讨论一下你们想邀请我们之中哪一位进屋。
Well, I just wanna be with you, right here with you, just like this. 好的,我只想和你在一起,在这里和你在一起,就像这样。
Greatest thrill Not to kill But to have the prize of the night Hypocrite Wanna be friend 13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing! 极致快感,不是杀戮,是拥有夜的瑰丽。虚伪之人,欲与我为伴,却让我蒙受第13次无谓的背叛。
When I was a little kid, all I ever wanted was to be like you. Then I got older I just wanna be anybody else. 当我还是小孩子的时候,我曾经想要成为像你一样的人。然后我长大了,我只想成为其他任何人。
Then, I began to think over about my dream. I don't even know what I wanna be. 我也开始思考我的梦想。我甚至还不知道我将来想干什么。
One day I met with a girl under 20, a thought just popped out in my head. . . I wanna be younger, and wanna have a pupil-love with her. 某天(网上)遇到一个不满20的女仔,脑海冒出一个念头……我想变得年轻,然后与她开始一段幼稚的“学生恋情”。
No sirree, I'm telling you! It is bad luck! If you want some bad luck, I'll blab it out, but if you wanna be safe . . . 不行,先生,我说了不行。会带来霉运的!如果你想要霉运的话,我会说出来的,但是如果你们想要安全点儿的话……
I dont wanna be a manager here. cuz I dont like the people here, and I dont like the speaking way of here. 我不想做这里的管理员,因为我既不喜欢这里的人,也不喜欢这里的说话方式。