
美 [wer]英 [weə(r)]
  • n.(尤用于商店)…时穿的衣服;衣着;穿着;穿戴
  • v.穿;戴;佩戴;留(发、须等)
  • adj.不磨损的
  • 网络磨耗;佩带;戴着

过去式:wore 过去分词:worn 第三人称单数:wears 现在分词:wearing

wear mask
wear coat,wear clothing,wear shirt,wear jacket,wear hat


v. n.


1.[t]~ sth穿;戴;佩戴to have sth on your body as a piece of clothing, a decoration, etc.


2.[t]蓄,留(发、须等)to have your hair in a particular style; to have a beard or moustache

面部表情expression on face

3.[t]~ sth流露,面带,呈现(某种神态)to have a particular expression on your face

用坏damage with use

4.[i][t]磨损;消耗;用旧to become, or make sth become thinner, smoother or weaker through continuous use or rubbing

5.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.穿破;磨出(洞);踩出(路);冲出(沟)to make a hole, path, etc. in sth by continuous use or rubbing

保持良好状况stay in good condition

6.[i]~ well耐用;耐穿;耐磨;耐久to stay in good condition after being used for a long time


wear your heart on your sleeve

让感情外露;把心事挂在脸上to allow your feelings to be seen by other people

wear thin

开始变弱;变得不受欢迎;变得兴趣索然to begin to become weaker or less acceptable

wear the trousers

(在婚姻等关系中)处于支配的位置,起指挥的作用to be the person in a marriage or other relationship who makes most of the decisions


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... get 得到 wear 穿 uniform 制服 ...


机械专业英语词汇_百度文库 ... 氧化 oxidation 磨损 wear 耐用度 durability ...

七年级英语单词表 ... get 获得;得到;购买;拿来 wear 穿; uniform 制服 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... uncomfortable 不舒 服的 wear 穿着 第77 课 appointment 约会,预 约 ...


2013江苏高考英语_短语_必考点_试题 - 豆丁网 ... put on 动作 wear 穿戴 have on 试穿 ...


GB/T 6326—2005 轮胎术语及其定义 ... 居台面脱层 tread separation 磨耗 wear 花纹磨平 worn-out ...


佩字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 佩玉〖 jadewearedbybaron〗 佩带wear;bear;carry〗 佩戴〖 wear;carry〗 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... pleasant adj. 愉快的; wear vt. 穿着;戴着; freezing adj. 冰冻的; ...

I would have liked to wear it till the end of my career, but you know, life doesn't depend entirely on us and on our desires. 我很希望能够穿着这件球衣直到退役,但你们知道,生活有时候并不完全是我们所能够决定的。
Conclusion: The set has been used for a very long time without any proper maintenance, which has resulted in a lot of wear and tear. 总结:该机组由于长期使用,并缺乏相对应的保养措施,使得该机器老化程度严重。
When you pass the corner of the eye more than I have to keep your beautiful face, a casual wear it is the outside of your beautiful, lovely. 当你通过并超过(我的眼角所能达到的视线范围),我必须继续(注视)你美丽的脸,这是休闲服外面的美丽,可爱(的你)。
the product easy to wear and tear parts (alloy seal) is not within the scope of the warranty. 本产品之易损耗零部件(合金密封件)不在保修范围内。
Police asked why not wearing seat belts, said her husband had just removed, his wife said he never wear seat belts. 警察问为什么没系安全带,丈夫说刚刚拿掉,妻子说他从来不系安全带。
I would wear Brand A more than I would wear any other brand of casual wear. 我穿品牌甲的时间多于其他便服品牌。
Follow general interview rules: arrive on time, wear proper clothes and be ready to talk experience -- but not with your mouth full. 遵循一般的面试规则:按时到达、穿着得体、准备好谈论你的经历--但要在嘴里没有食物时方可。
Timmy will have to wear that collar for at least a week, you know, and he does look a bit comical when you first see him. 提米必须要戴着那个衣领至少一个星期,你知道的,而且当你第一眼看到他时也确实有一点滑稽。
You do not want to wear your most faded jeans with a nice shirt and tie, but you can mix it up to have a unique look. 不要穿上你那条褪色很严重的牛仔裤并着一件很好的衬衣和系一条很好的领带,但可以通过搭配产生出独特的外表。
If you wear socks with your shoes, change into a new pair of warm socks when you reach your office in the morning. 当你早上来到办公室的时候就可以拿一双新的温暖的袜子来换掉你进来时所穿的鞋与袜子。
Tuck a hot-water bottle between your feet or wear a pair of ski socks to bed. 在两脚间塞装热水的瓶子,或者穿双滑雪短袜。
When the summer comes, the whole of Provence seems to wear a purple coat, the smell of lavender scent in the wind. 当暑期来临,整个普罗旺斯好象穿上了紫色的外套,香味扑鼻的薰衣草在风中摇曳。
According to industry analysis, now began to highlight children's wear industry as a whole, did not come easily. 据业内人士分析,如今渐渐凸显的童装行业整体力量,其实来之不易。
feel hard, easy to produce Prickle, crease after Zhouhen deeper, the poor do not wear -resistant flexible. 手感较硬,容易产生刺痒感,折皱后皱痕较深,弹性差且不耐磨。
Any male violator, if convicted of forcing a woman to wear the burqa, would face a fine of up to 30 euros, and one-year prison. 任何男性违反者,如果被确定迫使妇女身穿布葛,将会面临30欧元的罚款,甚至一年牢狱。
The designers in Milan seem to have produced one of the finer showings of Italian men's wear in some time. 设计师在米兰似乎已产生一个微细的放映义大利男人穿一些时间。
He said researchers now hoped to interview some of the offenders to ask them why they wear the brand over rival sports makes. 他说研究人员打算采访一些盗贼,问清楚为什么他们特别中意这一款鞋子。
She got cold, so I gave her that sweater I got you for your birthday that you never wear because you don't like the color. 她感冒了,所以我给了她你从来没有穿,因为你不喜欢颜色的毛衣。
Just do not know then, when I took off the mask to wear for a year, you will not remember my original face ~? 只是不知到那时,当我摘下戴了一年的面具时,你还会不会记得我原来的那张脸~?
Look at it, says I -- such a hat for me to wear -- one of the wealthiest men in this town if I could git my rights. 我说,你们看一看吧,——叫我这样的人戴上这样一顶帽子——我可是本镇上大富翁之一啊,如果我的权利能收回的话。
Tireless are the souls of the dead, but how it seems to wear upon me to cross that river. 亡者的灵魂不知疲倦地游荡着,但似乎有人召唤我越过冥河。
listen to the weather report and wear appropriate clothes . wear clothes that are loose , light - coloured , and made of cotton. 留意天气报告,穿著适合的衣服,例如松身轻便浅色的棉质衣服,有助散热及吸汗。
I find it terrible for her to wear the big earrings. 我觉得她戴上那付大耳环后非常糟糕。
The mass market caters for a wide range of customers, producing ready-to-wear clothes in large quantities and standard sizes. 大众市场是为了切合广泛的顾客,生产出大量而标准尺寸的成衣。
You promise me, when you wear them, that you think of me. 跟我保证你戴着它的时候会想起我
I tell the truth, Mr. James, Katie is very beautiful, although she did not make those who do not wear colorful clothes. 我说实话詹姆先生,凯蒂很漂亮,虽然她不化妆也不穿那些艳丽的衣服。
Andrew Gormley, director of men's wear at fashion supplier Harvest Group, says that in his business kissing is pretty prevalent. 时装供应商HarvestGroup的男装总监安德鲁•葛姆雷(AndrewGormley)表示,他这一行盛行亲吻礼。
The heart of seven treasures is at ambition won to profoundly wear moderate and soft words tenderness by him, gradually resume equanimity. 七宝的心被他随意中透着温柔的话语温暖着,渐渐恢复平静。
If you say "you know" too much, wear a golf counter on your wrist, and press the button whenever you catch yourself saying "you know" . 如果你总是把“youknow”挂在嘴边,就在手腕上戴个高尔夫计数器,每当意识到自己说一次“youknow”时就按一下计数键。
For days this apparition was a drag on her soul before it began to wear partially away. 这个幽灵般的影子在她的心头萦绕了好多天,才开始逐渐消逝了一些。