


Yes, she said something of the kind. I wasn't really listening. 对,她是说了诸如此类的话。我没怎么注意听。
Even though I wasn't familiar with the operating system, I found the instructions clear, the device easy to use and intuitive. 虽然我不是很熟悉操作系统,但我发现说明书是很容易弄清楚的,设备也很易于使用和直观。
I wasn't expecting the interviewer to ask about my private life and was left floundering for a while. 我没想到主持面试的人问我私生活的事,就犹豫了一下。
None of you would be here if it wasn't for me. And I say it stops here! 如果没有我的话,你们谁也不会出现在这里。
As if this wasn't enough, the Greeks topped it off with a theatre, which has functioned ever since. 好像这还不够,希腊人还在上面建了一个剧院,至今还在使用。
But none of those names bothered me as much as "pig" did. Pigs ate all day and wallowed in mud. Why, that wasn't me! 但是所有的名字中让我最难过的就是肥猪。猪每天只知道吃。为什么叫我这个?那不是我。
It also added dimension to the Parmesan cheese shavings, one of the most dramatic signs that this wasn't a conventional food shot. 雷达罩的使用还增强了画面中意大利干酪屑的空间感,这也是本作品区别于传统食物摄影的最富戏剧性的标志。
"That wasn't my daddy, " said the boy. "He just walked up, took me by the hand and said, 'Come on, son, we're gonna get a free haircut! '" 那个不是我的爸爸,小男孩说,他只是走过来牵着我的手说,走,儿子,我们一起去免费理发。
since he wasn't a blackguard Polish nobleman, it was absurd to speculate what his wife's rights would be if he WERE. 既然他不是个恶棍般的波兰贵族,现在假设他是,再来推断他妻子将有什么权力,这未免荒唐。
Of course I wouldn't ask you this if I wasn't about to tell you that there is a technique that allows you to get the best of both worlds. 当然,在我没有告诉你那些准许你得到两个世界中最合理的那种技术之前我是不会这么问你的。
It's unfair and there's no transparency at all, ' he said. He said it wasn't the first time it happened. 这是不公平的,而且根本没有透明可言。他说这不是第一次发生这样的事情了。
To begin with it wasn't easy to get used to. Peacetime played havoc with our minds - it was like being drunk. 乍一停,很有一点弄不惯,和平反而使人心乱,像喝醉酒似的。
But, Walker says, she resisted the pressure "to make a book I really wasn't all that desperate to read. " 但是,Walker说,她顶住了压力“来编辑好一本我不会即刻想去读的书”。
Yes, Bree was afraid of many things. But if there was one thing she wasn't afraid of, it was a challenge. 是的,bree害怕很多东西,但是唯独挑战,是她所不畏惧的。
I knew the main reason made me stay here no longer existed, but I wasn't sure leaving was really what I wanted. 我知道让我留在这里的主要原因已经不存在了,但我不确定我是不是真的想要离开这里。
Settling down and having kids was always part of Perry's plan, even back in the days when she wasn't sure she would be a tremendous success. 即使在过去她无从知晓自己是否能大红大紫的时候,安定下来、生宝宝这些事情也一直就在佩里的计划之中。
No, "said the boy, " but why did his wife say he was upon the roof if he wasn't? “没看到,”男孩说,“要是他不在屋顶上他妻子干嘛要说他在呢?”
This campaign started very badly for us, even if it wasn't our fault, and could have had a bad ending. 联赛的开始阶段对我们而言非常糟糕,即使这不是我们的错误,但是依然能够造成一个糟糕的结局。
It would have been a lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way. 如果爱德华不在那里,它就会是一件运气更坏的事。他从方法敲击了我。
It wasn't really boring, but it was one of those sessions where it's just recapping stuff I already knew. 这倒不是真的很无聊,但是这是那一期间讲的东西,那些我都晓得了。
But I wasn't discouraged, and I had a new aim, which was to be a postman, or rather to be a newspaper boy. As a newspaper boy. 但是,我还是没有泄气,我有了一个新的目标,就是当一名邮差,哪怕是一个报童也可以。
It wasn't nice of you to make fun of your little brother , take it back and never do it again . 我很讨厌你取笑你弟弟,你应该道歉而且以后别再这么做。
So I wasn't there when that happened, but I can see obviously the fear will creep back in and the fear here is always in the background . 事情发生的时候我不在场,但是我可以看到,很明显,恐惧会重新回来,而且这里的恐惧一直都若隐若现。
I knew that it wasn't one of my sisters in the kitchen, as they were both sound asleep in the other two beds. 我知道厨房里的人肯定不是我的两个姐妹,因为她俩在床上睡得正香。
I wasn't necessarily playing my best tennis the whole way throughout, but I served well when I needed to and I chased the ball down. 我并不需要每分每秒都在最佳状态,但关键时刻我的发球和追球不能掉链子。
And then he looked right through me as if I wasn't there. 然后他看着我,好想我并不在那儿。
If it wasn't your cousin, there would have been another woman to account for your not loving your wife enough, no? 假如不是这个表妹,也会有其他女人强加到你头上,把你说成对妻子不忠。
They said the slides of her intestinal tissue were fine, but she knew that wasn't right. 他们说她的组织切片良好,但是她知道,一定有不对的地方。
We were only a couple of metres away but I wasn't scared, it was such a funny moment, ' said Mr Watson. 摄影师沃森先生说,“我们当时离它大概只有两米的距离,但我一点也不害怕。这一幕实在太逗了!”
When asked if the leaders discussed the yuan's exchange rate, Mr. Wu only said the topic wasn't on the meeting's agenda. 当被问及各国领导人是否讨论了人民币汇率问题时,吴海龙仅仅表示,该问题不在此次会议的议程中。