we are one

  • 网络我们是一家人;我们是一体;我们是一体的

we are onewe are one

we are one


狮子王2_百度百科 ... 1.He lives in you( 他指引着你) 2.We are one我们是一家人) 3. Love will find a way( 爱的指引) ...


we are one_百度百科 ... You are me 你是我 We are one 我们是一体 Take me in your arms 将我拥入怀中 ...


kappa品牌调研 ... “we are one” 很不喜欢 “we are one我们是一体的 ...


Kelly Sweet-We Are One... ... You are me 你是我 We are one 我们是个整体 Take me in your arms 将我抱在怀里 ...


We Are... ... You are me 你就是我 We are one 我们是一个整体 Did you lose yourself out there 你曾今在那迷失过自己吗 ...


...动中,“高丽亚那”曾专门为北京奥运会带来一首新歌《我们是整体》(We Are One),成员李胜奎诠释道:“只要所有人能组 …


... 美国的变革时代已经到来" Change Has Come to America" 我们团结一心" We Are One" 自由的新生" A New Birth of Freedom…

Lord, we are one with You on the earth to testify of You, to tell the universe that God is the very God, the very Lord of the universe. 主阿,你在地上已经得着我们,我们在地上与你是一,为你作见证,告诉全宇宙,神乃是整个宇宙的神和主,不仅在天上也在地上!
We are one of the largest importers of Electric Goods in this city, prada bikinis, and we wish to establish business relationship with you. 我们是此地最大的电器入口商之一,乐意与你们建立业务关系。
If we are one with God, that means we are God. At least if we are the children of God, we have the God quality. 如果我们跟上帝同一体的话,就表示说我们就是上帝,至少是上帝的小孩,拥有上帝的品质。
Dream of me as I will of you, and wake up in the morning with the happy thought, that we are one day closer to see each other again. 梦想,我为我的你,并唤醒在今天上午与快乐的思想,我们早一天看到对方再次。
Circumstance has made it that we are one of the great news sites that's free. And we're going to try to make something of that. 环境决定我们是一家伟大的免费新闻网站。我们决定,努力在免费的基础上发展。
"We are one of the last western carmakers available for a Chinese company to invest in so there was a lot of interest, " he said. “我们是可供中国企业投资的少数几家尚存的西方汽车制造商之一,因此引起了很多兴趣,”他表示。
That's good. We are one of the largest importers of Electric Goods in this city, and we wish to establish business relationship with you. 那太好了。我们是本市最大的电器进口商之一,愿意与你们建立业务关系。
"But you are our brothers, " he said. "We do not differentiate between highland and lowland. We are one flesh. " “但是你们是我们的兄弟,”阿欣通达说道。“我们不分高地和低地。我们都是一样的人。”
I'm trying to live better and better for you, whom i'm loving. Aslo for myself, coz we are one. 我正在努力为你活得越来越好,我爱着的人。也是为着自己,因为我们是一体的。
I also feel that his message of "out of many, we are one" supports what I personally believe about Americans and Chinese. 他所说的“求同存异,团结一致”也正好代表了我对美国人民和中国人民的想法。
We are one of the better acceptationers of Electric Goods in this city-limits, and we ambition to establish business relationship with you. 我们是此地最大的电器入口商之一,乐意与你们建破业务关系。
It could happen tomorrow evening because qualifying for the quarter-finals would confirm that we are one of the strongest sides in Europe. 明天晚上这就可以实现,因为如果晋级四分之一决赛,就可以说明我们是欧洲最强的球队之一。
"We are one of the few Olympic committees in the world that doesn't get funding from government, " he said. “我们是世界上少数几个没有政府资金支持的奥委会,”他表示。
The poem was one line short of the customary four, so the disciple said: "Master, we are one line short. " 这首诗还差一行才够四句。于是那弟子说:“师傅,还差一行。”
to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that, out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. 重新拥抱美国梦并再次确立那基本的真理,也就是我们同舟一命,只要活着就怀抱希望。
Dearest friends . . . for it is an honor to call you so . . . WE ARE ONE IN LOVE . 最亲爱的朋友们。。。因为一种尊重而对你们说。。。我们都是处于爱中的整体。
"We are one of the most international universities in China, " he said. "We hope to train graduates that know both East and West. " “我们是中国最国际化的院校之一,”他说,“我们希望培养出对东西方都有所了解的毕业生。”
We are one of the leading manufacturers for producing daily-use porcelain with an export office in Shenzhen. 我公司是一家生产日用陶瓷的骨干企业,于深圳设有办事处。
We are one of the first countries to have legislation . . . to regulate environmental and safety risks. 我们是世界上第一个立法来协调环境问题和安全风险的国家。
We are one of Thailand's leading exporters based in the heart of fruit country. 我们是泰国主要的出口商之一,位于水果之乡的中心。
We are one of the most complicated assemblies of parts and pieces on the face of this earth! 我们是地球上最为复杂的零件组装品!
We are one of the leading manufacturers of porcelain for daily-use with an export office in Shenzhen. 三益实业发展有限公司是中国瓷都潮洲具有一定规模的日用陶瓷生产厂家,在深圳设有办事处经营出口。
We are one, you want me to share with you. 我们是一体的,你要我与你分享。
We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese silk goods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years' business experience. 我公司是中国丝绸产品大出口商之一,具有五十年商贸经验,享誉中外。
In 1996, I said we would fight the "cancer of corruption, " and we are one of the leaders in that fight. 1996年,我说我们要与“腐败的毒瘤”作斗争,现在我们是这场斗争的领导者之一;
We are one family stood on the balcony while watching the moon, as the moon is like a disk, which has an osmanthus tree and a rabbit. 我们一家人站在阳台边赏月,仿佛月亮像个大圆盘,里面有一棵桂花树和一只玉兔。
I salute you for your bravery, I welcome you into your new positions and KNOW WE ARE ONE, and can never be anything else or less. 我向你们的勇气致敬,我欢迎你们进入到你们新的位置,并且知道【我们都是一体】,从未是任何其他或是较次的事物。
We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese industrial products and are desirous of entering into business relations you. 我们是中国轻工产品的主要出口商之一,愿与你公司建立业务关系
We are one of the biggest seller of windshields in Czech republic. We are seeking a professional producer of windshields . 我们是捷克挡风玻璃的最大销售商,现寻找专业的挡风玻璃的生产商,有意者请联系我们。
We are one of the fastest growing free hosting providers and there is an understandable reason for this. 我们是发展最快的免费托管服务提供商之一,有一个原因,这可以理解。