we own

we ownwe own

we own

We own all of that blue and yet, like I say, particularly the western territorial trust, we don't have maps of them. 我们拥有这片蓝色的一切,但是,就像我说的,尤其是西部的领土,我们没有它们的地图。
Smile means that we own, means that our own sovereignty , does not mean that we have been flooded out in which no. 微笑意味着我们是自己,意味着我们对自己拥有主权,意味着我们没有被淹没于无明当中。
We own a strong designer team and a professional operation management centre integrated with advantages from all aspects . 我们拥有强有力的设计师团队及专业运营管理中心,引进并综合各方优势。
The only machinery we own (not counting the lawn mower) is a little three-horsepower rotary cultivator and a 16-inch chain saw. 我们仅有的机器(不包括割草机)是一台3马力的小型旋转式耕耘机以及一架16英寸的链锯。
Nobody near us to see us or hear us No friends or relations on weekend vacations We won't have it known, dear That we own a telephone, dear. 没有熟人在附近偷看偷听周末休假不请朋友也不串亲戚就连我们装了一台电话,亲爱的也不让他们知道,亲爱的。
We own all copyrights to all work upon payment. All work is not to be reused in any way for any reason. 我们拥有所有的所有工作后付款的版权。所有的工作不被重用为任何理由的方式。
We own the right of direct import & export, with products sold all over the country and overseas. 我们有权进出口,把产品全国销售和外销海外。
The mount of money that we own, could be measured the standard of our living. 我们拥有钱的数量,可用来衡量我们的生活标准。
Not so much that we own leather jackets or couches, but little things like wallets or phone cases are great. 没有这么多,我们自己的皮夹克或沙发,但小东西,如钱包或手机案件都是伟大的。
And i strongly believe the brand-new countryside we own today will lead to a powerful and prosperous China tomorrow . 我强烈相信,全新的农村,我们自己今天将导致一个强大而繁荣的中国的明天。
Eventually, our economic fate will be determined by the economic fate of the business we own, whether our ownership is partial or total. 说到底,我们的经济命脉将由我们拥有的企业的经济命运决定,不论我们的所有权是部分的还是全部的。
We own the right to revise specifications and product configurations without advance notice. 我们拥有改变本产品指标、形状的权利。
Our company is an all-around exports trading corporation, we own a processing and exporting base located at Beijing, China. 爱地经贸有限公司是一家综合性的进出口贸易企业,在北京京郊设有木材精加工出口基地。
LESTAT: You! Perfect! Perfect! Just burn the place, burn every thing we own! Have us living in a field like cattle! 莱斯特:你!太好了,太好了!烧掉这房子,烧到我们所有的一切!就让我们像牲口一样在田地里生活吧!
At present, we own all-direction and complete cycle production management mode, advanced hardware equipment and talent software equipment. 现时我公司拥有自己公司全方位、全工序的生产管理模式,先进的硬件设备以及人才软件设备。
We own the most advanced translation equipment and communication tools, guarantee for the quickest speed to processing customer order. 我们配有最先进的翻译设备和通讯工具,为最快速度处理客户定单提供了保证。
"Most companies we own sell their products within Asia rather than exporting them to the rest of the world, " he says. “我们持有的大多数企业,都是在亚洲内部销售产品,而非将产品出口到世界其它地区,”他表示。
I ain't guilty, it's a musical transaction. No more, no more do we snatch ropes. Refugees run the seas 'cause we own our own boats. 我没有犯罪,这是一场音乐交易会。不会,我们再也不需要抓绳子。难民们控制各个海域,因为我们有我们自己的船。
As a Chinese industry leader, we own more than twenty dealerships of global leading products. 作为行业的领先者,我们拥有全球二十多个一流品牌的代理权。
We own several domestic famous lithium experts and professors , obtaining many breakthroughs in craft and equipment . 赣锋拥有国内锂行业的多名专家教授,在工艺与设备方面取得了多项突破。
We own the most well -found product line to wait for your choice with the most novel style ! 我们拥有最齐全的产品线和最新颖的款式等待您的选择!
We own two whole-capital factories: Hebei Chengde Keda Woolen Textile Co. , Ltd and Jiangsu Zhangjiagang Keda Woollen Textile Co. , Ltd. 公司下辖两个全资制造厂:河北承德可大毛纺织有限公司和江苏张家港可大毛纺织有限公司。
We have taken things we own for granted. Somehow, our sentiment towards them has become a little indifferent. 我们把理所当然顺理成章拥有的事物当作了习惯,当作了生活里的背景,对它们的情感却一点点淡漠。
We own five trucks equipped with infrared technology, which we use to restore asphalt surfaces, mostly on heavily traveled roads. 我们拥有五辆配有红外技术的卡车,用来修复柏油路面,大多数是那些交通繁忙的路段。
Performing SEO duties, either for the range of sites that we own internally, or for sites we are developing for external clients. 搜索引擎优化执行职务,无论是对我们自己的网站内部,我们的网站或外部客户共同发展的范围。
We own advanced equipment, consummate product craftwork flow and professional designers of products. 本厂配备有先进的生产设备,齐备完善的生产工艺流程及专业的产品设计人员。
" We own basically the customers and the market , and just getting the brokerage fee is not enough any more, " says Mr Wolle . 郁和利称:“我们从根本上掌握着顾客和市场,再也不能仅仅收获代理费。”
We own the operators who are experienced, good at consulting and familiar with your market. 我方拥有经验丰富,精通咨询业务,了解贵方市场品味的业务人员。
We always care whether we own the company or work there. 我们始终关心的是自己拥有一家公司,还是在这家公司工作。
"Today, you owned the court. Tomorrow, we own your country. " Bet that's what started it. “今天,你们拿下球场。明天,我们拿下你们的国家。”赌吧,就是这么开始的。