
美 [web]英 [web]
  • n.网络;蹼;网状物;错综复杂的事物
  • v.在…上织网;丝网般密布在…上;用丝网网住;使入圈套

复数:webs 过去式:webbed




1.[c]网状物;网络;错综复杂的事物a complicated pattern of things that are closely connected to each other

The term Comet has been used to describe push technologies applied to Ajax web applications. Comet这个术语已经被用于描述用于Ajax网络应用程序中的推送技术。
Fortunately, the bank that the staff works with has a web service that can be used to make such a deposit. 幸运的是,这家与员工有工作联系的银行拥有能用于实现这种存款业务的Web服务。
Hollywood producers are trying to lure back consumers lost to TV and the Web by investing in 3D movies, the Wall Street Journal reported. 据《华尔街日报》报道,好莱坞制作方希望通过投资立体电影(3D)来和电视和互联网展开竞争,挽回不断流失的消费者。
Record video files from your Web cam for on-demand broadcasting or to send video flirts and v-mail to anyone with a valid email address. 从你的用于要求后立即实施的电台广播的网凸轮的创纪录视频的文件或者为了送视频的调情的人和v邮件跟任何人以一个有效的电子邮件地址。
If you are applying for a project posted on the web, put a reference to it in the subject box. The reference number for instance. 如果你是申请一个登在网站上的项目,在主题框里做一标识,此标识记为实例。
Four years later, we're almost to the point where local inventory searches are part of your average Web experience. 四年后,我们可以肯定的说当地库存搜索已经是您的一个很普通的Web体验了。
Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by a Web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you. Cookie是唯一地分配给您的,并且只能由向您分发cookie的域内的Web服务器读取。
While it may seem like an obvious suggestion, be sure to test the Web site on your phone to see how it looks and feels. 确保在手机上测试网站并查看它的观感,尽管这看起来是一个理所当然的建议。
Bid for the total development of the web based game and the time in which you think you can finish it. 申办基于网络游戏的总的发展和时间,你认为你能按时完成。
a year ago, Beijing Pandange forecast prices rise at least 10% of articles on the web resulted in "what words are offensive. " 一年前,潘石屹预测北京房价至少上涨10%的文章放在网上的结果是,“什么难听的话都有”。
One of the challenges of Semantic Web research is creating a URI that reliably identifies a thing rather than some accidental aspect of it. 语义Web搜索遇到的一个挑战是创建可靠标识某个事物的URI,而非局限于事物的某个方面。
DEAR KAY: Your utility company's Web site might have a list of how much appliances cost to operate. 亲爱的KAY:在你水电公司的网站上可能会列有你操作这些机器运行的费用。
So is building the Semantic Web really a futuristic research vision for a bunch of rocket scientists? As you see, the answer is no. 或许,曾有人担心建立语义网是在从事一项面向未来和火箭科学家们一样困难的研究工作,但正如您已经看到的,事实并不是这样。
Displays the Web browser ready to record additional interaction with a Web application. 显示可以记录与Web应用程序的更多交互的Web浏览器。
The full text of the president's statement and a White House fact sheet are available on the White House Web site. 布什总统声明的全文(英文)和白宫发布的资料(英文)均载于白宫网站
During the early years of the Web, before content had semantic meaning, sites were developed as a collection of "pages. " 在语义语言得到运用之前的早期互联网上,网站仅仅是一系列“页面”的组合。
The Web Test Viewer opens with your Web test ready to run. Web测试查看器将打开,且Web测试已做好运行准备。
The best way to understand Action Web Services is to see it in action in the context of a working application. 理解ActionWebServices的最好方式就是在工作应用程序的环境下查看它的实际作用。
A "share" button makes it easy to post a Web page, a YouTube video or any other items, to Facebook, Twitter or other sites. 一个“共享”按钮使得往Fackbook、Twitter和其他网站上发布网页、Youtube视频或其他条目变得容易。
Even Javascript, once the bane of every web developer's life, has powerful idioms allowing AOP to be implemented easily. 即便是曾经祸害过每个开发者生活的Javascript,也有强大的方言能够方便地实现AOP。
If we were just rolling out a web-only digital subscription to the Times website it would have been a 3-month project. 关于仅限于网络的电子版纽约时报的订阅推广活动,我们已经进行了3个月。
The Featured Documents page for each product can be reached from the front page of the IBM Support Web site for that product. 可以通过每个产品的IBMSupport网站首页访问该产品的“特色文档”页面。
Bearing all that in mind, here are 10 Web trends to look out for over the next 10 years. . . 在脑子里记住那些,这里是接下来十年里需要留神的十大未来互联网趋势……
Far from sinking into irrelevance, desktop computer browsers have continued to evolve and become even more integral to how we use the Web. 远自被认为无关紧要,桌面电脑浏览器不断发展变成我们怎么利用互联网的一个整体的一部分。
This platform . . . is able to deliver up to HD-quality video over the Web at a fraction of the cost. 这个平台……以微小的成本在Web上交付HD质量的视频。
Enables you to work with a business object or other class and create Web applications that rely on middle-tier objects to manage data. 允许您使用业务对象或其他类,以及创建依赖中间层对象管理数据的Web应用程序。
It was the most viewed story on the Web site all day. So was a recent story on (Democratic presidential hopeful) John Edwards's hairdresser. 这篇文章成为当天网站上阅读次数最多的文章。最近一篇有关民主党总统竞选人约翰·爱德华兹理发的文章也是如此。
This Diary of a Blonde Cook is one of the few stories on my web site that is not an original, but it needed to be illustrated and shared. 这篇金发厨师的日记是我网站上少数几个非原创故事之一,但它需要配上插图并参与。
A new web framework known as Waves was recently released which has some features that should attract Ruby developers to give it a try. 最近一个新的Web框架Waves正式发布,它的一些特性吸引了Ruby开发者们去试上一试。
You type in your web address and then choose all of the browsers and OSs that you would like to see your website shown in. 你输入你的网址,然后选择所有的浏览器和开放源码软件,你想看到你的网站上显示。