all of

  • na.一齐;〔美国〕足足
  • 网络所有的;实足;全部

all ofall of

all of


圣经新旧约英文重点单词_百度文库 ... all kinds of 各种 all of ... ... 都是,所有的 all other things 万物 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... all of a sweat 焦急 all of 实足 all one knows 尽全力 ...


人教版七至九年级英语单词归类 - 豆丁网 ... either of 两者选一 All of 全部 if (如果), ...


all of,of all,in all,all in_百度知道 ... all in 精疲力尽 all of 至少,足足 of all 在所有......当中最为 ...


英语短语_良师益友_新浪博客 ... all in all 重于一切的,完全 all of 全体,大家 all of a sudden 突然地;冷不防地;意外地 ...


新概念2... ... friendly 单独用, 形容词, 一般做定语来用 all of 后面如果加代词, 代词前面不需要修饰词 ★send v. 寄, 送 ...


圣经新旧约英文重点单词_百度文库 ... all kinds of 各种 all of ... ... 都是,所有的 all other things 万物 ...

Despite all of the turmoil facing the capital markets, the VIX has failed to break out to the upside despite the very high levels. 尽管面临资本市场的动荡,波动率指数已出非常高的水平,尽管未能突破上行。
"There's a lot of wind flying about on all of this, " says an industry lobbyist in London, who does not seem terribly ruffled by it all. 一位来自伦敦,看来完全没有受到滋扰的实业倡导者称:“私募股权已经闹的满城风雨。”
One of my roomie sleeptalked every night when I was a freshman in the college. One night, he said shyly: "I'm pregnant. " Faint all of us! 大一的时候我上铺一哥们天天说梦话,一夜,他羞涩的说:“我怀孕了。”我们全体晕倒。
All of this data needs to be collected for the business to understand how the process works. 需要收集这些业务数据才能了解流程的工作方式。
Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do. 只要你有全心全意的信念,你都能心想事成。
And the only way to do that is to see that there is nothing to fear, nothing in all of life to be afraid of. 惟一能这样做的办法就是认为没有任何东西是可惧的,没有任何东西在人生中是可怕的。
To stress this again in a different way, all of your jQuery code needs to be in this function on a page, or in its own function. 再强调一遍,您的所有jQuery代码必须在页面上的这个函数中,或在它自己的函数中。
Your work is to choose from among all of that which feels best to you, and fixate on it as long as it gives you pleasure and joy. 你的工作是选择对你来讲感觉最好的东西,并且只要它给你快乐和喜悦,你就可以迷恋上它。
With all of his talented gifts and hard work, Bynum has perhaps the best offensive arsenal of any NBA center in today's game. 凭借他的天赋和努力,拜纳姆或许是当今联盟中进攻武器最丰富的中锋。
So with all of this in mind, I'd like to make a proposal: It's time for a new iconic image of the moment we became human. 因此,考虑的所有这一切,我想提出一项建议:现在到了需要一个新的标志性形象的时刻了,来纪念我们在精神上成为人类。
"All of this made it a highly desirable collector's piece, " she added. 她补充到:“这个东西从头到脚都是个理想的收藏品。”
All of these initiatives show how much we can achieve together - and I want us to strengthen that work further. 所有的一系列活动都显示了我们共同努力所取得的成果,我希望我们能加强未来的合作。
All of a sudden you think is never done, like pain under the hammer with you. 突然你想起了所有从来没做过的是,他们像榔头痛打着你心。
All of the Maple commands used in the book are available on the Internet, as are links to various other files referred to in the book. 在枫叶所有命令在书中使用的互联网上采用,它是各种其他文件的链接中提到的书。
The entire organization has to be ready to adapt to all of these changes at a moment's notice. 整个组织不得不准备好即刻适应所有的这些变更。
It really takes all of us in the body to work together and to be able to talk and listen to each other. 身体内的每一个部分确实都是在一起协做,这样我们才能交流并互相倾听。
Some relation of my mother's took me away for a while as a nurse, but at whose expense, or by whose direction, I knew nothing at all of it. 我母亲的一个亲戚把我领去,养育了一些时候,至于由谁出钱,是谁的主意,我完全不知道。
All of these principles can be raised for discussion and further investigation if it seems appropriate for the student's level. 若学生的理解力够,这些原理都可以延伸讨论与研究。
It surely had been made for Jim and no one else. There was no other like it in any of the stores, and she had turned all of them inside out. 那的确就是只为吉姆一个人所做的,在其它的店铺里没有第二件,她已把所有的店铺翻了个底朝天。
Like, all of a sudden, everything I've wanted to say, express, or just let out for the past several months has just recently become a song. 就像是突然之间,我所想说的,我所想表达的,或者只是过去的这几个月的经历,最近都在我的笔下变成了一首又一首的歌。
He also said the fund should make all of its economic assessments public, not just when a country consents. 他还指出,即使有国家不赞成,国际货币基金组织也应该将所有经济评估过程公开化。
First of all, I wish to sincerely thank all of you for the support and well wishes since the completion of Wor Sing Wor Show. 首先,我要真挚的谢谢你们所有人。谢谢你们自从我型我秀开播以来对我的支持和美好的祝愿。
Originalism designer must take all of these into account and be prepared to overcome all difficulties with an indomitable will. 原创设计师都必须充分地理解到,并准备用百折不回的毅力,有计划地克服所有的困难。
If I take a microstate of the system, you know, the whole collection of the particles, all of those states also have the same energy. 如果我以系统的一个微观状态为例,也就是所有粒子的集合,所有那些状态也有相同的能量。
You know that it has at least one sentence, so create your command element and insert all of the text before the first period. 您知道最少要有一个句子,因此将创建command元素,并把第一个句号之前的内容放进去。
Love all of the beings around me that belong to any of the kingdoms: animals, insects, birds, and fish. 爱我身边的所有生灵了吗?包括:动物,昆虫,鸟类和鱼。
Moses could no more put up with all of the troubles that the Israelites gave him in the wilderness than fly to the moon. 摩西要忍受以色列人在旷野带给他的所有麻烦,简直比登天还难。
As I chew, all of a sudden it occurs to me that I have not heard a rooster crow in a few decades. 啃着啃着,突然想起已经好几十年没有听过鸡叫了。
All of these dos and don'ts come down to keeping your XML clean, simple, and easy to understand. 所有这些应该做和不应该做的规则都是为了保持XML的整洁、简单和使之容易理解。
All of these make up to be the solid basis for the rapid development of service outsourcing industry of Changsha. 这一切,为长沙服务外包产业的高速发展打下了坚实的基础。