
美 [wi]英 [wiː]
  • adj.很小的;极小的;微量的;很少的
  • n.尿尿;撒尿
  • v.尿尿;撒尿
  • 网络曝晶边(Wafer Edge Exposure);小便

第三人称单数:wees 现在分词:weeing 过去式:weed

wee bit,wee girl


1.很小的;极小的very small in size

2.微量的;很少的;一丁点儿的small in amount; little


the wee small hours


音标i_百度文库 ... Eden 乐园 伊甸园 wee 极小的 zee 字母 ...

曝晶边(Wafer Edge Exposure)

刚才我查看一些关于黄光的帖子,上面是这么说的,WEE(wafer edge exposure)也就是在曝光那一步用曝光光线把边缘多余的P…


⊙●WESTLIFE●⊙★☆知识必备手册☆★◎西城男孩◎... ... Value for money( 赚钱) Wee( 小便) Xmas( 圣诞) ...


Chicken Run_在线英语听力室 ... ) radius n. 半径,范围 ) wee a. 很小的,很少的 ) tweak v. 拧 ...


Chicken Run_在线英语听力室 ... ) radius n. 半径,范围 ) wee a. 很小的,很少的 ) tweak v. 拧 ...

It was a real tulip, anyone could see that, but right in the middle of the flower sat a wee little girl, so nice and fine. 但是在这朵花的中心,那绿色的花蕊上面,坐着一位娇小的姑娘,她看起来是那么的细嫩可爱。
Walters would wake up every night in the wee hours of the morning with visions of art in his head, and he would draw until the sun came up. 每个夜晚,沃尔特斯都在凌晨醒来,脑子里都是美术景像,他会一直画到太阳升起。
He heard a little noise close to his feet. He looked down and there was a wee brown bird fluttering in the grass. 他听见脚边有声音,低头一看,原来是一只棕色的小鸟在草丛里扑腾。
It doesn't matter whether it was a pre-season friendly or not, but the fact it is pre-season gives us a wee bit of solace. 这与是否是季前的友谊赛无关,不过还好这是季前热身,这多少让人心宽了一点。
Two of the children wee engaged in a ding-dong battle in the bicycle shed, surrounded by a circle of gaping class mates. 两个学生在自行车车棚里打了起来,周围围着一圈同班同学,吃惊地看着。
however , with just a wee bit of imagination. 不过。。。这需要你有一点想象的空间。
I came to see whether you could supply me with a wee bit of brains. 我来这儿是想问您能不能给我一点智慧。
We were trying to give him a wee break tonight but the injuries changed our mind. 我们本打算让他今晚稍稍休息一下的,但不断的伤病改变了我们的主意。
If I wee to ask the boss for a rise he'd probably just laugh in my face. 如果我要求老板加薪,他也许会蔑视我的要求。
The world will never be perfect, in the wee hours of a winter, I expressed to her lover's heart: salmon, I would like to ask you my wife. 这个世界永远不会是完美的,在一个冬天的深夜里我向她表达了爱慕之心,说:鱼儿,我想请你做我的妻子。
And can we become just a wee bit more Confucian ourselves, at least in terms of elevating education in our priorities? 我们能不能更“儒家”一点,或者至少,提高教育的地位?我们可以思考地更多。
But when she sat down in the chair of the Little Wee Bear, that was neither too hard, nor too soft, but just right. 然后她坐在了中等熊的椅子上,但是又觉得太软了。
"Oh, mother, " he would say, "if only I'd been given just a wee bit of brains, I'd not be so much trouble and worry to you. " “呵,妈妈,”他常说,“我要是有一点儿智慧,我就不会给您添这么多麻烦了,就不会让您为我操这么多心了。”
After they put the kids to bed, he often disappears into his basement office until the wee hours of the morning. 哄孩子上床后,他常常会消失在地下室办公室,直到第二天凌晨。
Sarah had managed to pry apart the shells with her unhandy weapon far enough to nibble a wee bit at the cold and clammy world within. 莎拉设法用她笨拙的武器把牡蛎打开一个够大的口子,在又冷又粘的壳内世界里细细地咬上一小口。
IN THE wee hours of a recent morning a young man with a rucksack was sauntering along the railway line near Grossbeeren. 最近一个早上,一名青年男子身背帆布包,在凌晨时分沿着大贝伦附近的铁路线闲逛。
Mac: And sprained the anterior tendon connecting your radius to your humerus. I gave it a wee bit of a tweak, Jimmy, and wrapped him up. 麦克:还扭伤了连接你肱部的前腱。吉米,我稍微拧动了一下,然后给他做了包扎。
Then the Little Wee Bear looked at his, and there was the spoon in the porridge-bowl, but the porridge was all gone! 然后小小熊看了他的,麦片粥碗里有汤匙,但是麦片粥都不见了!
Dalglish added: "Jonjo might be the biggest problem for the summer and wee Jay. They've got scans tomorrow to see what their problems are. " 囧囧这个夏天可能麻烦大了,土豆还好。明天他们会接受扫描,到时看看究竟如何。
There was a wee pig running around the kitchen, running up to the visitor and giving him a great deal of attention. 这时有一头猪在厨房周围跑来跑去,引起了他的极大关注。
and I think she plans on entertaining into the wee hours, if you know what I mean. 我猜她今晚打算好好享受享受,你知道我的意思吧。
If you look around, you will wee the men who are the most able to live the rest of their days without work are the men who work the hardest. 如果你环顾四周,你会发现,最可能安享晚年而不用工作的人,正是那些工作最努力的人。
And then she lay down upon the bed of the Little Wee Bear, and that was neither too high at the head, nor at the foot, but just right. 然后她躺到小小熊的床上,发现脑袋的位置也不高,脚的位置也不高,正合适。
he was a little black dog, with long silky hair and small black eyes that twinkled merrily on either side of his funny, wee nose. 它是一只小黑狗,有着柔软滑顺的长毛,一对小黑眼睛,在它那逗人的极小的鼻子两边,快乐地眨着。
Susan: Wee got to order more copies of that book. 苏珊:那本书我们必须多进点货。
The programmers, now satisfied, began to come in a noon and work to the wee hours of the morning. 程序员们这下满意了,他们中午上班,一直工作到凌晨。
Playing second base for much of his career, he teamed with shortstop Pee Wee Reese in an outstanding double-play combination. 在职业生涯里,他大多数时候打二垒位置,并与游击手皮维里斯一起,结成出色的双杀组合。
Not quite frequently? He said you hold the party every weekend late into the wee hours. 还不频繁?人家说你每周末都在开晚会,持续到凌晨一两点。
Combined with the fact that you're awake for more hours a day, that hormone cocktail can send you snacking into the wee hours. 如果你一天清醒的时间比较多,荷尔蒙激素就会给你信号在凌晨进食。
said the Little Wee Bear in his little wee voice. 小小熊用他的小小声音说。