what can i do

  • 网络我能做什么;我会做什么;我该怎么办哪

what can i dowhat can i do

what can i do


推荐一类歌_百度知道 ... What can I say 我能说什么 What can I do 我能做什么 Tell me what can I do 告诉我我能做到 ...


婧凌童鞋_新浪博客 ... 2、What will I do?( 我想做什么?) 3、What can I do?( 我会做什么?) 1、Who am I?( 我是谁?) ...


水晶之恋 ... What can I do? 我该怎么办哪? Why are you yelling? 你在嚷什么? ...


铁佛 - 歪酷博客 Ycool Blog ... Louis Armstrong 路易士阿姆斯壮 What can I do 我该怎麽做 — The Corrs 可儿家族合唱团 ...


求Loudness的 So Lonely 歌词!!!_百度知道 ... I'm so lonely 我是这么的寂寞 What can I do 我该怎么做 I'm trapped 我已深 …


夜若水的共享文件 - 城通网盘... ... The Corrs - What Can I Do 我该如何. Kenny G - Songbird 鸣鸟(萨克斯风演奏). ...


[中字] 胜利 - 我该怎麽办(What can i do) MV [YGHK]by YGHONGKONG 94,725 views 9:00 Hit-5 Super 8 O'Clock- Making Hit-…

I knew it! You're still peeved at me. What can I do to make it up to you? 我知道!你还在生我的气。我怎么做你才能原谅我呢?
What can I do if I were to find myself inadvertently out of stock of the medication I am taking and am unable to attend on a weekday ? 假若我非故意地发觉所用的药物用毕,而又不能于平日前来大学保健处取药,应怎么办?。
"That's a very sad part of my life, " he said. "What can I do? Our feelings have been completely destroyed. " “这是我生活中最悲哀的部分,”他说,“我能怎么办?我们的感情已经彻底破裂了。”
What can I do to make it up to you. Promises don't come easy. You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time . 我怎样才能让你明了?诺言来之不易。你知道这一次我已经下定决心让它实现。
But this time I know to let my feelings follow the sense from the bottom of my heart, so tell me what can I do to make it up for you? 但是这次我知道让我的感情衷心地跟随感觉,因此告诉我我能做什么为你向上做它吗?
Just a minute. I'm as busy as a bee right now. Ok, I'm done. What can I do for you? 等一下。我现在很忙。好了,我完成了。有什么我能帮您的吗?
What can I do with you, Ephraim? What can I do with you, Judah? Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears. 主说:以法莲哪,我可向你怎样行呢?犹大啊,我可向你怎样做呢?因为你们的良善如同早晨的云雾,又如速散的甘露。
What can I do to show you how much I want you to be there? 要怎样做才能证明我有多希望你去?
"I reached a point of frustration " he said. "Maybe I can't get FHE out of this but what can I do with it? " “我陷入了尴尬的境地,”他说。“也许我无法使FHE避免这种情况,但是我该如何处理呢?”
In the days that flee as if on the wing, what can I do among the thousands, the millions of this word? 在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我,能做些什麽呢?
Candace: No, not at all. I'm the administrative assistant and I'm fielding calls for the person doing the hiring. What can I do for you? 不,一点儿也没有。我是公司的行政助理,帮人事部接听电话是我的工作。我能为你做点什么呢?
You're right, but what can I do? If I go through with this, I may regret it for the rest of my life. 你说得对,但我能做什么?如果我完成婚礼,我可能余生都会后悔。
I got the sms from flo. N then i began to think. If one day flo disappears suddenly. Not news anymore. Then what can i do? 收到了小心眼儿先生的短信。就一直在想。如果哪天他突然消失。不再和我联系。那我该怎么办啊?
" Cousin, late-night arrival, do not know what can I do for you? " Cheng Yakun is walking slowly. “表哥,深夜来访,不知道有何贵干?”成亚坤徐徐走来。
Mum, I cannot help thinking of that strange dream. What can I do? --Get up and sit watching TV programmes. 妈妈,我总是在想那个奇怪的梦。我怎麽办呢?--起来坐着看电视去。
He said, "What can I do? im a poor man, and I cant get food for my wife and my children. " 他说:“我该怎么办?我是个穷人,没法给我的妻子和孩子弄到吃的。”
I'm in the kitchen starting the coffee when Mom comes in. "What can I do to help? " she asks before she even clears the door. 我正在厨房里准备咖啡,母亲走了进来。“我可以帮上手吗?”她还没进门,就忙发问。
"So, what can I do for you? " Snape asked, settling himself in the armchair opposite the two sisters. “那么,找我有什么事吗?”斯内普问道,坐在与两姐妹对面的扶手椅上。
What can I do, to make it right Falling so hard so fast this time Everything's changed, we never knew How did I fall in love with you? 我该怎么做,使它正确这么久了,还是觉得艰辛我们从不知道,所有的一切都改变了我该怎么爱你?
What can I do . . . I have tried to tough, do not give her food, but she will be rolling on the ground, and then began to eat mud. 我还能做什么呢……我曾经试着严厉,不给她食物,但她就会在地上打滚,然后开始吃泥巴。
"From being all me, me, me, they should be thinking, what can I do for my family, my friends, my colleagues, even my boss, " he said. 他说:“这些人不应该总想着我,我,我,而是我能为家人、朋友、同事甚至老板做些什么。”
If I cannot come into Seattle myself and do not want to mail the Declaration of Candidacy , what can I do? 如果我不能亲自到西雅图,又不想邮寄我的候选人参选声明,我该怎麽办?
If he is willing to go, what can I do with it. Of course, you can't force him to. 要是他愿去,我能有什么办法?当然,你不能强迫他。
My work and experience are in good shape, but I haven't found a partner, so what can I do? " Chen said. " 我的工作和经历都不错,但是我却还没找到自己的另一半,那我能有什么办法呢?。
A: I told you I'm sorry. What can I do to make it up to you? 我都跟你道歉了。我怎样做才能弥补我的过错?
What can I do to make it up to you. Promises don't come easy. 留下的只有我的心。我如何才能让你明了?诺言来之不易。
This has got to stop! Another Friday night without a date! What can I do? 不能再这样下去了!又一个星期五的晚上没有约会!我怎么办?
Eight months passed but I can't get out of from the sorrow, what can I do? 八个多月过去了,但是我还是不能从中自拔,谁能帮助我?
I'm going to get up in the morning and think, what can I do for even one other person, even a dog, my dog, my cat, my pet, my butterfly. 我要早上起来想,我可以做什么,为即使一个其他人,即使一只狗,我的狗,我的猫,我的宠物,我的蝴蝶。
I said, "We have exactly 20 hours before Allan, our customer, gets on that plane. What can I do to help you make this happen? " 我说:“在我们的客户Allen上飞机之前还有20个小时,我做些什么能帮助你完成任务呢?”