we are

  • 网络我们是;终极生化少女;我们年龄一样大

we arewe are

we are


OX3 ... Contact 联系 We Are 我们是 Team 团队 ...


终极生化少女 (We are) Normal 结局by birdsban 97 views 1:23 生化危机 4 激光线by yiutai716 104,694 views 2:29 生化危机4 …


介词的省略_英语语法 ... My home is near 我家靠近地下铁路。 We are 我们年龄一样大。 See you 星期日见。 ...


7BUnit 4... ... 3.我们不再是小学生了We are__________ __________ pupils. We stopped to have a rest. 我们停下来休息 …


《走遍美国》第一册第2课_ ... You two must be close. 你们两个关系一定很好。 we are. 是的。 I like that. 我喜欢这样。 ...


Linkin Park -... ... And all we are 而我们都是 We are 我们都是 This is how we fall apart 所以这就是我们如何沉沦为碎片 ...


浙江海得新能源有限公司 ... 我们的愿景… Our vision… 我们拥有We are… 我们实现了… We do… ...

"We are ready to talk about everything but not to negotiate our political and social system, " he told the national assembly on Saturday. “我们准备好了谈一切的问题,但我们的政治和社会制度上不会妥协。”他在周六的全国代表大会上说道。
"I'm very confident that we are going to see in China more progress than any of us has imagined, " he said. 他表示:“我非常确信,中国取得的进展将超过我们所有人的想象。”
"We are grateful and pleased that no-one was injured and the crew and the ship are safe, " said the Liberty Maritime Corp statement. 自由海上贸易公司的发言人说道:“我们十分感激并且很开心,因为没有任何人受伤,全体船员和船只都很安全。”
Thank you for the invoice and packing list but we are trying to find out what was loaded into the two containers. 感谢您的发票和装箱单,但我们正在努力找出什么加载到该两个货柜。
It feels that the time has flown since last October. I've had a nice break and I believe we are going to Melbourne with a competitive car. 感觉自上个十月以来时间过得像飞一样。我休息的很好,相信我们在墨尔本会有一辆有竞争力的车。
What was happening back in the late 1990s is clearly part of an evolution, and where we are at today may in fact be very different. 显然20世纪90年代发生的只是改革的一部分,事实上我们今天所处的已经大不相同。
We are not used to directly express their views, often extend opportunities to others. This is not so easy to make mistakes. 我们不习惯直接表达自己的看法,经常是先把机会让给别人,这样比较不容易出错。
"Sure we are, " said Mom, and then she did that thing with her eyes that she does when Daddy isn't looking. “当然是了,”老妈说到,然后趁老爸没看见就挤眉弄眼。
in the case of Optimus Prime, however, we are dealing with a robot whose individual modules are as large as the cab of a semi truck. 在擎天柱这个案例中,我们将要面对的是一个和半辆卡车一样大的机器人模型。
Don't we trust that we are alive and able to look at life in a different way then the one of a computer? 难道我们不相信我们充满活力并有能力用一种不同方式去看世界,然后再考虑电脑的方式?
So we are working hard to reduce class sizes, he said. We are happy to see that the percentage of large classes is falling. 所以我们正努力减少班级人数,他说,我们很高兴看到大班的比例正在下降。
'We are receiving emissaries who are telling us that he's ready to go, ' Mr. Juppe said in an interview Tuesday with France Info radio. 朱佩周二接受法国FranceInfo电台采访时说,我们接待的使团告诉我们,卡扎菲准备下台。
We are trying to help people communicate really efficiently, and we are going to allow developers to build some of them inside Facebook. 我们正在努力帮助人们更加有效地沟通,我们允许开发者在Facebook里放置音乐插件。
By the courtesy of the Mr. Black, we are given to understand the name and the address of your firm. 承蒙布莱克先生介绍,我们得知了贵公司的地址和名称。
As a result of these and similar studies, psychologists have suggested that we are born with a definite preference for viewing human faces. 从这些相似的研究中,心理学家总结出的结论是我们先天就有这看人脸的倾向。
We are often so ready to defend or push our own position that we don't stop to think about other perspectives. 我们时常准备着保卫或推动自己的立场,却从不停下来想想其他人的看法。
"We are bound into contracts and that's just a fact of life, " he said. 他说“我们签订合约而且那是无法改变的事实”。
"We think we are going to be in a period for the next couple of years of decent but not tremendous economic growth, " Rieder said. 我们认为,未来几年的经济增长将不错,但不会令人惊艳。
We may assume that the meanings of these underwater sounds correspond closely to these with which we are familiar on land. 我们可以假定水下声音和陆地上我们熟悉的声音含意相似。
You are welcome to this information free of charge, and we are pleased to have been of service to you in the matter. 承问讯,这份情报免费提供。在此事中能为你们服务,我们感到高兴。
So we are letting you know, just incase, the URLs of these fake profiles that were sent to us below. 因此,我们让您知道,为以防万一,下面这些就是假冒的网址。
You and I, we are the Church, no? We have to share with our people. Suffering today is because people are hoarding, not giving, not sharing. 你和我,我们就是教堂,不是吗?我们必须和人们分享。我们必须忍受今天的折磨,因为人们都在储藏,而不是给予和分享。
How much happiness we turn a blind eye to , but we are shut out by the minimal pain. 多少幸福,我们视而不见,但我们关闭了最低限度的痛苦。
Ronny: Good morning. Here we are at the Champion of the sea Contest at Ocean World. Let me introduce you to Mr Lee, a swimming coach. 罗尼:良好的早晨。我们正处于冠军海上竞赛在海洋世界。让我向您介绍李先生,一游泳教练。
Yet for your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. 我们为你的缘故终日被杀,人看我们如将宰的羊。
We are confident that this will be a very productive summit thanks to all the organization and efforts that have been made by you. 我们相信,这将是一届非常富有成效的峰会。感谢总统你所有的组织和努力。
"We are fighting on the front line and if some of the Burmese soldiers want to join us we will warmly welcome them, " said the statement. “我们在前线战斗,如果一些缅甸士兵想加入我们,我们将热烈欢迎他们,”克钦政府声明说。
Our class is like a garden of colorful, we are the garden of a beautiful blossoming flowers. 我们班就像一个绚丽多彩的百花园,我们则是园中一朵朵美丽的鲜花。
To be frank, we are going to set up a moderate scale joint venture with you. 说实话.我们希望与贵公司建立一家中型合资企业。
the elder smiled to me and said : "the fact it that , we are seeing the clock there. " 年长的那个对我笑了笑,说道:“是这样的,我们俩正在看你搁在那边的那个钟。”