leave me

  • 网络离开我;让我留下;留下我

leave meleave me

leave me


※ Mojim.com 魔镜歌词网 ... 6.坦白( Honest) 10.离开我( Leave Me) 11.走路阿龙( Walking Alone) ...


同问有没有类似于 让我留下Leave me)~~ 这种广告短片??要感人的!


有哪些值得看的微电影?理由是什么? - 知乎 ... 食物 Jídlo 留下我 Leave Me 无尽 Accro ...


Leave Me 挂在盒子上 Leave Memp3... ... so i can't understand me 所以我不能明白我自己 leave me 离开我吧 leave me (离开 …


Please don't leave me, I'll... ... forever, 永远; leave me 是离开我的意思。 follow you 追随你,和你在一起的意思 …


QAF经典插曲歌词翻译及分... ... Never leave 似乎永远也不会离去 Leave me 永远也不会离开我 Summertime ladybird 夏日里的 …

And if God gifted me with wealth and beauty, I should make it as hard for you to leave me. It is now for me to leave you. 要是上帝也赋予我财富跟美貌,我也会让你一样难以离开,就像我现在要跟你分手道别一样。
I've discovered that slower, more gentle love-making can leave me a little more satisfied as it takes a bit longer to climax. 我发现缓慢一些、多点温柔的做爱方式可以更让我满足,因为到达高潮的时间更长一点。
to leave me with a sense of wonder , of pure joy , of a return to innocence and a simpler time . 我始终保有好奇心,享受纯粹的快乐,让自己回归天真,过单纯的日子。
If God had given me beauty and wealth, i should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you. 如果上帝给了我美貌和财富,我将会让你难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你一样。
You would probably be the only, willing to leave me msg even I have not written the next article in life. 或许你是那唯一愿意留给我吉光片羽的人,即便我生命中的另一篇章依然是空白的。
Would she have sent me to the gas chamber if she hadn`t been able to leave me, but wanted to get rid of me? 如果她没法离开我却又想把我一脚踢开的话,也会把我送到毒气室里去吗?
Rather than him courting politicians, he said, he wished that politicians "would leave me alone" . 他说,他没有取悦政客,倒是宁愿他们“别来烦我”。
My parents started to discuss what to do with me. Finally they sadly made a decision to leave me and try to have a healthy baby. 他们开始商量怎么办,商量来商量去决定还是放弃我,再生一个健康的孩子。
My have to be too heavy, really unable to leave, you is quick to another place escape, leave me alone. 我摔得太重,实在走不了啊,你们快往别处逃跑吧,别管我。
He'd close the door, leave me to wonder why it was always grown-ups? time with him. I'd sit by the door, knees drawn to my chest. 他会关上门,留下我独自纳闷:何以他总是只有大人的时间?我坐在门口,膝盖抵着胸膛。
But the truth was that you had been longing to leave me, not daring to tell me. 可事实上你早想离开我,只是不敢告诉我罢了。
However, if a thing were to "leave" me, I would feel upset. Because I feel that if I cherish it, it would not leave me. 因为我觉得那是一件如果我珍惜它,它就不会离开我的事物。
I should make it as hard for you to leave me now, as it is for me to leave you. 你绝对对我死心塌地,就好像我现在对你难以忘怀一样。
He stood before me and held both my hands, I said, "Leave me! " ; but he did not go. 他站在我面前,拉起我的手。我说:“走开!”但他却没有走。
How much tear to shed before you find a reason to leave me? 你用多少眼泪才找到离开我的理由?
If god had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I'll let you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you. 如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我会让你难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你一样。
You have leave me alone with a smile , before I could write down something about you to describe how much I love you. 还来不及仔仔细细写下你的关于,描述我如何爱你,你却微笑着离我而去。
I miss you, if god gifted me with wealth and beauty I'll let it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you. 我想你起誓,如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我会让你难于离开我,就像我现在难于离开你一样。
Just leave me alone. I'm not popping pills or anything like that. I'm just trying to shed a few pounds the natural way. 让我一个人静一会。我又不是服用药物或者什么的。我只是想以自然的方式地减几磅。
It's the best for you to leave me, please forgive, but remember to . . . 离开我是你最好的选择,请原谅,但请记得,要忘记我!
I asked him why he would want to leave me and the only thing he could say was that we have nothing in common except our daughter. 我问他为什么想要离开我,他给的唯一的答案是我们除了女儿再没有共同的语言了。
Leave me too far, do not and I too close, this distance is good. Feeling in my line of sight stationed, in my heart of a corner quietly. 别离我太远,也别和我太近,这个距离便好。淡淡的感觉在我视线之内驻扎,在我心的一角静泊。
You know what, I would very much to have a really cool short haircut but I am so afraid if you are going to leave me for that. 知道吗,我其实特别喜欢一个短的发型,酷酷的那种,可是,我怕,我怕你会离开我。
But finally found a place to stay, my God is not thin, want leave me a place. 但终于还是找到了一个容身之地,想来老天待我还是不薄的,还惦记着给我留一方净土。
I promise you if God gifted me wealth and beauty I should make it as hard to you to leave me now as it is to me to leave you. 我也会的!如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我一定要使你难以离开我,就像我难于离开你。
It was the only way I could get him to leave me alone. “唯一让他别打搅我的办法就是答应他的要求”。
He stood before me and held both my dukes. I said, "Leave me! " ; but he did not go. 他站在我眼前拉住我的双手。我说:“躲开我!”但是他没有走。
When I came closer, I realized it was my fiance's father trying to leave me a little present by the car for being nice to them. 走近了我才发现是我未婚夫的爸爸想悄悄留下一个小礼物感谢我们对他们的照顾。
I thought they were going to leave me here on my own. 我还以为他们把我一个人留在这儿了。
This summer, you will leave me. I feel bad, I regret it. Since there are still opportunities? Also so lucky to see you? I do not know. 这个夏天,你将离我而去,我感觉很沮丧,我非常后悔。是不是还有机会?还能有幸遇见你?我不知道。